, 248 tweets, 88 min read
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Thread with reactions to this below.
I have put "evangelical" in parenthesis because people increasingly do not use the term because it is so associated with politics. They would have used the term in the past to express their high regard for the Bible and conviction that Jesus is "good news" (Greek: euangelion).
English professor at "evangelical" university Oklahoma Baptist and writer:
Writer in evangelical and post-evangelical spheres:
Professor of New Testament at an "evangelical" university Gordon College:
Senior Editor at "evangelical" Relevant Magazine
"Evangelical" Democratic political consultant and writer:
Political science professor at "evangelical" John Brown University:
Association Press religion reporter
Writer and editor for "evangelical" and Christian audiences
Writer for "evangelical" and Christian audiences and activist for the poor
Investigative reporter specializing in foreign policy
New York Times reporter covering Trump
Professor of theology, worship, and art at "evangelical" Fuller Seminary
Professor of Christian ministry at Dubuque Seminary
Professor of history at "evangelical" Messiah College
Professor of English at "evangelical" Seattle Pacific University
Me: Ministry leadership professor at "evangelical" Bethel Seminary
History professor at "evangelical" Bethel University
New Testament professor at "evangelical" Wheaton College
Another Christianity Today editor and co-host of podcast with editor in chief Mark Galli:
Writer for "evangelical" and Christian audiences:
Reporter who has been writing on Fox News evangelicals populist political support for Trump:
Writer for "evangelical" and Christian audiences and advocate for the poor:
Religion professor at Belmont and writer for "evangelical" and Christian audiences:
New York Times columnist on global issues:
Writer for "evangelical" and Christian audiences:
5:30 pm Central time. (Gotta go and coach two basketball practices so that's it for now!)
Washington Post religion reporter and former reporter at Christianity Today:
Professor of Sociology of Religion Emeritus at Boston University and researcher on congregations:
Franklin Graham comments:

For more on Franklin Graham, see my blog category:
Or on Twitter: twitter.com/search?q=from%…
Southern Baptist Convention pastor and advocate for refugees:
Ph.D. candidate in New Testament theology at University of Aberdeen and lives in Dallas.
The voice of our time calling for justice for the poor:
Another from Christian writer and advocate for peace:
Non-fiction author about The Family which was turned into a Netflix documentary, and professor of English at Dartmouth:
Also quoted by Elizabeth Dias in the NYT article, Lisa Sharon Harper writes for "evangelicals" and other Christians.
Kathy Khang, writer for "evangelicals" and other Christians has highlighted this tweet by Christian writer Daniel José Camacho.
Senior news editor for Christianity Today quotes the CT publisher:
Sociology professor at "evangeical" Spring Arbor University
Writer for "evangelicals" and other Christians:
New Testament professor at somewhat "evangelical" North Park University:
Former president of The King's College in NYC and philosophy professor:
InterVarsity Press ("evangelical") editor:
Works in spiritual formation at "evangelical" Biola University:
Baptist theology professor at Duke Divinity School:
Editor and Christian writer with "evangelical" background:
Former Bush and Reagan staffer, a Christian, and a political columnist for the NYT and Atlantic:
Sociology of religion professor at Clemson and IUPUI:
Billy Graham's grandson, the leader fighting sexual abuse in evangelical churches, who is leaving Liberty University law school in May:
English professor at "evangelical" The King's College and film critic for Vox:

On Tony Perkins, see: twitter.com/search?q=from%…
The most read and respected living preacher:
Professor of sociology and political science at Southern Illinois University:
Washington Post political columnist and former Republican:
Atlantic religion reporter Emma Green has an extensive interview with Mark Galli:
Theology and ethics professor at Mercer University:
Former Christianity Today editor and author for "evangelicals" and other Christians:
Warren Throckmorton is a psychology professor at Grove City College who has fought immorality in evangelicalism:

Johnnie Moore is Paula White's publicist. For more on this self-described Dietrich Bonhoeffer, see: twitter.com/search?q=from%…
Fox News 10 pm host Laura Ingraham (right after Sean Hannity):
Features editor for Christianity Today:
History PhD candidate at Temple University:
Anglican priest in Pittsburgh and writer for "evangelicals" and other Christians:
CNN reporter covering President Trump:
Professor of History at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI.
Theology professor at "evangelical" Multnomahu University:
The latest poll of white evangelicals was released on Sunday:
Immensely popular and beloved "evangelical" Bible teacher and Twitter master:
So, why did I just tweet a 60-70 responses to the Christianity Today thread?
1. I think Trump's behavior hurts people and will continue to do so.
2. I'm dismayed by how the association with Trump hurts the reputation of evangelicals, and Christians, and Christianity, and Jesus.
3. Evangelicals are not organized. Therefore, an organization like Christianity Today, that has earned wide respect for its integrity and rigor since 1956, is one of the few ways to nudge popular evangelical opinion.
4. I have been praying and urging Christianity Today to speak out more for the last few years not least because of the plummeting views of evangelicals because of their public association with Trump.
5. I have also watched and then chronicled who were the "evangelical leaders" were who visited the White House and praised Trump. See: andyrowell.net/andy_rowell/20…
I watched what reasons they gave for their support and looked into whether they were wise and prudent in other contexts.
6. Most of the people I have highlighted in this thread are people I follow on Twitter. And they are far more thoughtful, Christian, and wise than the twenty core Trump evangelicals who have been to the White House numerous times.
7. And those I cite in this thread are just a tiny slice of the great group of Christians who I follow (along with a bunch of journalists and academics who are also seeking truth). And most wise Christians are not on Twitter at all of course!
8. So, yes, I am thankful Mark Galli did this. And I also wish there had been daily countering of bad behavior by evangelicals by Christianity Today (like journalists try to hold government officials accountable) since way before Trump took office.
9. I do not expect this one editorial to make a huge difference to those who get all their information from Sean Hannity on Fox News. But as I have said numerous times on Twitter, it is our responsibility as professors, pastors, and journalists to try to seek and teach truth.

Donald Trump responds and calls CT, "ET".
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Theology professor at "evangelical" Northern Seminary:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Incoming editor in chief at Christianity Today, Daniel Harrell:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ CBS News master anchor and 60 Minutes reporter, and Roman Catholic:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Conservative journalist who has been concerned about Trump from the beginning:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Theology professor at Loyola with evangelical background says you may get called the "far left" when you advocate for the poor and oppose Trump:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Former editor at Christianity Today and evangelical writer says many evangelical leaders oppose Trump in silence:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Michael Gerson, a conservative columnist for the Washington Post who went to Wheaton College, who wrote a similar article yesterday:

says he resubscribed to CT:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Very popular writer for "evangelicals" and other Christians:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Political science professor at Eastern Illinois University and master of statistics and charts about evangelicals and Christians studied the viral editorial:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ NPR reporter with interview with Mark Galli:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Good comments here from Tony Jones and religion reporter Amy Sullivan on religious right activist Ralph Reed's comments:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Christian ethics professor at Fuller Seminary says to subscribe to CT after this:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Christian, conservative political columnists Peter Wehner and Michael Gerson reflect on Trump's criticism of Christianity Today:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ My favorite writer on the military and the author of the outstanding book The Generals also tweeted the story:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Austin Channing Brown, leading Christian writer, with much experience in evangelical circles:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Professor of Higher Education at Taylor University:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Democratic "evangelical" political strategist and writer, Michael Wear, says the editorial is important and urges the Democratic politicians to listen to thoughtful "evangelicals."
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ London pastor Andrew Wilson points out that news of the editorial made the home page of the British newspaper The Guardian.
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ former General Secretary of the Reformed Church, and Director of Church and Society for the World Council of Churches in Geneva:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Two grandchildren of Billy Graham:
Boz Tchividjian:

and Jerushah Duford:

are supportive of the Christianity Today editorial.
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Christianity Today editorial director Ted Olsen:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Historians here in this thread discussing the origins of Christianity Today:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ VeggieTales creator and keen observer of evangelicalism on his podcast with Skye Jethani, Phil Vischer, responds to Trump evangelical Eric Metaxas (who once did a little VeggieTales stuff):
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Wheaton College grad and winsome American evangelical cultural observer, Ruth Graham, (no relation to the Billy Graham family), columnist for Slate:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Political Science professor at the University of Cincinnati, Andrew Lewis, points out in this thread that Christianity Today is a solid, professional operation that does good journalism.
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Yes, this is a pretty good way of pointing out Christianity Today is not theologically liberal:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Democratic Member of the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, former presidential candidate, and frequent guest on The Rachel Maddow Show, Eric Swalwell:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Dallas Theological Seminary student and IVP author:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Conservative Christian political commentator, David French:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Theologian Dr. David Congdon, who has seen evangelicalism up close for a long time,

and historian Dr. Chrissy Stroop, who has studied abuse by Christians,

wish this editorial was not so unusual.
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Theology professor at Indiana University, formerly of Duke Divinity, and graduate of Dallas Seminary, J. Kameron Carter, notes the failure within white evangelicalism to take seriously its racist history.
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Jesse Curtis, who studies white evangelicals and race, appreciates the editorial, but wishes for more:
A good sign was the first piece in July by the new publisher of CT, Timothy Dalrymple:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Jeff Sharlet, researcher on The Family, and professor at Dartmouth, says the wide social media and media exposure of the editorial may push it from a blip in an educated corner to more influential on popular evangelicalism:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Excellent point by Sojourners editor Sandi Villarreal that it would be progress if people specified whether certain evangelicals were Trump-supporters or not, rather than assuming all evangelicals are.
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Andre Henry, an activist and writer against racism in evangelicalism, responds positively to the CT editorial.

Lisa Sharon Harper rightly asks evangelicals to explore how people with "good evangelical beliefs" were slave-holders.
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Another thread that echoes some others just above in this thread about evangelicals needing to come to terms with their history of cooperation with racism.
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Comments from Joshua DuBois who was a faith adviser to President Obama:
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Thread on Franklin Graham doing things in his father's name, contrary to his siblings' wishes (fundraising, creating a tourist attraction, and endorsing politicians). He would have been 98 when he voted for Trump. He was very frail at 88 and 92.
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ Reaction from other magazines:

Jim Wallis at Sojourners - supportive

Thomas Kidd at The Gospel Coalition - supportive but wary

Carl Trueman at First Things- frames it is as Democrats vs. Republicans (?)
@ahc @TimDalrymple_ World Magazine: Marvin Olasky recommending Joel Belz:
"Evangelicals might well decide through this process that Trump is again the lesser of two evils... But that doesn’t mean they should try so frantically to make him the hero he clearly isn’t."
Fuller Seminary New Testament professor:
Reaction from White House officials, Doug Birdsall, and James Dobson in this overview.
Note too The Christian Century's editorial calling for Trump's removal earlier this week.
Commonweal, a liberal Roman Catholic magazine, also released an editorial today supporting impeachment.
Peter Leithart says House impeachment is a problem because it is not bipartisan. But also bipartisan legal Senate removal should not happen because of Romans 13 says not to rebel against governing authorities; and because there might be civil unrest. 🤦‍♂️
Old Testament scholar Peter Enns quoting Baylor English professor Alan Jacobs:
It is Saturday morning, Dec 21, 2019. This thread now has about 150 reactions to the Christianity Today editorial by Mark Galli calling for President Trump's removal that came out Thurs afternoon, Dec 19. Here is the first tweet (at the top of the thread):
Former publisher of "evangelical" InterVarsity Press:
Writer for "evangelicals" and other Christians:
Billy Graham's grandsons on Franklin Graham's boast that 98 year-old Billy Graham voted for Trump.
Excellent context and reflection from my fellow Bethel professor, historian Chris Gehrz:
1/6 on Trump evangelicals:
Having read the defenses below of Trump by the twenty Trump evangelicals who visit the White House regularly (andyrowell.net/andy_rowell/20…), I conclude everything they say in his favor could be said about any Republican president.
2/6 on Trump evangelicals:
They excuse Trump's words and behavior as "imperfect like all of us" which is a lie, because they are far beyond.

Any criticism that has to do with impeachment is dismissed as Democrat partisanship. Justin Amash? Jeff Flake?
3/6 After factual errors about Trump's helping the economy, trade deals, human trafficking, criminal justice reform, immigration, military, and defeating ISIS, these Trump evangelicals always admit that the transaction for their praise is that: "he appoints conservative judges."
4/6 But the number of abortions is not cut by reducing access to abortion but rather increasing access to contraception. Conservative judges may protect "religious liberty" but these people mean "evangelical rights."
Still, why Trump? Any Republican would appoint conserv judges.
Saturday evening now and the editorial came out Thursday afternoon. Above are probably 140 tweets recording responses to the Christianity Today editorial. Someone could read through it and get a nice picture of the various responses.
It is now Sunday morning and the Christianity Today editorial by Mark Galli was released Thursday afternoon. Reaction has started to die down. In the thread above, there are about 140 tweets with notable reactions to the editorial starting on Thursday afternoon.
Mark Galli was on CBS's Face the Nation this morning (Sunday).
Newspaper editorial boards for impeaching Trump before December 18, 2019.

Boston Globe
Chicago Sun-Times
Denver Post
Detroit Free Press
Honolulu Star
LA Times
NY Daily News
NY Times
Orlando Sentinel
Philadelphia Inquirer
Portland Press Herald
Salt Lake Tribune

San Francisco Chronicle
Tampa Bay Times
USA Today
Washington Post

It is Tuesday afternoon, Dec 24 and the Christianity Today article was released Thursday afternoon. I have a PDF of the thread of the 150 tweets of notable reactions above in this thread at my blog:
Senior evangelical statesmen Richard Mouw, Richard Foster, Ron Sider, George Marsden, Chris Hall, and younger leaders @ amyjuliabecker , @ danielhill1336 , @ MarlenaGraves say evangelicals must "consider the character and actions of this president."
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