In poker, position is everything. If you act after everyone, you have more information. Similarly, in trading, wait until the trend gets clear. Wait till OI builds up, and FIIs unravel their bets. You will miss some initial move, but who cares?
In the last tweet, the first situation had an almost 40% chance of winning. The second had less than 10%. Similarly, you need to know your breakevens, theta, trading costs, taxes, etc.
You don't get rich with Royal Flushes or fours of a kind. You do in many small hands with pairs, straights etc. Similarly its not on some event that you become an overnight millionaire. You do it in many small moves and the occasional big ones.
A big stack is the best thing. If you have it, you can take good risks. If you are short-stacked, you have one or two VERY SELECTIVE all-in moves left. The same goes for trading account size. Your greatest friend is your huge trading account. Make it huge.