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Feb 25th 2023
Kakatiya Dynasty Family Tree - Only Sovereign Independent #Telugu Dynasty in the timeline of #Indian #History which ruled over what is present day #Telangana #AndhraPradesh & parts of #Karnataka & #Odisha between 1163 AD-1323 AD
@HiHyderabad #kakatiya
A detailed thread 🧵
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#KakatiyaDynasty #Kakatiya #indianhistory #telangana #AndhraPradesh
If you are finding it difficult to read the chart, kindly load the image in 4K by clicking 3 dots on top right corner of your screen.

You can also find the high resolution version available on my reddit.…
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Jan 11th 2023
Speech as a 20 year old in 1912 upon ascending the Vyakhyana Simhasana under the name of #SriSri #Chandrasekhara Bharati.

HH:All of us must jointly pursue the ways & means of protecting our #SanatanaDharma.Do participate in dharmic activities,pave the way for #Dharma rajya.

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"It is your great devotion to the Guru, and the Peetha which has brought you here in your thousands travelling long distances to reach remote Sringeri. From Rameswaram to the Himalayas you have all assembled here. Is this not sufficient evidence of your awareness of the 2/n
greatness of this Sarada Peetha and Sankara Bhagavadpada? Where is sacred Sringeri, the spiritual abode of Rishyasrunga and where are the mighty Himalayas, the home of great seers? Where flows the river Tunga and where is the river Ganga? Yet, an old adage says, "Bathe in the 3/n
Read 10 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
Performed #सर्व_पितृ_श्राद्ध ,
#सामूहिक_तर्पण for crores of Hindus killed by jihadis till date since 635, at Omkareshwar on the Banks of #Narmada ji. This must become a revolution & every Hindu must do it next year as he owes his Being Hindu to those who didn’t convert.
We, @sharan_shivani Lokesh, myself, drove 4 hrs, @tushar @mayankompal Roopak & @sanju2475 drove 8 hrs for performing our duties & repaying our #पितृ_ऋण
@kamalgautamhp ji facilitated this in every district of HP. @Mahender_Chem pitaji did it with all 200 families in his village.
Our ancestors must surely have received whatever we thought & did for them Ravinder ji. Many many individuals all over the world’ve performed #सर्व_पितृ_श्राद्ध
#सामूहिक_तर्पण , will share all the pictures & Clips.
One’s I’m not aware of, please do share yours too. 🙏🏻
Read 14 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
🚩#Thread: Shrimant Thorle Bajirao: The Expansionist Peshwa🚩

I pay my humble tributes to one of India’s greatest cavalry generals, a man who fought 41 battles and is reputed to have lost none, on his 320th Birth Anniversary.


The death of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj’s first #Peshwa & Bajirao’s father, Balaji Vishwanath left the #Chhatrapati in doubt. Several of his advisors advised him not to handover the premiership to Bajirao.

From a very young age, #Bajirao used to accompany...

...his father on expeditions & diplomatic missions. Hence, Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj was convinced that Bajirao was the right person to overthrow the Nizam.

On 17th April, 1720, a 19-year-old Bajirao became the Peshwa of the #MarathaEmpire.

Read 23 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
The slant-history writing of #Leftist Historians has portrayed many #Hindu Kings and Generals in a negative manner.

One such General was Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj’s #PeshwaBajirao Ballal - one of the finest cavalry generals in the history of India.

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The 2015 #Bollywood movie #BajiraoMastani too portrayed him as a ‘mentally unstable lover’.

Is Bajirao only limited to Mastani? Definitely not. So, who was Mastani? Mastani was the daughter of King Chhatrasal of #Bundelkhand.

The name of Bundelkhand is also found in..

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...the Puranas, Dasharna Desh, a region famous for its gem mines.

Mastani was very beautiful. She is described as such, but there is no mention of the red color of the neck while eating Paan, as often rumoured by several people. She came into Peshwa’s life after 1729.

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Apr 14th 2020
-Request @cleanganganmcg @CPCB_OFFICIAL to also look into changes in riparian biodiversity in addition to conventional chemical analyses. Apart from good #rainfall, halt in sand mining hs helped #Yamuna with lean season flows. @RajivRanjanMis5… @yamunajiye
Its time for #Delhi govt @ArvindKejriwal @msisodia to start real-time monitoring of #river.

Hope @DrGargava @CPCB_OFFICIAL wld also put outcome of sample analysis done for #Yamuna in public domain.…
@IndiaRiverForum @sidagarwal @Venkatesh_D @DefeatKorona
Read 41 tweets
Sep 24th 2019
“There is so much suffering from these #droughts. There is nothing to eat & no water for the animals,or even for birds," says Karabhai Aal from the maldhari community.Despite walking 800kms, they strugge to find pastures for their sheep, in the face of erratic #climate patterns. ImageImage
These #pastoralists who rarely own #land & use rain fed crops for animal fodder,are from the #drought prone Kachchh area that has been used by succesive govts to justify the #Narmada dam.… @NarmadaBachao @Indian_Rivers @medhanarmada @indiawater @UNDP_India ImageImage
However, #pastoralists & small #farmers in the area who are most vulnerable to #ClimateChange receive only the residual #Narmada #water after the requirements of urban areas, #industries & #farmers in central #Gujarat are met. #HowDareYou… @NamitaWaikar Image
Read 3 tweets
Sep 13th 2019
#Thread: Thousands of families in MP fear submergence of their homes after the Centre has forced the filling up of the Sardar Sarovar Dam to its full capacity. The Centre was aware of families living in the submergence area. Some pictures to show the ground reality. 1/9
Since 2014, the Centre has claimed that all families in the submergence zone have been rehabilitated. However, a letter from the chief secretary of Madhya Pradesh to the Narmada Control Authority in May 2019 said that at least 6k families still live in the submergence area. 2/9
The Centre ignored this & approved the Gujarat govt’s request to fill the dam to test its capacity. As the dam started to fill up and flood villages, the MP govt set up camps to assess the no. of people awaiting rehabilitation while the local authorities evacuated the people. 3/9
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Aug 16th 2019
One in Billion ... Strategic Think Tank ... - This is JB.
#Public #Health vs #Policy vs #Sustainability

Quit #India ... !!! Indians are precisely doing that ...

#Surat #Ahmedabad #Vadodra #Gujarat Image

#Surat #Ahmedabad #Vadodra #Gujarat #SanJose #NewYork #NewJersey #LA #Chicago #Houston #Texas #Boston #Atlanta

#JAYUNOMICS: #Reality_vs_Publicity ImageImage
Read 12 tweets

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