In early 1970s:
- Median space-per-resident: 507 sq ft
- 36% with central AC
- 23% with 4 bedrooms or more
In 2017:
- Median space-per-resident: 971 sq ft
- 93% with AC
- 46% with 4 bedrooms or more…
In 1973, 40% of new single family houses had 1.5 bathrooms or less. Today ... just 4%.
Meanwhile, the average household size has declined from about 3 to 2.5.
Behold, the opulent bathroomification of the American homeowner.
1. Young-adult homeownership today is significantly down from the 2000s and 1990s (graph via Fed)
2. Among young black Americans, it's fallen to 60+-year lows (via @alexismadrigal)
1) First tweet should say "NEW single family homes." Sorry!
2) Share of new SF homes with built-in AC surpassed:
- 60% in 1979
- 70% in 1985
- 80% in 1996
- 90% in 2004…