Judith, the reason you've lost perspective and you’re feeling at sea is because you’re in the grip of a nation being governed by crisis and spectacle.
You can expect a dizzying round of crises and spectacles between now and November.
After Trump loses, the battle will not be over. . .
Ilyin believed fascism would eventually replace both communism and democracy.
He admired totalitarianism and order.
He thus advocated oligarchy (a few people hold all the power).
Thus the task of the oligarchs is to preserve the status quo, which means preserving their own wealth and power.
They earn loyalty by protecting the people from enemies.
The fascist way to power is to promise to restore the nation to its mythic greatness. (MAGA)
For example, when Trump wanted to protect America from the “invading” (homeless, poverty-stricken) migrants.
The idea behind constant crises is to keep you off balance. The idea is to shock you and wear you out. The idea is to make you feel helpless.
OK, let’s talk about feeling helpless.
OK, that was a bit harsh—but I agree.
People born after the Civil Rights and women’s rights movements inherited an expanding liberal democracy.
But this whole “liberal democracy” thing is fairly new.
Think of what life was like for most black women in America in 1850. She didn’t own her own body, literally.
After Trump loses in November, his supporters are not going to fold up shop and learn to love liberal democracy.
Progressives push forward. Reactionaries push back.
It never ends.
I advise people not to go down "what if" rabbit holes because we cannot predict what turns the fight will take.
Rest well and save your energy.
We have the election of our lives ahead of us.
Trump is definitely aware of the tactics.
Steve Bannon, Manafort, and others consciously use the tactics. They coach him.
Trump is also a natural liar and a natural creator of chaos.
I've been arguing for a while . . .
Sometimes I think wonder if the spelling errors are intentional. If the idea is to send everyone into a spin and distract, that does it . . .
People say he is incompetent.
Trump is an incompetent leader of a liberal democracy. He fails big time.
But if you evaluate him as a fascist governing by crisis and spectacle, he's highly talented. Really one of the best . . .
I said "talented fascist."
It doesn't take a genius to be evil.
It doesn't take genius to be a good fascist.
All it really takes is a willingness to lie and be cruel.
Most people . . .
It doesn't.
Perhaps what's hard to wrap your mind around is the idea that there are indeed people who are willing to inflict mass suffering to advance their own interests.
Interesting, right?
It seems to me people calling me naive are actually finding ways to deny the existence of evil.
Recently I said people most people aren't stupid enough to believe Trump's lies. I argued that most Trump supporters KNOW they are lies . . .
People got as far as me saying "most people aren't stupid enough to believe the lies . . ." and called me naive.
Actually, "stupid" is giving people credit for being duped . . .
Yes, he takes advice and guidance, but when Trump got Andrew McCabe alone and did the mafia boss thing, there were no strings in him.
I'm sure he answers to a higher boss, but he knows how to manipulate and pressure people.
I give Trump credit for knowing how to bully people, manipulate people, and corrupt people.
Comey said, "Trump eats your soul in pieces."
Trump is good at it.