This thread is compiled from numerous patriot digs and dedicated to @GenFlynn with inexpressible gratitude, sir.

@QBlueSkyQ created a video which offers a succinct, hard hitting expose on the situation. You'll be up to speed in under 30 minutes.
should keep us all up at night."
Well, General Flynn found out, and blew the whistle on a $25B terrorist sleeper cell headquartered in the US.…
You totally didn't see that coming. 😉……
f a l s e f l a g
courtesy the victims of this "schooling."
Hard-dug sauce from Katie G @CitizensIReport:…
I did, yes. And I also snarked at you about your frog pajamas.
Moar sauce, you cry? Alright. Welcome to the occupation.
Long story short, he lost everything and was legally placed on a spike.…