Recently, was alerted to #KarenStewart's reply to Ramola D… & mischaracterization of anyone who provides a public comment based on facts of publicly accessible material which happens to support Ramola.
1. Karen et al., left Targeted Justice due to criminal felonies promoted in Richard Lighthouse's E-books.
2. Katherine Horton broke-up TCFF due to her calls to violence - a criminal felony.
3. Katherine Horton slanders & lies about Ramola breaking up TCFF. This lie has been addressed in a Joint Statement inclusive of Karen.…
I put up all of Karen's work for her as she had no computer to do so. Karen's tweets at first appeared to imply her worry that Ramola would remove her page. I assured her I had not been asked to remove anything, & on evidence, Ramola never removes her past support of anyone.
Karen has access to remove it herself (she may not know how or have access to computer to do so). It's a shame Karen has chosen publicly to air misunderstandings when if she wanted her work removed she could have privately called/wrote to Ramola to do so in unequivocal terms
Facts/evidence that happen to also support Ramola against smears & lies, are also stand-alone facts.
Not everything has to be about Ramola just because another is making aspersions against Ramola when a known fact can be used to counter it.
It's absurd to group everyone together who agrees on facts or defends anyone against aspersions. Each person's an individual: even in agreement on a matter, doesn't mean we'll agree with everything each other says, nor does it mean we agree on all matters as if one entity.
Facts are facts. Eg. I never told anyone before now (due to Karen publicly referring to my email to her) that I put up Karen's work for her, it's irrelevant; I agree/disagree with Karen or anyone based on facts & my opinions/experience.
Karen has not watched/read all of the defamation/libel created by Katherine Horton against Ramola & other people nor their rebuttals. Therefore Karen is not qualified to have an informed opinion based on facts/evidence.
Outrageously unfair of Karen to say she has not followed the smears yet seems to use Katherine Horton's false narrative in Frederic Laroche's case to make false allegations about Ramola which were rebutted in her article with Frederic's testimony:…

Katherine Horton without permission leaks Frederic Laroche's emails & labels him "a liar" to aid in her defamation campaign of Ramola D. FL told a white lie out of politeness so not to get caught up in KH's defamation campaign.
It's unconscionable to breach Frederic Laroche's privacy whilst he's under severe torture & a looming court case with punishable jail time just so Katherine Horton can cherry-pick baseless "evidence" to a false narrative to slander Ramola D
Ramola D who saved the day for Frederic Laroche when he asked her at the last hour to write him an affidavit to help in his court case:…………
Karen Stewart (nor anyone else) do NOT have my permission to publish my private emails.
Nor have I seen Karen, to the best of my knowledge, publish all end of TCFF emails, her emails to KH, or the vitriolic, falsely accusatory emails KH sent to Melanie Vritschan.
Regarding Karen's misattribution of Barbara Hartwell's name of which I agree with Barbara's statement here: