Me: "I'm not really much of a #StarWars person."
(You all: Jesus christ, WE KNOW.)
Me: Merrily starts #TheMandalorian.
Me, pressing play: If #TheMandalorian never takes his helmet off, why are people dying over how hot he is?
Me, five minutes later: Well, shit. 😂

Somebody spray-painted this logo on the top corner of one of my favorite buildings where I went to college. I knew it was a #StarWars thing, but never knew what it was specifically. I always thought it was cool.
It's a Mandalorian thing, it turns out. Who knew?

Not gonna lie, like 95% of why I'm watching this show is the grumpy-guy-cares-for-squishy-infant thing.
Preeetttyyyy. 💕
God help me, I love this kid.
He wanted to heal his fren, HELP ME.
Mando (or sidekick "I-have-spoken" guy, I don't remember) had a really cool name for it. Earth-crawler? Something like that.
Edit: I can Google. Sandcrawler. 👍🏻
See also: Baby follows in his floaty egg.
B) Your baby totally saved your ass, my dude.
For someone so skilled and competent, his ass needs saving on a regular basis so far.
Why can't Mando fly??
It makes him so happy to chew on it.
Good boy, Mando.
Also, awwwww. 💕
The shot of Baby Yoda playing with the kids while Mando lays his helmet on the windowsill was glorious.
(I mean, I get Mando's logic here, but COME ON.)
Cool creature, though. 😆
Okay, again, this one didn't do it for me.
I saw that this one and the previous one weren't written by Jon Favreau, and, if I remember right, all the other ones so far were. I notice a pattern. I love the Favreau episodes - not so much the others. 🤷🏼♀️
Um, NO. Go help him, you big idiots.
Yeah, buddy, you save that baby!!
Din Djarin.
It's not what I would have chosen, but I don't hate it? I think I just need to break it in for a bit.
Get in there, nurse-droid.
"I am not a living thing."
I don't even care. Give me more of Mando and his small green son.
I didn't much like the two episodes that weren't written by Jon Favreau, but otherwise, this show is exactly my jam.
I'll take at least four more seasons, predominately written by Jon and directed by Taika, please!!