Author @muqbil_ahmar has falsified &white washed the true meaning.
He has not "wrongly misinterpreted" but "deliberately misrepresented!" As the truth is uncomfortable for him! Chk Screenshots 👇
1. Falsehood &
2. Cast aside
These two words are not even mentioned by Faiz. Look @ portions translated (underlined).
Faiz says "sab (all) but (idols) uthwaaye (will be raised/resurrected)"

What Faiz actually means is:
"arze-e-Khuda ke kaabe se" = Frm Kaba/Mecca
"Sab but uthwaye jaayenge" = When all d idols (around 150 idols of various deities that r smashed &kept there) - r raised/resurrected!!
So, Faiz is talking of resurrection of all idols broken by 😷
Any doubts on what Faiz means is cleared in subsequent verses - Which too the author completely blanks out the most significant portion and misrepresents the rest to suit his false translation!
See the next set of verses with screenshots in next tweet.
Note the part "uthega an-al-haq ka naara"
Muqbil translates it as "cry of truth will upsurge"
This when "An-al-haq" can be translated as "Aham Brahmasmi" = I am him (god) and he is me!! Which ia highest form of blasphemy in Islam!!
See meaning of An-al-haq in next tweet

How can Muqbil
1. Completely skip mentioning slogan of "An-al-haq" when it is the very crux of d poem? And instead
2. Translate it as "cry of truth wl upsurge?"
What Faiz means is that "bas naam rahega Allah ka" perhaps = What Allah truly wanted not what has been made out!!

Now, if these ppl live Faiz so much - as them to get all their followers and protesters to shout "An-al-Haq" instead!
So wil review and post more later..
But I hope the point that I was trying to drive home is clear!