And I in frustration, feeling all solemn,
Wished I could capture my woe in a column,
When out on the web there arose such a clatter,
I signed in to Twitter to see what was the matter.
Weaving fresh falsehoods, to no one’s surprise.
He savaged the Bidens, he smeared Adam Schiff,
And cycled through villains in a furious jiff,
Not to mention distractions, like the teeth of the Speaker.
So now he’s a dentist, in his all-knowing ways?
I prayed for deliverance one of these days.
When what to my cynical eyes did appear
But a raft of excuses pulled by mangy reindeer,
I knew in a moment he must be Mulvaney.
More shameless than con men, the sycophants came,
And Trump gloated, so bloated, and called them by name:
“Now, Rudy! Now, Jared! Now, Lindsey and Mitch!
It is how you will save me. It is how I prevail.
Or else I will join poor Paul in the jail.
That’s the toll of a presidency ended too soon,
So you must sing along to my favorite tune:
‘It’s a witch hunt! A hoax!’ Those are lyrics for me.
He was dressed in a necktie, from his jowls to his soles.
He had tanned beyond tanning. Imagine the moles.
His hair, how it swirled! His legs, how they splayed!
On such fishy foundations was his confidence laid.
That was what he was after: the show of all shows.
Its plot strained belief. Its appeal tested reason.
Still it was soaring toward a second season.
The economy roared. The Democrats whimpered.
In the bag that Trump carried, he had goodies galore:
Lower taxes, the Dow, right-wing judges and more.
They weren’t for the many, they favored the few,
But that was obscured by the smoke that he blew.
As he hid his true airs with bad diet and diction.
He could do as he wanted and never know fear,
For an elf — and a savior! — named Barr hovered near.
And then there was Tucker and of course Hannity
What great luck to discover a country so riven
You could smash it and rule it if suitably driven.
You could summon the Russians, you could bully Ukraine,
Just as long as you made “It’s fake news!” your refrain.
Our values, our futures hijacked by his gall.
A last bid to preserve them was cause to impeach
But his party’s corruption put him beyond reach.
So then why all his thrashing? His howls of dejection?
It brought more donations. It rallied the base.
You could see, if you looked, a clear smirk on his face.
If you listened, you heard it: a lilt in his voice.
In drama like this, he would always rejoice.
“Merry TrumpMas to all! I’m the king of this hell.”
~~Frank Bruni at the New York Times