Them: Hi, Mary.
Me: Actually it's 'Mary Robinette.'
Them: Got it. So, Mary, we were...
Me: Mary Robinette. Like Mary Anne. I'm named after both grandmothers.
Them: That's really long. What do you go by for short?
Me: Mary Robinette
Hotel: What's your last name?
Me: Kowal
Hotel: We don't have a reservation under that name.
Me: Check Robinette?
Hotel: Oh! There you are.
When travel agents do this with airlines it is a PITA.
(Picking up name badge and sees "Robinette-Kowal")
Me: Oh... Sorry. Robinette is part of my first name. Could I have a new badge?
Them: I was told VERY CLEARLY that your last name has a hyphen.
Me: ...
Them: Very Clearly.