#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
@NicolasMaduro @dcabellor @jaarreaza @vladimirpadrino @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @KremlinRussia_E @evoespueblo @UN The 🇺🇸Gov is preparing an unprecedented action against🇻🇪.It's time to act to prevent this from happening😟👇🏼
@RT_Erdogan @Presidency_Sy @EU_Commission @AngelaMerkeICDU @JZarif @DiazCanelB The🇺🇸government is preparing an unprecedented action against Venezuela. It's time for you to act to prevent this from happening
@Chinamission2un @TheChineseGovt @lopezobrador_ @DanielOrtega_Ni @hagegeingob @CyrilRamaphosa The🇺🇸government is preparing an unprecedented action against Venezuela. It's time for you to act to prevent this from happening
@EmbassyofRussia @BasharAljafari1 @PresidentBAssad @Bolivia_ONU @rashtrapatibhvn @FedericaMog
The🇺🇸government is preparing an unprecedented action against Venezuela. It's time for you to act to prevent this from happening
And guess who stole Venezuela's International Reserves 🤔
Y adivinen quien se robó "las cuentas de Maduro" O serán las reservas internacionales de Venezuela? Mas de un año de producción petrolera🤨
I can not find another explanation🤨🙄
By @RT_com
'You shouldn't be here' - Mike Pence to Venezuela representative during
UN Security Council
Guaido's Interim makes a mockery of Constitutional Law.
A Cowboy in Caracas (Pt 1/2)
A Cowboy in Caracas (Pt 2/2)
Anyone in Congress who votes for an illegal coup in Venezuela must be voted out. This is so illegal. So funny how the democratic leadership now backs Trump. This should wake people up. #uniparty #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump
Rubio pushing propaganda in Senate about Venezuela. He needs to be in Gitmo not in Congress. #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump
Guaido's Interim makes a mockery of Constitutional Law.
More Sanctions on Venezuela: Operation Florida 2020 (Pt 1/2)
😏😠😡🤬🇺🇸MF🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️Mot**** Fu***** Gov.🇺🇸🤬🤬🤬🤬
Pompeo: Sanctions Increase "Pain and Suffering" in Venezuela (Pt 2/2)
😏😠😡🤬🇺🇸MF🗯️🗯️🗯️🗯️Mot**** Fu*****Gov. 🇺🇸🤬🤬🤬🤬
Already in 2005 Pat Robertson called for assassination of Hugo Chavez, saying that killing Chavez would be cheaper than starting a war to oust him. Later he apologized but I don’t think his apology was sincere. tinyurl.com/y4ett2ap
April 9
#Venezuela #Russia
Russian Cyber Specialists In Venezuela
TsarGrad TV [Russia] bit.ly/2IijPAx

April 10
#Venezuela #USA #NATO #Russia
“Unlike in Yugoslavia, our support for Caracas will not be just political or moral”
Vyacheslav Nikonov
The Chairman of the Committee. State Duma
Regnum bit.ly/2OY22Qc

Mike Pence never served in the military, but he’s willing to keep“all options on the table”for the currently failing regime change op in Venezuela. His meeting with🇧🇷’s VP Hamilton Mourão is further evidence of neocon hubris. Remember the theguardian.com/world/2019/feb…
🇧🇷claimed that it will not allow the🇺🇸military to launch attacks on🇻🇪 from its territory. Left unsaid, but clearly contemplated, is the use of🇺🇸proxy forces (Brazilian military, mercenaries, etc.). Remember VP Mourão is a retired general
Global Fight for Natural Resources Has Begun
Countries that are not prepared for this rapid change will soon, perhaps irrevocably, lose out, with serious damage to their economies & way of life.
Map: Oil Reserves bit.ly/2Vz1Qt8

This has been going on for a long time. From the US perspective see:
1. “7 countries in 5 years”
2. The Cheney *doctrine* a.co/3g4JDD9
.@SenSchumer you really are a chicken shit senator. Russia hasn't meddled in your elections BUT you lot are meddling in #Venezuela!
The History – and Hypocrisy – of US Meddling in Venezuela🤨👇🏼

"People don't seem to understand how crippling & absolutely murderous the Venezuela sanctions are. Here is a little thread about what they are, & how they work. & here is a link to the primary source" - @PistolVanBuren -🤨👇🏼
@StateDept @SecPompeo Regime-Change is illegal by international law and UN-Charta.
#HandsOffVenezuela US empire of lies.
#Iran | The two countries hope that sticking together can help them overcome US sanctions. #Venezuela
April 11
#RaulCastro | "The #Venezuelan government and the #Chavista people are writing admirable passages in the history of resistance."
11 de abr
#LIVE | 🇻🇪Minister of Communication and Information Jorge Rodriguez @jorgerpsuv gives a press conference: "It wasn't just about repeating like a parrot everything the #US was saying, but #Guaido also wanted to make some money to keep in his pockets."

April 11
#LIVE | 🇻🇪Minister of Communication & Information @jorgerpsuv gives a press conference: "Hundreds of millions of dollars of companies which belong to 🇻🇪, such as Citgo, were being sent to personal accounts, made up of a right wing corruption network.

April 11
#LIVE | 🇻🇪 Minister of Communication & Information @jorgerpsuv: "In a declaration from August 23, it is written that there is a web of corruption & violent actions against 🇻🇪 that exclude members of other political parties of the Venezuelan right."

April 11
#LIVE | 🇻🇪Minister of Communication and Information @jorgerpsuv: "#Guaido's brother among others were in charge of taking out money from the oil company of🇻🇪 & also they were trying to take control of the money that was stolen from the Bank of England.

April 11
#LIVE|🇻🇪Minister of Communication & Information @jorgerpsuv:"In the investigations done on the attacks against🇻🇪they found another terrorist group, Cocoon 2.0, in which Leopoldo López, Carlos Vecchio & other opposition figures have been participating."

April 11
#LIVE | #Venezuelan Minister of Communication and Information Jorge Rodriguez @jorgerpsuv gives a press conference: "They attack the Venezuelan people and then they say "it's Maduro's fault."

April 11
#LIVE |🇻🇪 Minister of Communication & Information Jorge Rodriguez @jorgerpsuv gives a press conference: "People know that if #Guaido & his allies cut off the electric power that they aren’t just doing it to the Chavistas, but to the 300 million 🇻🇪."

April 11
#LIVE | #Venezuelan Minister of Communication & Information Jorge Rodriguez @jorgerpsuv gives a press conference: "If a country is left without any electric power, the problem is not a communication issue, it is a humanitarian issue."

April 11
#LIVE |🇻🇪Minister of Communication & Information Jorge Rodriguez @jorgerpsuv gives a press conference: "We will continue to inform the people of Venezuela of all the terrorist actions so that the people will be alert on the actions that may arise."

April 11
#Venezuela's #UnitedNations ambassador @SMoncada_VEN denounced that the #US and the #UK are benefiting from the physical and financial assets which the Bolivarian people held abroad and were illegally confiscated.
"China will continue its cooperation with Venezuela based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit for the greater well-being of the two peoples." bit.ly/2P57CR9
#Chile | #MikePompeo's Latin American tour seeks to strengthen #UnitedStates alliances with right-wing governments in the region to destabilize the Bolivarian government. #Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela
By @telesurenglish
Instead of giving #Venezuela access to its own 1.2 billions, the #UnitedKingdom is offering "humanitarian aid" for 9 million dollars. #HandsOffVenezuela
#LIVE | President Maduro: "Today in Carabobo state we reached 2 million 600, 000 thousand social housing homes, built. No one can stop the socialist revolution!"

#LIVE | President Maduro: "Bolsonaro is a fascist, never has a Brazilian president threatened to invade a neighboring people, in this case, the Venezuelan people"

Mike Pompeo has been in Latin America trying to rally his 'backyard' to turn on Venezuela.
The US supported the brutal dictatorship in Argentina, now they'll hand over the files on it's abuses. bit.ly/2IfYYyp
Argentina's right wing government is stopping a plane of Venezuelan migrants who want to return home. bit.ly/2UWMCkA
#FromTheSouth | 🇻🇪's foreign minister @jaarreaza has denounced that the government in 🇦🇷did not allow a flight of migrants to return to 🇻🇪.
Our correspondent @edgardotlsur spoke to🇻🇪's Chargé D'affairs in Argentina about this situation.
#FromTheSouth | The Supreme Court in Venezuela has confirmed that a board named by the National Assembly for the state owned oil company, PDVSA, is invalid.
If it's not about"regime change",then why are you & Elliott Abrams, convicted war criminal & regime change extraordinaire (& now the Special Envoy to🇻🇪), pushing for..regime change..in🇻🇪?
Enough with the concern trolling.
@marcorubio So you've abducted a foreign citizen and now want to spirit him to USA for interrogation ? Now that makes @realDonaldTrump s a crime family
By @PressTV
US slaps sanctions on 4 shipping firms, 9 ships for #Venezuela ties ptv.io/2ilx

Venezuelans celebrate the popular militia that has sworn to defend their country from invasion and coups. bit.ly/2ZbNsJR
I moderated a discussion at the National Writer’s Union in NYC on April 9. “What’s Going on in Venezuela?” with @ajamubaraka @UpsurgejazzNat @RojoCamacaro Sara Flounders, Danny Haiphong
"On that date the Venezuelan people demonstrated that they, united strongly with their National Bolivarian Armed Forces (FANB), could unite to protect their freedom, sovereignty and independence," bit.ly/2GlhSSs
Venezuelans celebrate the popular militia that has sworn to defend their country from invasion and coups. bit.ly/2ZbNsJR
#FromTheSouth | A month on from Venezuela's first terrorist attack against its power grid, work continues to fully stabilize all operations at the Guri Hydroelectric Power Plant.
🇻🇪commemorated the defeat of the failed 2002 coup attempt against Hugo Chavez. President @NicolasMaduro also celebrated the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the Bolivarian Militia,which today is made up of over two million citizens.
#FromTheSouth | Canada's Foreign Minister @cafreeland was disrupted at a Montreal speaking event, by peace activists who denounced Trudeau's government policies towards Venezuela and demanded and end to the illegal sanctions.
By @telesurenglish
The United States is ready to attack Venezuela by the end of the year, according to U.S. Southern Commander. bit.ly/2VQS1XC
I ask @jaarreaza if he noticed a change in his two meetings w Trump🇻🇪envoy Elliot Abrams.He told me since the coup has failed,DC think tanks must be working overtime to figure out why they don’t understand the🇻🇪people as well as their own gov
How has the #US regime's attempt to change the establishment in #Venezuela impacted the people's lives there? #UnReported #UnderReported
Mr. @Almagro_OEA2015, why did David Smolansky, #OEA coordinator for the crisis of Venezuelan migrants and refugees, participate in a meeting organized in Washington to "Evaluate the Use of Military Force in #Venezuela"? 🤔
By @telesurenglish
The majority of the #IMF executive committee members have failed to recognize opposition lawmaker #JuanGuaido as the “interim president” of #Venezuela.
"Because in this motherland we are sovereign and independent."
Visit of Mike #Pompeo and the president of Colombia Ivan Duque to the border bridge, Simón Bolívar, between #Venezuela and #Colombia,
What about the border with Mexico? Ask a woman to Pompeo.
#FromTheSouth News Bits | Foreign Ministry of #Venezuela @jaarreaza: The illegal blockade on Venezuela is impacting 25 #children who are awaiting bone marrow transplants, and who are now at risk.
#FromTheSouth News Bits | 10 Years of #Venezuela's #Bolivarian #militias: The revolutionary people of Venezuela maintain their call to the United States, to end its intervention in the country's internal affairs.
“A batch of military-grade weapons and cash in foreign currency was seized during a search conducted at his residence," stated the Interior Minister Nestor Reverol.
#Bolivia|A group of 10 deputies,2 senators & 3representatives of political & non-government organizations sent a letter to @POTUS asking to“intercede”in their country’s affair,a sovereign nation,in violating the Bolivian Constitution🤬.
#Iran | “#DonaldTrump’s U.S. wants to turn #LatinAmerica into its backyard like it was in the 19th century," Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Mousavi said.
"The🇺🇸hasn’t made substantial contributions to the economic development of #LatinAmerican countries but accuses China of its economic & trade cooperation with LatinAmerica & its investment in LatinAmerica. Mr. @SecPompeo is a hypocrite.”
Venezuelan diplomat @SMoncada_VEN revealed that on April 10 a meeting took place in #Washington "that will be marked in the opprobrious history of the U.S. wars in the world." bit.ly/2VJXoIp
#Russia will provide strategic cooperation to Venezuelan government to investigate several attacks against the National Energy Service said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromoloto. bit.ly/2PaSqSk
@jaarreaza: #RELEASE |The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of 🇻🇪categorically rejects the illegal application of new unilateral coercive measures that the government of 🇨🇦has adopted arbitrarily against high officials of the 🇻🇪State
#FromTheSouth News Bits | A spokesperson for #China's foreign ministry has slammed comments made by #MikePompeo after he criticized the Asian country's continued support for the government of #Venezuela
#FromTheSouth News Bits | We were joined live by Miguel Figueroa, the former leader of the Communist Party in #Canada.
He spoke to us about the #Peace delegation currently in #Venezuela that he is part of.
#FromTheSouth News Bits | Miguel Figueroa, the former leader of the Communist Party in #Canada, also spoke about the current political situation in #Venezuela.
He is currently there with a #peace delegation visiting the country.
Venezuelans boarding the #flight back to #Venezuela from #Montevideo because Macri denied the flight permits of the plane paid by the Venezuelan government under the Plan #ReturnToTheHomeland

#Venezuela will raise the issue of the #US planned invasion of the Bolivarian Republic with the international authorities, Venezuelan Foreign Minister @jaarreaza said.
"Against all odds! 90 🇻🇪arrived from🇦🇷thanks to the #PlanVueltaALaPatria, despite the INHUMAN refusal of the🇦🇷government. We thank the Government of Uruguay and the teams that made possible their return. Welcome home, compatriots!"
#FromTheSouth News Bits | Senior diplomats and former military commanders from the 🇺🇸& 🇨🇴 met privately with members of the Venezuelan opposition to discuss the possibilities of military intervention. @MaxBlumenthal #HandsOffVenezuela
#Venezuela | The Housing Project implemented by the government benefits more than 12 million of Venezuelan.
#LIVE | Venezuela's @SMoncada_VEN: "In Venezuela there is peace, the war is found in the minds of the criminals in Washington that try to divide our people"

At least 24 tons of medical supplies arrived in Venezuela as part of the cooperation between the Bolivarian government and the Red Cross.
Venezuela accepts humanitarian aid that isn't politicized and laced with US weapons.
#LIVE | President @NicolasMaduro speaks at the anniversary of 'Barrio Adentro', the Venezuelan-Cuban healthcare program that provides care in working class neighborhoods.

#Venezuela | At least 13,810 people have been repatriated under the #PlanVueltaALaPatria.
#Venezuela's Foreign Minister @jaarreaza firmly condemned #Canada's illegal decision to impose sanctions against 43 Venezuelans and highlighted that those economic measures were contrary to international law. #HandsOffVenezuela
While the corporate media keeps *falsely* claiming that🇻🇪is denying humanitarian aid, Caracas' health ministry just worked with the UN & Red Cross to bring in some actual aid.
🇻🇪only denied Trump's fake Trojan Horse regime-change "aid."
While illegal, crippling US sanctions are preventing Venezuela from importing medicine and medical equipment (killing average Venezuelans), Caracas just worked with the Red Cross to deliver medical supplies
There was no medicine in the fake "humanitarian aid" convoy sent by Trump to 🇨🇴in February as part of a failed coup attempt against🇻🇪
The right-wing🇻🇪opposition then set their own fake🇺🇸"aid" convoy on fire—while blaming Maduro
In the face of the imperial blockade of our money for the purchase of medicines & food, arrived, the UNHumanitarianAid & the President of the International Red Cross Federation,duly authorized by the Pdte. constitutional @NicolasMaduro
With input from the Pentagon,the Call of Duty first person ShooterGame simulated the killing of🇻🇪's socialist leader,the destruction of a dam remarkably similar to the one at Guri & the sabotage of the country's electrical grid.Very eerie
The media’s interest in the well-being of a foreign population is directly proportional to the West’s interest in toppling its government, while editorial standards are inversely proportional to its enemy status.
My view after 3 weeks in 🇻🇪:
"Dictator"is a PowerfulCue used by media to prime us to see a ParticularCountry a certain way.Readers are invited to FeelOutraged at the crimes of Assad,Putin & co,while authoritarian rulers that toe the🇺🇸line are ignored or even praised.
"They really are trying to strangle the economy and starve people into submission and make their lives so miserable and kill a lot of people."
@MarkWeisbrot on @TheRealNews
🇨🇦's decision to slap sanctions on🇻🇪officials is as disgraceful as 🇨🇦's support to neo-nazis in Ukraine, fascists in Israel, terrorists in Syria, headchoppers in Saudi.
We're not a peace-loving nation, we are a terror supporting nation.
@danielmkovalik examines 20 years of U.S. regime change policy in Venezuela in his latest book: The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela. Check it out! skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510750722/…
And just like Canadian media & politicians ignore the masses of Syrians who support their govt, the same corrupt & soulless politicians & media do so to Venezuela, ignoring the masses who support Maduro & reject the never-president Guaido.
WaPo oped declares the Trump administration’s attempted coup in Venezuelan is dead in the water washingtonpost.com/amphtml/opinio…
Ahora en @aporrea:
Informe de @MaxBlumenthal sobre la lista de conspiradores que asistieron a la reunión en Washington para las opciones militares contra Venezuela
Russian Media: Deployment to Venezuela Not Just 'Advisors,' but Combat Formations russia-insider.com/en/russian-med…

Me for @TheCanaryUK: the Guardian's reporting on Venezuela is more apologism for Western imperialism
Most journalists that come to Caracas stay in expensive hotels in the east of the city, shielded from the country's reality. I stayed 2 weeks with a 'colectivo' and wrote about it here:
If i was to write an article about my experience in #Venezuela and the bias, misleading and outright propaganda of the western corporate and mainstream media.
This is exactly what i would wrire.
Excellent work @jmcevoy2
The media’s interest in the well-being of a foreign population is directly proportional to the West’s interest in toppling its government, while editorial standards are inversely proportional to its enemy status.
My view after 3 weeks in🇻🇪:
Documents show🇺🇸& Latin American officials secretly planned military attack o🇻🇪
The🇺🇸, which operates along the lines of ‘soft coup if possible, hard coup if necessary’, now seems to be mulling over the latter.
my latest @TheCanaryGlobal
BBC correspondent claims ‘we don’t do propaganda’ on Venezuela. Let’s look at its coverage.
By @jmcevoy2
@georgegalloway's rage with an oxford university student "talking nonsense" on Venezuela is so relatable
Exclusive: US military attack on Venezuela mulled by top Trump advisors and Latin American officials at private meeting of DC think tank @CSIS thegrayzone.com/2019/04/13/us-… … via @MaxBlumenthal

Hear the Venezuelan voices that the corporate media chooses to ignore
By @jmcevoy2
thecanary.co/feature/2019/0… #Venezuela #VenezuelaCoup
"This will be worse than Vietnam, worse than Afghanistan,” explained one organiser. “The opposition has the dollar. We have a whole country.”
I met with Venezuela's civil militia and wrote about it here:
I spoke to @AhmedKaballo about events on the Venezuelan-Colombian border between 23 and 25 February, when the US tried & failed to force 'humanitarian aid' trucks onto Venezuelan territory:
🇪🇨’s health care system is gaining ever+attention from mainstream media & politicians clamoring for🇺🇸intervention. The reality is much+complex; understanding this reality requires observing/talking to🇻🇪involved in govt healthcare
“If Venezuela isn’t currently going through a ‘humanitarian crisis’, the US government seems determined to create one. For years, the US has been restricting Venezuela’s ability to import vital medicines.” thecanary.co/feature/2019/0…
"The Canary" has done some great journalistic work in Venezuela; exposing the grab for oil behind the US backed coup. Please help get the truth out and share.
"Last year🇬🇧& British Petroleum (BP) asked the🇻🇪to give the oil fields run by🇫🇷's Total. If🇻🇪had given them then the government WOULDN'T be a dictatorship!"
@Greg_Palast on🇺🇸-led regime change efforts in🇻🇪
#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter