Thread 👇
TLDR: The U.S., post WWII, set up a global order that sacrificed $ for security in order to fight the USSR.
Post-cold war, that global order no longer makes sense, so The U.S. is retreating—which means the order falls apart.
Corollary Investment thesis:
Summary of the book:
TLDR: history can be characterized by increasing social complexity, increasing our inter-dependence & our need to play play nonzero-sum games with each other: "win-win" (or "lose-lose") instead of "win-lose"
Implication: Collaborate—or collapse
TLDR: Increasingly complexity demands increasing decentralization of decision making—align knowledge & power!
The "closest to the data but furthest from decision making" syndrome is disastrous.
TLDR: Today's politics is far more inspired by the roots of Christianity than we appreciate, even as it tries to disavow those roots but keep the fruits (humanism)--the question is whether that'll work.
Like Holland, explains the influence Jesus has today in places we least expect it.
Pairs well with John Vervaeke's Meaning Crisis.…
Egalitarianism is eating the world:
Tribalism is eating the world
Also Glen on the intertwining relationships between individuals & communities.…
Associated thinkers: Daniel Schmactenberger, Jordan Hall, Jim Rutt, Bret Weinstein, Forrest Landry
How our economic system is built on untenably zero sum dynamics (Counter: "More from Less" by McAfee
Conflict vs Mistake Theory:
In-group vs out-group social dynamics:
Martin Gurri on the information revolutions:
TLDR: Each revolution brings chaos before bringing prosperity & moral progress (see Nonzero). We're currently in the chaos phase
Prediction/Idea Markets:…
Evaluating Markets:
Social Capital (stay tuned)
Excited for 2020 learnings. Feel free to recommend an idea or thinker I should check out.