Sorry to state but it seems NONE hv read the judgment at all - definitely not in detail!
All Qns answered very well by SC! Details on the way!
More Details with Screenshots of judgment Tomorrow.
Myth 1 – How did SC conclude natural death without any enquiry?
Reality 1 – SC, in the trial, did a fair enquiry!
Reality 2 – False. They had “NOT A TITTLE OF PROOF” to prove anything!
- All that they did was present CARAVAN STORY.
- And Caravan Story only raised Questions all of them were totally debunked!

Reality 3 – Each one of them has been substantively Answered and debunked based on facts at SC’s disposal. And interestingly some provided by Caravan itself!
Read on for a full list or Charges and findings.
-Take a estbd. fact - "Sun Rises in the East" or "Darwin's theory of evolution"
-Get some1 to raise doubts w/o giving any counter theory/proof!
-Get it Publishd
-Take this as proof
-RT & CryHoarse
- File PIL for enquiry!
Get all in CABAL to raise a bogey & then use this bogey to claim "genuine doubts" & ask 4 INDEPENDENT ENQUIRY
When SC saw through the game & called d bluff they Qn how you reached a conclusion without enquiry?

Q1 - Testimony of 4 judges not an affidavit & Cross Exam not allowed
Truth 1 - Every doc given by MH provided to Petitoner
- Court asked them if they wanted anything more?
- They askd for none!

Q2 -Blood Mark on Collar of Judge Loya
A2 -No Such mark found at hospital either by Docs or the police neither b4 post mortem nor after!
- Family may hv found a blood spot when body reached Latur
- Quite possible due to cuts & stitches of Post Mortem over 450 Km road journey!

A3 - No basis for such assertion or doubt was given by anyone.
- The Forensic report comprehensively ruled out any possibility of poisoning!
Who does the Court then trust? A cabal raising a doubt without basis of FACTS before it?

- "If judges who brought him 2Hosp really did so, how could they get colleague name wrong?"
A4 - Seriously? Isn't a simple error possible?
- Moreover Police noticed &Corrected on10/12/14
- While they doubt if the post mortem was carried out on same person in 1 place, in another place they say the Post Mortem shows no Heart Attack!
Come on Guys!
A5 - This is fantastic.
If u gv on time - why so hurry?
If u delay - Why delay?
Chit bhi meri - Pat bhi meri!
Heads I win - Tails u lose!
How Could Dist Judges then defy HC Judges?
A6 - Dushyant Dave got basic facts wrong!
- Dist Judges gave stmnt on 23 & 24 Nov 2017
- HC Judges on 27 Nov2017!!

A7 - Stupid Assumption. What would u do in such a situation is subjective. Would you take to the nearest hospital or Big Hospital some 5 Km away?
A8 - This Q arised coz 1 of the 4 judges said so.
- Against this others spoke about ECG and is found in all medical records at Dande Hosp, Meditrina Hosp & even Police records of same day.
- Hence reasonable to discount ECG bogey!
Q9 - That the ECG does not show heart infraction!
A9 - Dr. RK Sharma whose opinion PB & Caravan quoted said "Caravan has misquoted him"

A10 - Blatantly False! He was taken 2 Hospital in Judge Barde's Car
Fact confirmed by 4 judges and in line with testimonies and other details.
- Absolutely no evidence of any Auto or any other given by any1
A 11 - Body of Judge Loya was taken to Latur and not Mumbai. Judges Kulkarni and Modak met the family when they came to Mumbai. What's wrong or suspicious in it?
A12 - Judge Loya was fully conscious and was attending nature's call when Judge Barde & Rathi came in.
- Not enough material provided to raise doubts on this ground

A13 - Caravan Mag itself claims that in a call on 30th Nov Judge Loya informed that he's put up in Ravi Bhawan with Judge Kulkarni & Modak!
- Where doubt then?

A14 - What do u do when u don't have a family in another city? Call a friend.
- And when the friend is doctor then?
- Dr. Rathi was called up by Judge Loya's family member to attend!

A15. Family & not other judges decided to take body to native place near Latur.
- Compare Dist between Mumbai to Nagpur (815 Km) & Mumbai 2 Latur (475km)
- Q to be address to family, if at all

A16. Totally False Claim!
- Two Magistrates Sri Rahangdale & Chopda accompanied body in a separate car behind the ambulance.
- Now were they expecting judges to travel in same Ambulance? And is that ground for Suspicion?

A17 - Dr RK Sharma's reply on misquote in #15 above.
- Another committee of 3 Docs formed which also disagreed
- Dr. Harish Pathak, forensic head totally debunked Caravan report

A 18 - Dushyant Dave himself asked the Court not to go into this question and confine the Court to Judge Loya's Death!
- Then how do they use this to question SC?

A19. Caravan interviews as proof
- Only snippets, not full recording provided
- Family of Judge Loya disassociated from this statements
- Allegations only on hearsay
A20. What was the ground presented 4 the Hon'ble Justices to recuse?
- That they had earlier worked in Mumbai HC and that they may be favourable to the officers being questioned.
- This 1 argument by PB & Co xposes their agenda 2 insinuate & browbeat the SC.
- While PB wanted SC judges to recuse coz they might know Mumbai officers, he had no qualms taking the case to Mumbai HC itself!
- Wld Mumbai HC not know Mumbai Judicial Officers?

1. In essence, the question before the Hon'ble SC was whether to discount the testimonies of each and every Judge, Justice and Judicial Officer, Doctors Police and all else without, as the Hon'ble Court called it "TITTLE OF PROOF" provided to the contrary?
2. Ordering an Enquiry now after this detailed scrutiny by the SC itself after so many weeks and months in which no evidence but only muck was thrown would amount to questioning the entire edifice of Judicial Institution itself!
3. SC did the right thing.
4. Now let all else do the right thing by closing issue
5. If an enquiry were to be ordered then we wld also hv to be prepared to have enquiries on whether "Sun Rises from the West" - with sufficient backing of a CABAL!
- The End - 🙏🙏🙏