A thread in light of the recent Pau Summit and as the US is considering a significant drawdown. 1/13
➡️ A good explainer
africacenter.org/publication/re… by @Pauline_Le_Roux 2/13
Two key issues 1) reconfirming that Sahel countries still wished for French (and international) presence, in the face of growing anti-French sentiment 2) Devising a new strategy.
More here ➡️ thedefensepost.com/2020/01/14/sah… 3/13
On that front, the Mali peace agr implementation grp met again after a 5 months interruption, discussed a return of the army to Kidal. Good sign?
➡️ voaafrique.com/a/le-retour-de…] 4/13
Because the theater is huge: around 2500 miles wide, i.e. roughly the US coast to coast (we tend to underestimate how big Africa is, maybe due to Mercator projection?). 8/13
It's also a great example of burden sharing. Ending it risks signalling that burden sharing is really burden shifting. 8/13
Democracies on both side of the Atlantic are better off together. Eg 🇪🇺, a $18 trillion eco and 500M consumer market, shares concerns with 🇺🇸 on China trade 👉@EUintheUS 9/13
A limited but critical American investment — eg airlift and surveillance assets — would ensure that Europe remains both a willing and able ally in the great-power game. 10/13
Happy to discuss further! 12/13 [END]