For your presentations, go straight to a demo, no slides. You can explain your background or motivation while showing your hack!
Don't be afraid to approach teams that make up your favorite tools/technologies while you hack on Discord/Gitter/in person. They are always helpful and Ethereum people don't sleep.
Don't underestimate the importance of a good presentation. Be able to explain your project so that anyone can understand it and tell them why it matters.
It's a great opportunity to get to know people from all different kinds of backgrounds so make sure to get out of your comfort zone and work with people who you wouldn't have gotten a chance to work with otherwise!
Once you define the goals you want to achieve for a protocol, it is must easier to design and build your project. For example, if we consider e-voting, one goal might be to "preserve voter privacy", once you know that goal, you can learn how to better tackle it.
Think big but execute small. What I mean is simply to have a great vision of what you are building could turn into but make sure you can build something small enough to do in a single weekend.
Understand the reason why distributed systems are both amazing and really difficult and work on the difficult parts of the problems.
During your presentation you should be able to explain clearly and concisely what you've built but also and importantly — why it matters. Make sure that your judges understand why you took a weekend out of your life to build this project!