The Procedure for acquiring the Nigerian citizenship has been spelt out in Chapter III of the Nigerian Constitution. #HowToBecomeANigerian

Citizens of Nigeria enjoy rights guaranteed in the constitution and also have obligations to discharge to the country. #HowToBecomeANigerian

A. Citizenship by Birth
B. Citizenship by Registration and
C. Citizenship by Naturalization.

(a) every person born in Nigeria before the date of independence, either of whose parents or any of whose grandparents belongs or belonged to a community indigenous to Nigeria. #HowToBecomeANigerian

(c) every person born outside Nigeria either of whose parents is a citizen of Nigeria.

1. A person may be registered as a citizen of Nigeria, if the President is satisfied that- he is of good character; he has shown a clear intention of his desire to be domiciled in Nigeria #HowToBecomeANigerian
1. Subject to the provisions of section 28, any person who is qualified in accordance with the provisions of this section may apply to the President for a certificate of naturalisation #HowToBecomeANigerian

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