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Rebooting my BoFII Tips thread cause of Twitter brokenness!

Tips for first-timers getting into Breath of Fire II via Nintendo Switch Online - SNES!

Giant Twitter thread inbound 'cause I LOVE this freaking RPG!

Permalink: patrickkulikowski.com/blog/2019/12/1…

#BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
1) Press ‘Start’ on the naming screen to quickly and automatically name him Ryu. Do it, do it. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
2) If you refrain from searching the dressers in the very beginning of the game during the child Ryu prologue, you’ll be rewarded with some extra zenny when you search the drawers in your Home Town apartment as adult Ryu! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
3) As with any classic JRPG, talk to all the NPCs you find and search the shelves/dressers in houses! Not only can NPCs steer you in the right direction, but they can offer backstory and utter some truly wacky things! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
4) Hunting = best zennymaking! After battle a bush may appear on the map. Put Bow in lead (R/L) & enter. You’ll be in a random area. Press Y to fire your crossbow. Use rewind if you mess up. Hunting nets you Roast, which sells for LOTS at the shop! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
5) On that note, make sure to try out every character’s special ability! Easy way to do this is to put them in front with the L/R buttons and then press Y when they’re on the world map (or in some cases, the Hunting Grounds) and see what they can do! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
6) While I consider this to be a “cheat”, there IS an exploit you can take advantage of for making lots ‘n lots of zenny in HomeTown. I only suggest this for those who’ve already played the game to death. See here: #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
7) It’s a good idea to get the best items/equipment in HomeTown (sell those Roasts) & grind to at least level 5 or 6 before going too deep into Mt. Fubi. The water fountain in the cave entrance at Mt. Fubi makes grinding a cinch at this early stage. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
8) Love it or hate it, BoF2 has a lotsa random encounters. At least the battle themes rock! The item/spell Smoke can temporarily decrease random encounter rate. The dancing goblin in your menu is a visual gauge for random encounter frequency. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
9) In Mt. Fubi after the Harpy fight, make sure you get the FireRock in the chest before dropping down the hole. FireRock casts the “Fireball” spell which you don’t get until late-game, and you’ll want to save it for a tougher boss fight later. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
10) In the Colosseum, after getting the 1000 zenny in the dressing room treasure chest before your fight, DON'T EXAMINE THE DOOR. Rather, leave the Colosseum & deposit all your money in the bank before going back to open the door. You’ll see why. ;) #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
11) After defeating your Colosseum opponent, ACT FAST and press “up” on the D-pad immediately to push them out of the way. This will ensure you have 3 characters instead of 2 for an upcoming tough boss fight. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
12) When you get Sten. KEEP. HIS LEVELS. UP. You’ll eventually reach a story segment where you play as him solo and you’ll want his levels to be on par with the rest of your team at that point! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
13) You may have noticed you can change Battle Formations in the menu & during battle. The BoF Wiki has a good breakdown for how these formations work. Order: Auto can auto-arrange your party to suit each formation. bof.fandom.com/wiki/Formation… #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
14) When entering Capitan, don’t go into the well until you’re ready to be immediately pulled into some REALLY tough battles ahead! It’ll be good to have healing items and all the best equipment from Wyndia before you go down there. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
15) After beating the tough Terrapin boss in the well, Ray will ask you to rescue the villagers. Don’t tell him “Yes” until they’re rescued! Talk to every NPC in the well & specifically target the facehuggers and NOT the NPCs to avoid hurting them. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
16) When picking a carpenter:
*Cottage: Opens a kitchen where you craft perma stat-boosting items & lucrative Gold Bars
*Mughal: Opens a bar with tenants who tell you random facts
*Treehouse: Exchanges "Tolens" for rare equipment

tl;dr pick Cottage #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
17) Before Witch’s Tower/Sima Fort, go to the cave near the waterfall. Follow all directions EXCEPT ditching your weapons. At the end, forgive the chef & you’ll get an attack skill that negates defense, which is helpful against pesky high-DEF enemies #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
18) After completing the Witch’s Tower, remember to go left from the first floor “lobby” and find the second Shaman, Seso! Fusing Sana or Seso to a character back in TownShip can increase their Strength (Sana) or Wisdom (Seso) by 25%, respectively. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
18) After completing the Witch’s Tower, remember to go left from the first floor “lobby” and find the second Shaman, Seso! Fusing Sana or Seso to a character back in TownShip can increase their Strength (Sana) or Wisdom (Seso) by 25%, respectively. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
19) After getting Jean, DON’T go to Sima Fort in the center lake just yet! With Jean in lead, press Y on the world map & he’ll turn into a jumbo frog that can swim in lakes & hop over cliffs. Enter the top of the waterfall & put Ryu in front. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
20) Once your custom town “TownShip” is built, you can chat with your party members at the main HQ, who will all have something fun to say after every plot beat! Also, Dragon Statues will now let you swap out party members. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
21) Shamans! Use them! Besides Sana/Seso, there are 4 other Shamans you can find. 1 (Solo) is missable. By fusing them with a character, you can increase their stats & alter their appearance/skill! This guide will help: bof.fandom.com/wiki/Shaman_sy… #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
22) Now that you’ve got your own town, you can recruit 6 NPCs to live there. Recruiting NPCs = permanent. Some are useless while others are great! Be picky about who you choose, 'cause some can only be tied to a specific house almarsguides.com/retro/walkthro… #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
23) TownShip NPC reccs:
1 Hekkeler; HomeTown
2 MacClean; W. Cape Beach
3 Baretta; Windia (Best late-game equips)
4 Barose; Wise Tree's Memory (teaches a spell)
5 Hanz; HomeTown after getting Spar (sells stat-boost items)
6 Daiye; Windia (sells fish) #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
24) After you fill the first 3 houses in TownShip with NPCs, speak to your carpenter and he can offer to expand your town (for a price). Once he starts, you can actually enter and exit your town over and over and over until the expansion is complete! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
25) Jean learns the “Warp” spell for teleporting to towns at Level 14. Before then, it’s a good idea to have him lead as a jumbo frog to reduce random encounters and skip over cliffs and gaps, like between the woods and Capitan. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
26) Once you get to Sima Fort, you’ll be there for a long while & Jean won’t be available, however you eventually can take a boat out of the castle. When you get Jean back, put him in lead & press Y at the docks to leave Sima Fort instantly. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
27) There’s lots to explore in Sima Fort. After you finish this long scenario, remember to go to the cockroach pit area to get treasure & a “person of interest”, then get ready for a nice surprise when you leave to head back to TownShip/Home Town ;) #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
28) When you get to W. Cape (finally, eh?), you’ll reach a wooden gate blocking a ladder. I was stuck on this part for an embarrassingly long time the 1st time I played Breath of Fire II! 😅 So put the "Master of Breaking Things" in lead & press Y 😉 #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
29) Once you get the whale, head to the desert southeast of TownShip (Select/Minus = World Map) & look for a sandy whirlpool. After exploring this abode, talk to the students on the 2nd floor of M. School in HomeTown for a special surprise! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
30) Ring the whale bell at a beach, sail north of Wyndia & you’ll come across an island with a house. Congrats, you’ve found one of the best grinding spots in the game, & fans of the first BoF will appreciate who/what you’ll find in the house. 😉 #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
31) After the predicament in the carnival near Tunlan, you need to catch an Uparupa in the cave under the bridge near Coursair (go by whale). But 1st, go to Owl Woods west of Wyndia to get Owlfruits (Uparupa bait). Be prepared for a tough boss! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
32) Only 2 of 8 Uparupas can be caught, as shown in the screenshots. If you let the Uparupa go, you’ll win a prize. If you re-enter this area after getting it, you’ll get a 2nd prize! Go back to the carnival & talk to the ringleader for new dialogue. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
33) If TownShip is upgraded to 6 houses, go into the well on the east side. Then, go to the main house in Guntz (west of HomeTown) & check behind the bookcases for a staircase. Chat with the hidden person here. They'll serve a purpose much later on. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
34) Off to Highfort? LEVEL UP STEN TO 20+! Equip him well. Stock up on healing items; you’ll be in Highfort sans a way out for the whole scenario. If you want, Sten's best weapon DemonDR is a rare drop from the Sheef enemy in Thieves’ Tomb (Desert). #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
35) To help the Queen of Tunlan, you'll need to find an old man in Mt. Maori, NW of HomeTown. Bring Katt or Nina; you'll need one of them to talk to the guy to progress. If you feel like exploring the whole area right now, bring Sten to cross gaps. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
36) After going back to Tunlan, you'll revisit Mt. Maori to find the apprentice & get a mushroom. Take a screenshot of this mushroom (quickly) & bring Sten to cross gaps. If you mess up & pick the wrong mushroom, use rewind to avoid backtracking. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
37) Once it’s time for the Queen of Tunlan's “liposuction”, you need to clear all enemies in each room. Use the monster meter to determine if an area is clear of enemies. If it's sleeping, move onto the next room and get into more random encounters. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
38) Your only chance to get Barose is inside the Wise Tree. He teaches a spell so long as a char's HP=1 & AP=0. The spell you get depends on his mood. Have him teach Missile to someone other than Nina/Bleu/Sten. Revisit town if he doesn't offer it. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
39) In SkyTower, you’ll go underwater with a time limit. There are areas where you can resurface to reset the timer, & talking to NPCs/opening the menu will pause it. There's lotsa loot & a great Manillo merchant, so do your fair share of exploring. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
40) With the 3rd Shaman “Spoo” gained, it’s time for some facelifts! If you fuse Sten with Sana+Spoo, you’ll unlock his ultimate form! Fusing Spoo or Sana+Spoo with Nina will also enhance her, and Spar with Seso is a great, surprising combo, too. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
41) It's possible to miss out on one of the shamans, Solo. In FarmTown, when Daisy tells you to go to Namanda, go to the donation box & donate 20 times (so donate 2,000 Zenny). After the Evrai scenario, you’ll find Solo in Daisy's yard in FarmTown. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
42) After your work is done in Namanda, you'll need to return to FarmTown. Rand will be getting into a solo fight, so make sure he's leveled up and well-equipped. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
43) If you fish in BoF2, you may have noticed a manillo (“Maniro”) appearing in some fishing spots. Equip “Gold” as bait & you can catch it, & it’ll appear temporarily on the map and sell you rarities! Seek out these spots for unique items/equips! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
44) When it's time to revisit Windia to seek the power of flight, keep in mind Nina will be fighting solo in a specific part of the dungeon, so get her levels up and get her shamanized with Seso+Spoo. #BreathofFire #BreathofFire2 #NintendoSwitch
45) After the heaviness of that chapter, you can now fly! Now you have access not only to the big n' tall island of Evrai, but a bunch of new areas! Seek out this fantastic armory, in particular. #BreathofFire #BreathofFire2 #NintendoSwitch
46) In Evrai, talk to all the NPCs & explore the city. When things get...weird, speak to the lady in one of the houses. When you wind up in an inn after the dungeon, CHECK THE DRESSER UPSTAIRS. You'll get Charm Rod, the best fishing rod in the game. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
47) With the CharmRod, Urchin bait, & air travel, you can now get Ryu's best sword, the EmpireSD. Find it in a fishing spot SE of TownShip. You'll have to land on a very specific piece of land. Do this now; it'll be impossible to land here @ endgame. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
48) While you’re at it, why not put that CharmRod to further use and fish up all the treasure chests located in specific fishing spots around the world? The one west of Gate in particular has the best armor in the game, LifeAR. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
49) Your next destination, Cot Land, is to the south of FarmTown. You’ll need Katt in lead in order to get past the entrance. #BreathofFire #BreathofFire2 #NintendoSwitch
50) Thieves Tomb out in the desert has a lot of traps and tricks up its sleeve, so bring plenty of status healing items and heed the old man's words when you get to the face tile maze. The KramerBR accessory you find here negates zombie status #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
51) In Bando you'll come across a mechanism that extends the corridor. If you stand on the right arrow for 3+ minutes, the corridor will extend further & give you access to the holy shaman! Otherwise, come back here for her after beating the boss. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
52) With Seny, you can fuse Jean with Seny+Seso or Seny+Spoo / Nina with Seny+Spoo to unlock their best forms. Jean’s “Chop” ability can cause 999 damage to all enemies on screen, and Nina’s “Banish” ability ends battles by forcing enemies to flee. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
53) It's optional, but before going to Evrai, donate 2,000 zenny to St. Eva's church. You’ll get a book that gives you a hint that can lead to a skipped battle in Evrai. When given the option to swap your party, put Rand in; he’s needed at Evrai. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
54) What you do during the boss fight at the end of the Evrai segment will determine the ending of the game. Keep an extra save state handy for this crucial part of the game to go back to for the other ending. #BreathofFire #BreathofFire2 #NintendoSwitch
55) If you leave Evrai with an extra person in your group, go into the well in TownShip after recruiting Eichichi in Guntz to witness something truly special. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
56) If you donated 2,000 or more zenny to the Namanda shrine earlier, head back to FarmTown for the Solo shaman. Fuse her with Rand for a new form! #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
57) Go back to Namanda & try the chime minigame. You can unlock the Boombada spell, which halves the HP of all foes! Memorize the tune the monk shows you & replicate 2 of the instruments using A/B. 

Button solution: 
-A-B-- A-B-A-- B---B--AB----A A #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
58) Progressing further in Gate will lock you out of air travel for the rest of the game. Unlocking other air travel is possible depending on what happened at Evrai, but you can't land in tighter spots. Fish for all the chests now if you haven’t yet. #BreathofFire #NintendoSwitch
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