The narrative that Bill Clinton was impeached for getting a BJ in the Oval office is a FALSE narrative, and people need to understand what it was REALLY about.
Bill Clinton was Impeached for LYING UNDER OATH to a Federal Grand Jury in a Sexual Harassment
So when you are trying to minimize Bill Clinton's impeachment, remember that he LIED UNDER OATH and that he is a Sexual Predator.
He, too, is not only guilty of numerous consensual affairs, but has also been credibly
Let us not minimize what either of these men have done.
Let us not whitewash Clinton's crimes and misdeeds in the process of pointing out Trump's crimes and misdeeds.
But let us not fail to ALSO point out the Hypocrisy of the Democrats who DEFENDED Bill Clinton using the SAME arguments they are criticizing
The two sides are echoing one another, yet somehow they fail to see the irony and the hypocrisy of their current positions.