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Aug 17th 2019
اقوام متحدہ مسئلہ کشمیر کے حل میں کیا کردار ادا کرسکتا ہے؟ جانیے معروف دانشور پروفیسر ڈاکٹر مہدی حسن اس بارے میں کیا کہتے ہیں
#IndiaBustedAtUNSC #UNSCKashmir #Kashmir #KashmirIssue #UNforKashmirFreedom
دوسرا حصہ
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Aug 13th 2019
Who has the most right to speak about the #KashmirIssue? #Kashmiris, of course. Speaking with @tmturkee about her perspective on #Kashmir. #KashmirBleeds #KashmirBleedsForJustice #StandwithKashmir #KashmirWantsFreedom #EndKashmirBlockade

Full interview:
@tmturkee "The Indian media, it's corrupt. The narrative that's in the mainstream media is totally corrupt because they tell you a one-side story.... They tell you that everything perfectly fine in #Kashmir. How can everything be fine when people are not allowed to go out?" #KashmirBleeds
@tmturkee #Kashmiris on #Kashmir. Speaking with @kingaamir29 about his perspective: "Scrapping #Article370 is like UK revoking independence." #KashmirBleeds #KashmirBleedsForJustice #StandwithKashmir #KashmirWantsFreedom #EndKashmirBlockade

Full interview:
Read 16 tweets
Aug 12th 2019
KashmirStory in 20threads
(1/1)Mountbatten was the first person to raise the issue of the future of the state of J&K,He told Hari Singh that he should not declare independence but to send representatives to either of the constituent assemblies before Aug14 #Kashmir
(1/2)Hari Singh decided not to declare independence and enter into “standstill” agreement with both the new States,He signed the agreement with Pakistan and avoided discussion on the same with India. #KashmirHamaraHai
(1/3)Sheikh Abdullah was the founding leader of J&K National Conference,Interestingly his father was a hindu converted to Islam,Abdullah agitated against the rule of the Hari Singh and urged self-rule for Kashmir #Kashmiris
Read 22 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
First report: 36 hours after I landed in #Kashmir (fifth day of curfew)
I could manage internet connection from a relatives place who lives very close to airport (the only place where internet works)
No communication. Medicines especially insulin is needed in valley
#Kashmir is under complete shut down. Very rare movement of people. The videos of Normal Kashmir being shows by some journalists are of Raj Bagh and area close to press enclave where some movement and please don't mistook it as the picture of entire Kashmir.
URGENT: An urgent ticket counter is needed outside Srinagar airport , so that patients who need urgent medication or parents who need to go out to meet their children would be able to get tickets and could be airlifted. @HMOIndia @PMOIndia

@DeccanHerald #Kashmir
Read 5 tweets
Aug 5th 2019
Extended session
Day 36

#RajyaSabha starts
Papers being tabled right now

Amit Shah can be seen
As per reports he is set to make a statement on situation in #JammuAndKashmir

Chair makes an announcement
Surendra Singh Nagar, Sanjay Seth, Bhubaneshwar Kalita resigned

Chair accepted their resignation as he found those voluntary and they were not willing to reconsider

Chair then reads out hours allotted for discussion of pending Bills

Chair then announces that #Parliament Building has completed 92 years, calls it temple of #democracy

Appeals to PM to expand and modernize #Parliament House in run up to India's celebration of 75th year in 2022
Read 67 tweets

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