She: When do kids start being self-conscious and stop singing at the top of their lungs?
Me: I do school assemblies. I reckon 12.
She: Such a shame cos singing is so good for us. But I think we’ve stopped as a society too.
She: We’ve got nothing to sing about. We used to sing hymns.
Me: I agree. It’s part of what people are calling a meaning crisis.
She: My daughter came back from a Christian club where they learnt a song “Thank you Lord for chocolate cake”.
[We sing the chorus: “Hallelujah, Praise the Lord...”]
She: My daughter sang it all round the house. Course she thought it was about chocolate cake, she didn’t know it was about God.
She: What’s the answer?
Me: Go back to church.
She: I went to a lovely carols service this Christmas. Big clocktower.
Me: All Souls. My church. You’re coming!
She: Ha, alright