Here's my (very personal) Top 10.
"Central banks and the challenges of the zero lower bound" (Feb-12).
One of the first to deal with this topic, to be followed by many more on negative rates. Same applies to QE.…
"Greece: progress, challenges and the way forward" (May-17).
Greece has always been a special topic close to Benoît's heart and decisions, as this week's colloquium made clear.…
"What can monetary policy do about inequality?" (Oct-12)…
"Monetary policy and climate change" (Nov-18)…
Again, one of the very first to seriously discuss these topics (I'm cheating I know, but there are too many speeches).
“What yield curves are telling us”…
Because the yield curve is a constant source of fantasy, but Benoît got it right.
“The international dimension of the ECB’s asset purchase programme” (Jul-17)…
Great speech exploring the complex implications of QE on FX, going against a number of idées reçues.
“Monetary policy: lifting the veil of effectiveness” (Dec-18)…
The final one, previewing the review, and more.
“A budgetary capacity for the euro area” (Mar-16)…
Did I mention Benoît was among the first to discuss those crucial topics for the monetary union? This one among many more "political" speeches.
“Sovereign debt in the euro area: too safe or too risky?” (Nov-16)…
Striking the right balance on a delicate topic, as he knows how to do. “If you give me good politics, I will give you good finances.”
“The euro area’s three lines of defence” (Feb-18)…
Another classic must-read. Often imitated, never matched.
“Scars or scratches? Hysteresis in the euro area” (May-17)…
Here it is, my favourite. One of the best ever written on the Phillips curve, which inspired me a lot. But I'm sure there will be many more in the future...