The sliding door is lockable
I assume this was contracted from drinking unboiled tap water that morning (the night before was Taz's bday)
Ca va
Taz had Love All the People by Bill Hicks
I'll leave you to work out who had more fun
Durak is the chess of cards, an exercise in annihilation, humiliation, rearguard counter-attacks. We bet with matches
I smoked a lot and drank a lot of coffee
It's creaky and inconsistent, but the railway is still the life-blood of these forgotten communities
The produce in Russia in this season is something I'll never forget
Once, in what used to be Russia's glass-blowing capital, I almost bought a enormous cut glass chandelier for japes, but it was $250
I got my picture taken with one foot in either continent but I can't find it. We got a certificate that said "your enemies will drop dead from spite"
I'll now tell you about some of the people we met on board
When he opened a vodka bottle he made a show of throwing the cap out the window. Woke me up once in his y-fronts brandishing knife and an enormous smoked fish
Seemed improbable, where we were, but there they were. We sat on the platform drinking Ghengis Kahn vodka, and got talking
What you absolutely had to get was an exit visa from Russia
We were... a little taken aback, but they weren't worried, so whatever
We have our exit visas stamped. The girls don’t.
They get escorted off the train and sent back to MOSCOW shit you not
We took a bus to the ancient capital Karakorum, the ancient city of the Khans
I still cannot get Rasputin out of my head
The photo I like most that I kept from the trip is of this girl, in St Petersburg, who sang the most haunting Russian folk songs for roubles
I often wonder what she's doing now