When my son Patrick was born in 1985, I started writing letters to him (and also his sisters who followed) and I was recently rereading them and the 2nd one I wrote struck a chord on why we might not to edit
April 28, 1985
Dear Patrick,
You’ll notice that I wrote “original” on the title page of this book. When I read my first entry, I decided it was not exactly the way I wanted it, thus I thought that I would treat this collection as an original rough draft, which
I’m really not sure if that’s the best thing to do. It’s fine for poetry, and literature, even for Industry with its bench models. But in the transformation from original to finished product, much is lost.
Many times, all too many of us with our imperfect minds attempt to see only the ideal, forgetting the real, and in the process muddle both.
Thus, 25 year old Jim convinces 59 yer old Jim that he was wrong about an edit button for Twitter. You are right @jack, and I was wrong.