"Do whatever it takes to end it," said Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
About 1,500 people were killed during less than two weeks of unrest that started on Nov. 15. Toll provided to Reuters by three Iranian interior ministry officials.
This goes against all arguments of #Iran apologists/lobbyists, such as @NegarMortazavi, saying these protests were merely over economic demands.
Protesters were viciously attacked & shot at point-blank range. Video from Gorgan, northern #Iran.
Karaj - Basij site torched
Video from Isfahan, central #Iran
"People are begging, [Khamenei] lives like a god!"
Tehran - Regime security forces directly shooting at protesters. (at 00:38)
Nov 16 - Shahriar, #Iran
Forces shooting protesters at point-blank range.
“We had orders from top officials in Tehran to end the protests," the Guards member said...
Nov 18 - Kermanshah, #Iran
Security forces shooting directly at protesters.

She is a known #Iran apologist/lobbyist now busy downgrading the recent Reuters report indicating the mullahs' regime killed over 1,500 protesters during the Nov uprising.
Notice how @NIACouncil members @SinaToossi & @RN_Costello support her.

This further proves that Khamenei himself was & has always been behind the crackdowns & massacres against civilians.