What kind of mental gymnastics are required to claim Maduro is the president that won a fair election and Guaido is the imposter? Does it involve drugs?

North Korea
Antigua & Barbuda
That is who NDP MP Niki Ashton is standing with.
Dictators. Totalitarian governments. Autocracies.
Look at the number of NDP supporters echoing Ashton’s virtuous display of support for Maduro and disdain for Canada’s PM.
It’s sickening.
That circle is not able to be squared for me. What is this nonsense?!
Canada is a social democracy.
Social democracy is the Canadian form of government. This is what Canada has become to be known for as a strength.
Social programs, liberal beliefs and regulated capitalist economy.
Everyone is considered equal.
Sounds reasonable. Until you delve into what that actually means to a socialist.
It means decentralized decision making using direct democracy.
Some representatives (MP’s) use consultation with the public, experts, research & knowledge to make decisions for all citizens needs.
Every person’s opinion on economic decisions is valued as equal. Public health decisions, like vaccinations, become public opinion polls.
Recognizing individuality, liberalism supports egalitarian beliefs. However, democratic socialism believes everyone is equal and deserves the same resources and access to resources.
But, Socialism does not account for human nature. And that’s where the problem lies.
It’s populist propaganda.
Know the difference.