#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
Reporting from International People's Assembly in Venezuela. President Maduro about to speak pscp.tv/w/b0L75TF4bmpy…
#RWO Real People with Real Values rising up for Real Democracy
"People in 150 cities around the world oppose US intervention in Venezuela"
Codepink Disrupts Venezuela’s Illegitimate ‘US Ambassador’

Hello Mainstream Media! Why aren’t you showing us the Venezuelan people that massively come out opposing US intervention and aggression against Venezuela?
Peter Gabriel did not perform at the aide concert .. genesis-news.com/news-Peter-Gab…

Please sign this petition and spread it to all your contacts
US Congress: Marco Rubio. Demand for Resignation due to Promotion of Violence - Assine a petição! chng.it/y9xSQhv2
Feb 21
@NicolasMaduro announces the arrival of 7.5 tons of medicines to Venezuela bit.ly/2E5eqcp
The president explained that 108,428 units of drugs, surgical equipment & equipment to strengthen the health system arrived in 🇻🇪.

The "humanitarians" used the so called aid trucks as a barricade so that when they were throwing molotov cocktails across the border in Venezuela which led to a forrest fire, the Bolivarian National Guard wouldn't be able to reach them.
Pro Coup Media outlet inside🇻🇪(how weird that they can openly support a Coup in a "dictatorship"🤔)Admitted that the "unarmed protesters"throwing molotov cocktails across the border to🇻🇪.You even see it on video. Wanna know what isn't on video? Guards attacking.
US military personnel man the cockpit in the C-17 cargo plane carrying "humanitarian aid" to Colombia on February 22, 2019. (Photo by AFP)

🇻🇪, Caracas Avenue Urdaneta-Grand march Chavez silenced. Feb 23, 2019
Okay, it wasn’t on TV!
Because the lies that MADURO has his days told don’t correspond to the great popular support he has, not only in Caracas but throughout the country ✌🏼
Colonial media claims "soldiers" or "police loyal to #Maduro" set fire to #Trump's 'aid' trucks 🔥. THEY LIED 🤥. Here are the #Guaido kids preparing their molotov cocktails 😲😏😠😡🤬. OPEN FALSE FLAG😏🤨.
A morbid and scantily veiled death threat directed at Venezuelan President @NicolasMaduro by U.S. Congressman @marcorubio has triggered harsh criticism from across the web.
Yesterday, the #US and #Colombia claimed they would enter #Venezuela and deliver #USAID goods. They failed to do so. bit.ly/2XilOd2
Welcome to the coverage of the solidarity meeting with Venezuela that is part of the International Peoples' Assembly
Delegates from 85 countries are in Caracas to express solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution #LosPueblosConVenezuela

Director @BootsRiley denounced the coup d'état against Venezuela after receiving the #SpiritAwards for his film Sorry To Bother you.
"Guarimberos" are currently crossing the river under the Santander bridge. #Colombia #Venezuela

"Guarimberos" are currently crossing the river under the Santander bridge. #Colombia #Venezuela
"Guarimberos" are currently crossing the river under the Santander bridge. #Colombia #Venezuela
"Guarimberos" moving freely in front of #ESMAD (Mobile Anti-Disturbance Squadron), around the Santander bridge on the #Colombian side of the border.
A few minutes ago: A group threw stones and burned tires near the #PDVSA gas station on Venezuelan territory, the Venezuelan guard responded with tear gas, on the border of #Brazil with #Venezuela.
For the latest on the situation at #Venezuela's border, we have been joined LIVE from #Ureña by Alejandro Kirk, journalist and correspondent from @Hispantv
The deputy @Miguel_Pizarro who is in contempt said that "humanitarian aid" crossed the border with Brazil. It is not what we saw today in the border city of Pacaraima. The two trucks are in the facilities of the Brazilian Army.
This is a demonstration in support of # Venezuela, today at Puerta del Sol, Madrid, Spain.
The protesters shout No pasarán! They won't pass!!
via @EmbVZLA_enEsp
#BREAKING | Vice President of #Venezuela @DrodriguezVen announces that tomorrow, the Lima Group will approve an international coalition to invade Venezuela.

.@AmeliachPSUV: Reporting absolute normality from the border of #Venezuela with #Brazil, in Santa Elena de Uairen.
Senators ask Mike Pence not to use Colombian territory as a platform for military operations against Venezuela. @IvanCepedaCast, Colombian senator.
The Army vehicles incident, another false flag operation.
Disturbances erupted along the Venezuela-Brazil border Sunday morning after a group of people began throwing stones and burning tires dangerously near a Venezuelan state oil station
"We have to denounce to the world the immense and powerful operation of false flags attacking Venezuela," stated the Bolivarian politician.
The US and Colombia failed to deliver any USAID goods to Venezuela today.
However, staged operations were pulled off in an effort to blame Venezuela's government.
By @SoniaKatiMota
Before a truck was also set on fire👇Bus On Fire At #Venezuela Border Part Of FALSE FLAG
Feb 23, 2019
@telesurenglish correspondent Madelein García is reporting from the border,where a bus was burnt as part of a false flag
🗣️Make this VIDEO VIRAL
By @SoniaKatiMota
#Venezuela FALSE FLAG
This video found by @graffitiborrao appears to show the moment when an opposition guarimbero throws a #Molotov cocktail on a truck loaded with #US aid.
The fire didn't consume all the load that the trucks were bringing, in a supervision, it was possible to observe that there were steel cables, whistles, masks, caltrops, the complete kit for the "guarimbas". Look closely at the images.
THE "GUARIMBEROS" OF THE COLOMBIAN SIDE beat up @joseolivaresm for not paying what he had said he would pay to the "guarimberos" to burn the trucks !!
He said: "The deal was to burn all the trucks, you burned one! NO PAYMENT"
🇨🇺&🇻🇪offered aid to the US in response to Hurricane Katrina. Venezuela offered 2 mobile hospital units, 120 rescue & 1st aid workers & 50 tons of food. Cuba offered 1586 trained, equipped & totally self-sufficient medical personnel. The🇺🇸refused to allow the aid in.
Because nothing says human rights like gloating over a human being getting sodomized to death with a bayonet.
Red Cross have officially condemned those appropriating their symbols for political and violent ends. buff.ly/2ErjCZc

Let's meet the real Bill Clinton😲🤨😏🙄😠😡🤬MF 🤬
I just got this video from the local TV of Cucuta that shows the preparation of Molotov cocktails in the Colombian part of the border bridge, shortly before the riots and the incineration of one of the trucks. Judge you ...
Some people were trying to illegally enter Venezuela using Red Cross jackets.
A Bolivarian National Guard command was attacked by a group of 60 paramilitaries.
"There'll be a meeting of the #LimaGroup on Monday, where further action will be contemplated. There are more sanctions to be had," #Pompeo said.😠😡🤬

.@marcorubio again lying!
🇨🇴Newspaper #LaOpinión👇
#FreddySuperlano & #CarlosSalinas hired prostitutes, took them to a Hotel in Cúcuta, they were presumed poisoned & robbed. Security cameras recorded everything!

The Donald Trump Administration Starts Their False Flag in #Venezuela.
@Rumoaohepta7 Published on Feb 24, 2019
#HandsOffVenezuela #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump #FalseFlag Source:
1. From this moment, I will tell you two stories, the first is very important: What did the trucks bring as supposed "humanitarian aid"? Pic.twitter.com/ypO2DCY36g
2. The fire could not consume all the load that the gandolas brought, in an inspection we can observe that there were "guayas", whistles, masks, "miguelitos", this is the kit for the #guarimbas to observe with attention the images
4. The big question: What do you have to do "guayas", whistles, masks, "miguelitos" with "humanitarian aid"?

5. "We found in the gandolas that supposedly brought "humanitarian aid", material to promote the #guarimbas: whistles, cables, gas masks, "clavos"
via @LeonelTeleSUR
6. While my partner @LeonelTeleSUR recorded what was in the gandolas with the supposed "humanitarian aid", we went to the #GNB post in #LaMulata, 15 minutes from the bridge #Ureña, where they were burned & nd that was attacked at dawn

7. At 1 a.m. #24FEB, about 60 paramilitaries surrounded the GNB command post at #LaMulata. Hear the recording of the attack
8. At the #GNB #LaMulata station there were 33 soldiers, the paramilitaries asked that they surrender their weapons, negotiate, not give their lives for the government of @NicolasMaduro "to surrender,never,we are firm in the defense of🇻🇪"
9. Outside, other soldiers "What did we think then? In resisting, at least I don’t want to give up, I don’t want to, I wanted to continue fighting, surrender was death. Has anyone left? This is the decision of each one, I don’t want to go
10. The attack lasted an hour, do not rule out that they can be ambushed again, but "we are prepared with the same desire to defend the homeland". "
11. The paramilitaries threw two grenades, literally surrounding the post, one of the attackers was injured
12. The attack is linked the gandolas in the bridge #Ureña with the "humanitarian aid" that didn’t advance because a #PNB took the key of the driver of the 1º, after the fire began in the 2º, where were the kits for the "guarimbas".
13. If the caravan with "humanitarian aid" had advanced with the material for the guarimbas, it would have been difficult for the commissions to take control of the #GNB station and Rua Ureña would have been the head of the beach

I’m at the International People’s Assembly in Caracas with hundreds of people from around the world who oppose imperialism and would never fathom supporting a US-backed proxy war. It has been a real relief to be away from all this.
Economic warfare is still warfare.
Economic warfare is still warfare.
Economic warfare is still warfare.
Economic warfare is still warfare.
Economic warfare is still warfare.
#HandsOffVenezuela #NoSanctionsNoWar
The🇺🇸economic war has prevented🇻🇪from paying debts, sending athletes to compete abroad, importing anti-malaria medicine & blocked 400,000 kg of food for its citizens. 🇺🇸&🇨🇴even created an intel group to prevent the import of food & medicine.
"Much of🇻🇪’s crisis is actually manufactured in Washington, though you would be extremely hard pressed to understand that from mainstream coverage."
One of the best articles yet debunking the ocean of Fake News on #Venezuela Read & retweet!

A Bolivarian National Guard command was attacked by a group of 60 paramilitaries.
Possible plan that CIA would be running against🇻🇪
With a "false positive" from a group of few FANB defectors & the rest of mercenaries who will pretend to be deserters to form a rebel army that will be supported by🇺🇸with weapons & bombers
Hired mercenaries will be the new Guaido army to attack Venezuela.
I wonder who will pay them? Concert for humanitarian aid? Drug production in Colombia? USAID funding?
Marco Rubio and Israeli support?
[WARNING] Denounce the presence of an alleged US Marine in acts of violence that took place on February 23 at the Simón Bolívar bridge, on the Colombian side. The man was recorded requesting military intervention to @POTUS
There's a 🇺🇸Marine terrorist on the 🇨🇴-🇻🇪 border organizing among other guarimberos. Anyone who grew up in the 🇺🇸KNOWS just how brainwashed these people are. There's not one drop of 🇻🇪 left in him, Luis Medina is completely at the service of the Empire.

Several weeks ago military weapons and uniforms were confiscated. Those would be destined to the "operation" of Guaido

Why could Juan Guaidó be interested in humanitarian aid not entering Venezuela?
The explanation of Pedro Baños | LA SEXTA TV lasexta.com/programas/al-r…
Pedro Baños Bajo is a Spanish military officer, Colonel of the Army of the Earth, specialist in geostrategy, defense, security, jihadist terrorism and intelligence. Since 2012, is in reserve situation.

🇨🇺FM denies🇨🇺troops in🇻🇪
Feb 19 2019
🇨🇺's Foreign Minister vehemently rejected assertions by the Trump administration that it maintains a private army in🇻🇪to assist the Maduro govt to remain in power, calling the charge a"vile accusation"
As the #US continues to provoke #Venezuela by making more threats, #Russia has warned #Washington not to interfere in the Latin American country's internal affairs.
What happens now? #OnTheNewsLine
Welcome to America 2019, where politicians are asked to resign for stating facts about lobbying, but not for openly threatening to murder sovereign leaders. #ResignRubio
Branson's anti #Venezuela free concert at #Cucuta attracted between 10,000 and 20,000, but WaPo falsely claimed 200,000 and organisers claimed over 300,000. #FakeNews - detail here: zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-2…
🇨🇴diplomats leave #Venezuela territory, after the President @NicolasMaduro gave them 24 hours to leave the country, after breaking diplomatic & political relations with the interventionist government of @IvanDuque
# EnVenezuelaLaPazVencerá
It’s times like this when the charade of partisanship is discarded and establishment politicians come together to reveal their true colors as elite gangsters
1st clip from my @thecanaryuk interview with @SepulvedAllende, the grandson of former Chilean president #SalvadorAllende, who has lived in #Venezuela for >10 years. He warns of how the US wants to turn #Venezuela into another #Libya
US-backed opposition caught on VIDEO throwing Molotov cocktails at aid truck on Venezuela border rt.com/news/452326-ve…
Economist @MarkWeisbrot points out the crippling🇺🇸sanctions on🇻🇪right now are even worse than those imposed on🇮🇶in 1990s (which led to the totally preventable deaths of hundreds of thousands of children)
They amount to a trade embargo
🗣️Stop regurgitating the lies of media FAKE NEWS.

‘Behind me is toothpaste CNN said doesn't exist in #Venezuela’ – Max Blumenthal explores markets
Watch the full video:
If #Trump can rapidly rustle up many tons of aid for #Venezuela, an independent sovereign country, surely after 17 months he should have got around to delivering disaster relief toPuerto Rico, a US Territory. But they don't have any OIL!
Rubio hands Venezuela’s Maduro a propaganda victory with graphic tweet of Qaddafi’s murder. 💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️
#Trump UNMASKED. If this outburst of #Trump's doesn't get him IMPEACHED, then nothing will and the USA will rapidly descend into brutal, fascist dictatorship:
So-called 'humanitarian aid' for🇻🇪is cover-up for regime change. It is complete bullshit as you will see in this article from investigative journalist @caitoz We have seen this crap too many times to fall for it again. MAKE THIS VIRAL
🗣️In #Venezuela #Maduro won a free & fair election according to international observers on the ground, Don't believe the lies in main stream media.


Should Guaido and his white supremacists grab power, it will be the 68th overthrow of a sovereign government by the US, most of them democracies.
I have zero tolerance for wishy washy positions from important politicians on 🇻🇪. This is as serious as the lead up to the🇮🇶war. Silence & middle of the road isn’t an option. This requires courage to push back against Trump/Rubio/Abrams destabilizing the region.
And for those who just don’t care about social justice beyond US borders, consider that a war on Venezuela will cause a refugee crisis that will fuel the far right xenophobes at home. You’ll have a more difficult time pushing left policies domestically.
Our deep respect to the people of #Venezuela. In defending his country, he defended the sovereignty of #AméricaLatina. By rejecting military intervention, he defended peace & there can be no☮️without social justice, without respect for dignity, identity & freedom.
🇷🇺must immediately demand an emergency session of the UN Security Council to discuss the instigation of violence at Venezuela's border. It was an attempted invasion & a provocation. If that doesn't qualify as an "international emergency," I don't know what does
Fev 24
Marco Rubio, a sitting US Senator, openly threatens 🇻🇪 with the fate of Libya, formerly Africa’s most prosperous country & now a safe haven for jihadist terrorists.
Tell us more how US meddling in #Venezuelan affairs is all about “humanitarianism” though.

Here's an article from two years ago documenting the opposition forces burning up food that was to be distributed to the Venezuelan people.
Venezuela: "Terrorists" Torch 50 Tons of Food as ex-National Guard Chief Indicted venezuelanalysis.com/ZtL
@Potus @SecPompeo @AmbJohnBolton @marcorubio @VP #ElliottAbrams @LindseyGrahamSC
#HandsOffVenezuela #VenezuelaCoup #NoBloodForOil

Did @HillaryClinton's State Dept help suppress the minimum wage in🇭🇹?
"In 2009, She was at the State Department working with🇺🇸corporations to pressure🇭🇹not to raise the minimum wage to 61 cents an hour from 24 cents."-#LeeCamp
Listen to 1 of the 86% of🇻🇪against intervention: "We want the🇺🇸to know we're their friends, but we're against the oligarchy that right now is ruling the🇺🇸that wants to destroy countries for their Nat resources. Look at what happened in🇱🇾."
It must be remembered that Nicolás Maduro received 68 percent of the popular vote in last year's presidential election. The Venezuelan election process was conducted under the watchful eyes of international observers.

ICYMI: Our interview with Christina Schiavoni, food sovereignty activist, on food politics in Venezuela. Even more relevant after forced “humanitarian aid delivery” on Feb 23. Includes partial transcript. shadowproof.com/2019/02/18/int…
The mainstream narrative on Venezuela is like most artificial constructs -- once you start lying, you must continue lying. or the house of cards collapses #HandsOffVenezuela

Hey @mattduss, can you please tell Sanders that🇻🇪accepted 933 tons of food & medical aid just last week & that the govt is only rejecting politicized aid from Trump/Rubio/Abrams? It’s all laid out by Forbes UN official @Alfreddezayas here
Red Cross Denounces Unsanctioned Use of Its Emblems to Smuggle US Aid to Venezuela ow.ly/Yucg30nOVtv #redcross #venezuela #unitedstates #usaid

EnVenezuelaLaPazVencerá @irisvarela "We are in the Francisco de Paula Santander bridge in the city of Ureña & in the images we can see the signs of violence where yesterday a group of stateless people tried to attack our country" # 24Feb
Fev 24
Skirmishes broke out on the Colombian and Brazilian borders but efforts to bring in aid have so far been unsuccessful.
Catch up on the developments of a tense day at the border
Fev 24
Psychopathic US Senator Openly Calls For Maduro To Suffer Gaddafi’s Fate
"Whenever someone supports any part of this coup agenda, this is the side that they are standing on. This is the flag that they are flying."
#Venezuela #Libya
Fev 24
Red Cross says that its staff are being impersonated on Venezuela's border after US backed "aid" regime change efforts yesterday.
“Centrist Democratic Socialist “ Civil Society, OAS, and Pope install their patented “Socialism” while bashing socialism. Duality of evil.

Did #MarcoRubioorgasm like #HilaryClinton 🧙♀️did at #Gaddafi's death❓🤔
See video at 3:08 😉
They signal to #USA for the authorship of #BanderaFalsa operations in #Venezuela → bit.ly/2tCTVil
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza warned that the current US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is a CIA specialist in False Flag operations

Meet the new self-declared President of Colombia, Alejandro Muñoz
Interim President of Colombia Alejandro Muñoz announces the first humanitarian drug shipment to the United States, “the biggest consumer of drugs in the world!”
Interim President Muñoz calls for another urgent humanitarian aid shipment to the US and definitive declaration of peace so their sons aren’t victims of wars and then go shoot up supermarkets and schools
New at @MintPressNews: American socialists are scoffing at what the supposedly socialist members of Congress - Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - are saying about Venezuela mintpressnews.com/roger-waters-b…
rt.com/news/452384-wa… … The 🇺🇸has announced a fresh round of 🇻🇪-related penalties, adding four new individuals to a list of people already subject to Washington’s hit-list of restrictions. If they care for 🇻🇪 ppl so much, why adding more sanctions? No logic!
Opposition supporters clashed with Venezuelan police on Saturday in several places on the border with Colombia. They attempt to force a way for American ‘aid’ to enter the country against the wishes of the government. #HandsOffVenezuela
Testimony of a Colombian "protester" surrounded by police from that country waiting to enter Venezuela with "humanitarian aid" this Saturday, February 23.
Feb 24, a group of hooded men gather to cross the border below the Francisco de Paula Santander bridge in Colombia to the Venezuelan side. They have Molotov cocktails and they assure that "they can not back down". Via @JohaFuentes.
Let's raise our voices against an #Americanintervention in #Venezuela. We cry out for peace in the region. Let us defend the Proclamation of the #CELAC that declares #LatinAmerica & the #Caribbean as Peace Zones. #HandsOffVenezuela
#Venezuela | Today, the #Chavista people of #Trujillo went to the streets to defend #peace and #sovereignty for their country, rejecting #US attempts of #intervention

Conflict along the #Venezuela #Brazil border in the city of Santa Elena de Uairen has been controlled.
If the so-called #LimaGroup doesn’t modify the Declaration imposed by the🇺🇸& isn’t opposed to a military action from the🇺🇸against🇻🇪it will take on a serious historical responsibility as an accomplice of a NewImperialistWar in OurAmerica.
With #Venezuelan flags, popular organizations reject interventionist actions of the Group of Lima and of the #UnitedStates #Colombia
#InPhotos | Social and popular organizations of #Colombia protest against meeting of the Lima Group in #Bogota and demand respect for the sovereignty of the people in #LatinAmerica.
1. We moved with🇲🇽's #LaJornada journalist Luis Hernández to the #Ureña bridge to confirm what the @teleSURtv team saw from the "Guayas" "humanitarian aid", whistles, nails, hooks used for guarimbas, cookies have nothing to do with hunger
2. Now watch closely what has been removed from the ashes of the truck where "humanitarian aid" came, nothing more and nothing less cuts nails, something super necessary for the "humanitarian crisis."
3. Thus, journalist Luis Henández del Diario @lajornadaonline & I described what we saw in the "humanitarian aid" which seemed to us incredible & confirms the complaint that the "food & medicines" came with supplies for the #guarimbas
This photo should remain in history as the most disgusting and deplorable evidence of how three violent people, the axis of evil, make a pact to seize Venezuela.

#PorSiNoLoViste | For the opposition, the dead are their investment
more and more the "democrats" are exposed to #world
so you can see and judge
🇻🇪denounces that🇺🇸Government, together with a group of subordinated countries, is conducting a fierce campaign to overthrow the🇻🇪 Government & the Constitutional President, Nicolás Maduro, in clear violation of the most elementary principles of International Law.

Fev 24
Do you know who burned the gandolas with the humanitarian trash?
Watch ths VIDEO🧐😲🤨😏😠😡🤬🤬🤬MF🤬🤬🤬🤬
In Bogota's Plaza de Bolívar, a crowd begins to congregate infront of the Congress & Foreign Ministry against the ‘Lima Group’ which meets with Mike Pence today, in order to cook up new intervention plans for Venezuela. 📹@HablaLaJradio
#FromTheSouth News Bits | Filmmaker @BootsRiley criticizes the #US government for once again using the guise of "humanitarian aid" in order to topple a #LatinAmerican government, this time in #Venezuela. #HandsOffVenezuela
They chant: Victory, popular victory!
The #EuropeanUnion is urging the world to abandon a “militarized intervention” into #Venezuela
Thank you @EU_Commission 🙏🏼
Who burned the ‘humanitarian Aid’ trucks in Venezuela?
23 Feb
1. Breaking news | in #exclusivo @teleSURtv here the evidence of who was who burned the truck with the supposed humanitarian aid in #Ureña, were the same guarimberos

“Of the 92 elections that we’ve monitored,” said former President Jimmy Carter, whose Carter Centre is a respected monitor of elections around the world, “I would say the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world.”
Do you want to know what really happened on the Colombian-Venezuelan border on February 23?
Maduro has been re-elected many times, to the annoyance of the 100 wealthiest families in Venezuela; who think nobody else matters. So they always claim the election was rigged somehow - despite international observers.

By @Jose_CordovaB
Masks falling off. Trump's recruits with "humanitarian aid" are bringing military intervention.
If you travel in Latin America, you’ll see a lower standard of living virtually every place except where the wealthy live.
🗣️‼️ALERT ‼️The speaker in the VIDEO is Colombian. His accent says Medellin, I could be wrong but definitely Colombian campesino
Reuters says 'many countries recognise Guaido as the rightful interim Ruler'of Venezuela
Yes I notice that word ' interim' . He's something on the way to some else !
Meanwhile 'countries' = politcians & total bollocks

Foreigners want to create a puppet ruler, let's ignore the Venezuelan people who voted for @NicolasMaduro and dont know @jguaido the Guided One from a hole in the ground

.@AmbJohnBolton @marcorubio @realDonaldTrump @VP @SecPompeo @LindseyGrahamSC @HillaryClinton @BillClinton @EmmanuelMacron @theresa_may @JustinTrudeau @ScottMorrisonMP& their puppets
here is where your aid COULD go if you were humanitarians
Kochs = greedy billionaire dr and money from a country being sanctioned by USA . Nothing humanitarian in that !
To analyze the truth about what is happening in Venezuela🤔😔🧐, remember😲🤨😏😠😡🤬MF🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
☑️Since 2014 that the🇺🇸imposes sanctions on🇻🇪
☑️The @BankofEngland does not deliver the gold of 🇻🇪

President Maduro is not to blame for the 🇺🇸coup attempt against 🇻🇪
It is because of these Imperialist Countries that #Venezuela is going through a crisis. 😲🤨😏😠😡🤬MF🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

When you are asking for a🇺🇸military invasion in🇻🇪are you thinking of exterminating the way these people think & themselves, who, in mass, go out into the streets of Caracas?It isn’t barbarism,isn’t fascism? Doesn’t accept the difference?🤨
It's good that you gain experience😅

Those who did this "work" were the "moderate opposition" the "Guarinbeiros" led by Guaidó.🤬🗯️🤡😏🤨😆

Bret Stephens
- Agitated for the Iraq War
- Called for war with Iran
- Supports assassinating foreign leaders
I’m not surprised that he doesn’t know the difference between opposing military. intervention in a foreign country & supporting the regime.

Opposition to intervention ≠ support for a country’s leader.
We must support the 🇻🇪 people’s right to self-determination and not make a bad situation worse. @RoKhanna washingtonpost.com/news/theworldp…
As a spokesman for the UN said, "Humanitarian action needs to be independent of political, military or any other objectives. The needs of the people should lead in terms of when and how humanitarian assistance is used."
Only Congress can approve military action in #Venezuela. The Trump administration must respect the checks and balances provided by the constitution. For too long and in too many places, we have ceded our Constitutional authority over foreign intervention.

US-backed street thugs posing as Red Cross workers while setting humanitarian aid trucks on fire in #Venezuela to blame on @NicolasMaduro Libya, Ukraine, Syria... rinse and repeat. #HandsOffVenezuela

Exposed: US marine embedded with violent guarimberos at the border of #Venezuela - yet another fake 'revolution'.
@jguaido said at BogotaAirport:"Yesterday we saw an unprecedented crime in burning humanitarian aid.."🤨
The Lima group: "Hundreds of people die today because of the sadism of some people who burned food & medicines"🤨
How much CYNICISM🙄
How many leaders anywhere can and do go visit real people like that? Usually the scene is all staged: actors, security, photographers in the right place and..action. @NicolasMaduro just strolls out & says hello.

The argument that he is the acting president under clause 233 of the Constitution could only work if he had declared himself before Maduro was sworn in. @NicolasMaduro took the oath on January 10 & @jguaido self-proclaimed leader on January 23.😏🤨 It is clear?😎

☑️Build houses for the poor
☑️Opened +universities
☑️Increased the salary of teachers
☑️Increased the Minimum Wage by 95%
☑️Provides a basic food carton with 24 products/month

And even @SenSanders thinks they should accept US 'humanitarian aid'?😲
Makes no fuckn sense🙄😖
But the aid stunt at the border was supplies demanded by the rich 🤑who are incobvenienced by the shortages of their trinkets 💵💰💳📱😏🤪

And who does not?😏He is much better than @Potus @SecPompeo @AmbJohnBolton @marcorubio @VP #ElliottAbrams @LindseyGrahamSC @HillaryClinton @BillClinton @EmmanuelMacron @theresa_may @JustinTrudeau @ScottMorrisonMP @BretStephensNYT 🤬

1. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019
2. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019
3. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019
4. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019
5.a. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019
5.b. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019
6. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019
7. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019
3. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019
@OSFJustice @ICCwatch @AlistairBurtUK @UKUN_NewYork @franceonu @civicusSG @mandeep_tiwana1 @Tor_Hodenfield @gilbertcathal @EHAHRDP @humanrights1st @ONECampaign @SavetheChildren @CARE
#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
7. Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019