Tips for first-timers getting into Breath of Fire II via Nintendo Switch Online - SNES!
Giant Twitter thread inbound 'cause I LOVE this freaking RPG!
#BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch

*Cottage: Opens a kitchen where you craft perma stat-boosting items & lucrative Gold Bars
*Mughal: Opens a bar with tenants who tell you random facts
*Treehouse: Exchanges "Tolens" for rare equipment
tl;dr pick Cottage #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch

1 Hekkeler; HomeTown
2 MacClean; W. Cape Beach
3 Baretta; Windia (Best late-game equips)
4 Barose; Wise Tree's Memory (teaches a spell)
5 Hanz; HomeTown after getting Spar (sells stat-boost items)
6 Daiye; Windia (sells fish) #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch

Button solution:
-A-B-- A-B-A-- B---B--AB----A A #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch