It's very good that Bernie's campaign is collecting his own data on the results
(here's the biz insider article:…)
They're saying that by this time in like 2008 they were already doing victory speeches, and they had 2/3rds of the data in in 2016
But this is pretty crazy. This app has been a complete disaster.
But come on, just reporting 3 numbers instead of one is not that big of a deal.
So apparently the app was completely useless?
God this is obnoxious. What the hell.
He says he's been on hold for 2 hours.
Apparently someone came on the phone, but since he didn't respond quick enough they hung up, and he had to call back and wait more
Obviously the only reason to make that demand is to keep his terrible numbers from being released. Really ridiculous.
The corruption and incompetence of the Clintonites infesting the party's management infrastructure is absolutely outrageous.…

Here's the thing, Romney had a voter turnout app in 2012 and THAT failed miserably as well.
When all that's valued is the ability to tell the right lies and keep secrets, it pushes out competent and ethical people, and u're left with TRASH.
ACRONYM was founded named by someone named Tara McGowan

I'm sure he'll tell us he had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign either.
Sorry, he checked the app at Harvard's "Defending Digital Democracy" #ResignTomPerez


Twitter is on lockdown for some reason Wonder why 🤔

FASCINATING how everyone involved w/ACRONYM claims zero knowledge.
NV Dem party also paid them $58k a month later. The payments from Iowa aren't on this FEC website:
Also Hilariously Gilibrand's dead campaign was paying them thousands/mo…

#TomPerezResign #MayorCheat

#ResignTomPerez #MayorCheat

Starting w/insane claim by #ShadowPete that he was only speaking 'figuratively' in declaring victory

(They say it was 'recording accurately' but only 'partially' - an idiotic statement)
This means they were lying last night, for some reason:…

(watched it at 2x and skipped his answers)
Also mentioned "other campaigns" casting doubt but didn't say it was Biden.
It's so transparent if you have access to basic info.

Then again there isn't really any 'good' way to do this.

' "was present for" a cybersecurity exercise'

So either this didn't actually happen and they lied about signing off on it, or they knew about the bugs and kept quiet (?)
Which would mean that before the caucus they Mook et al was basically lying about the app being secure by implying it was part of the test.
Now he wants to avoid blame…

the DNC Rules Committee which was APPOINTED ENTIRELY BY TOM PEREZ!
And local officials DID raise concerns!
Here is the thing, transmitting the data IS PART OF THE APP.
ANY COMPETENT PROGRAMMER would have tested that function.