I know many of you work on side-projects, projects where you don't have the benefit of a product & design team. I'm betting a bunch of y'all have goals to create something new in 2020!
Thought I'd share a thread with all my favourite resources:
Variable fonts are a great way to get all the styles you want, with a super low payload!
Amazing resource: v-fonts.com
My favourite icons are the Feather Icons, by @colebemis. His online tool even lets you customize them!
The Noun Project offers over 2 million icons, for every noun imaginable. And they're 100% free-to-use, as long as you attribute its author.

I found this awesome tool which allows you to convert a linear gradient to an easing one: larsenwork.com/easing-gradien…

Toptal has a great "color-blind filter". It allows you to view your site or app through the eyes of someone with various forms of color-blindness.

Also, their Pro version is currently free while it's in beta :o

Happy Hues is a wonderful tool by @mackenziechild which not only suggests palettes, but presents them in-context!
unDraw, created by @ninalimpi and @anges244, offers an incredibly vast selection of beautiful illustrations, released under an open license 🤩

All together, these projects have helped me a ton. They're often created by solo developers and designers! If you found this thread useful, please RT it - I'd love for these project authors to get some more fans!