But this trick does not come to the rescue of pathological liars who are exposed in the eyes of public.
A day spent in the company of anti-India left lobby in London.
A #thread to expose their agenda!

🇮🇳Indian Govt
🇮🇳Indian Army
In this #thread, I'll expose them & their lies against worlds largest democracy.

👹Modi directly managed genocide of Muslims in Gujrat
👹Rise of fascism, rise of Hindutva, rise of Caste supremacy
👹Trump, Netanyahu, Modi all are leaders of fascist regime

Her lies starts with saying,
👹People including women & children are locked inside their homes in Kashmir since abrogation of 370
👹Intensified militarisation of the state by Indian govt
👹Govt believes Muslims have Pakistan in their heart & they need to be taught a lesson
👹In contrast, Modi govt openly boast about it as if they have successfully settled score with Muslim population.
His lies,
👹This whole exercise of NRC is flawed. It requires people to submit documents (probably he entered UK without submitting any doc).
👹Govt is targeting Muslims
👹Lynching has been used by BJP to polarise society & consolidate Hindu base
👹NRC is used by BJP to further break apart society down upto sub-district & talukas levels for political dividends
👹Press is compromised in India
So this bad agent of ‘Together4Good’ blames Hindus as lynching supporter & wants Modi govt to allow illegal immigrants without doing any paper check. These bigots are the problem which brainwash Muslims.
His lies,
👹India is rapidly slipping in to neo-fascism
👹Dreadful changes have taken place in the society since Modi govt came to power
👹Quoting baba sahib he says, SC/ST have no access to education, power & property
👹Hindus are aggressively trying to teach Muslims lesson for their involvement in love jihad cases
👹New fascist India wants to,
👿throw away illegal immigrants
👿bringing changes in the state agencies & institutions by means of communism, nationalism, homophobia, police violence & extreme militarisation
👹Ultra-nationalists have infiltrated army, security agencies, judiciary, universities, media, etc.
👹Modi-fied version of RSS master plan – no election after 2019 & BJP will rule for next 50 years
His lies,
👹India is an ugly casteist society
👹Hindus & Sikhs have formed a nexus to stop a proposal to prohibit caste discrimination in UK
👹@BobBlackman is a trouble maker Hindu lobbyist
👹Tory is R-wing fascist govt
Remaining time he utilized in mocking Gandhi. As per him he is,
👉used as a soft power to win international sympathy
👉the most violent person you could ever meet
👉a racist & casteist
He is no ‘mahatma’.
Her lies,
👹In India army & police are heavily involved in atrocities
👹Grave human right violations are happening
👹Uninterrupted suffocation & silencing of people since Aug’19
👹Entire political spectrum of Kashmiri leaders is made irrelevant
👹People in TV studios are clamouring for more muscular, war like stance
👹India = Modi = National Pride
👹Modi, Trump are working on ‘how do I make the world worse place’?
👹Social media platforms have been infiltrated by RSS/ BJP
👹For Bhima Koregaon agitation, academics are in jail since 2018
👹In India, democracy has vanished

👹India of current times is more colonised state than the British time
👹Indian media is suffering from slippage of common sense
👿International solidarity.
👿Call to be active on the street
👿Fight the battle in UK too
👿Universities have a crucial role to play
👿Let us keep fighting
👹Kashmir is not a bilateral issue
👹Hindus use derogatory term for Kashmiri women
👹RSS wants to make India a Hindu Rashtra by 2024
👹Dalits are pushed to margin in India
👹There is a widespread hatred against minorities
👹Universities are under attack
👹Unimaginable level of lies everywhere
👹No fair debate can happen in India
👹India is world’s most militarised zone
👹Big powers say nothing for the atrocities of Israel
👹Big powers appease India as it is a big economy - consumer of cheap Arab oil
👹We’re fighting the same battle
👹Indian army kills innocents not only in border areas but all over India
👹Indian army has used air force to attack central belt of India

👿We are living in the country where a war criminal's statue is standing at every corner
👿UN is nothing but a puppet of USA
👿All organisations are ruled by the World Bank
👿left cabal
👿terrorist supporters
👿dalit activists
👿soul vultures
Collaborating with each other to conspire against India!

Army that,
🇮🇳protects borders
🇮🇳fights with enemies
🇮🇳helps citizens in natural calamities
🇮🇳scarifies lives for the nation
🇮🇳treats war prisoners lawfully
🇮🇳works under a democratic govt
Demonising it shall not go unpunished👊

It is,
👉organising the Indian society
👉developing value sys & ethos of 'selfless service'
👉taking Bharat at the pinnacle of glory
These conspirators have no right to talk about RSS.

He has,
👉given hopes & aspirations to the people
👉worked for the poorest section of society
👉done surgical strikes on enemies & corrupts
Targeting him = targeting people of India!

👉Indian army
👉Indian state
... but their biggest foe is 'Hindus'.
The very thought of 'Sanatan Sanskriti', that prays for world peace & harmony & work for the betterment of the whole universe, brings them shock waves.

But sadly its soil now being used for,
👿running anti-establishment agenda
👿weakening democracies
👿giving voices to extremist forces
Why London has to bear this brunt?
@DVATW @KTHopkins

They are,
👿agents of disruption
👿breaking our cultures, societies & value system
👿security threats
Hence, the onus of saving our civilisations is on us🙏