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Feb 2nd 2023
J'ai pris le temps de lire le texte voté par le Sénat sur l'accélération du nucléaire

Je suis très surpris par certains points du projet de loin. Enfouissement des lignes de 400 kV, projet ITER... Je vous fais une petite sélection…
Rappel : le rapporteur de cette loi est un sénateur LR (majoritaires au sénat)

Le projet de loi est un projet de permitting, pas de mise en œuvre de projets mais bien de simplification. Il y a eu le même sur les renouvelables. Rien de choquant jusqu'ici
L'article Ier B prévoit : d'avoir plus de 50% de nucléaire en 2050, de poursuivre les efforts de recherche sur ITER et la fermeture du cycle combustible, de soutenir les SMR et la production d'hydrogène

Y'a rien qui va là-dedans car...
Read 9 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
ehi ciao buongiorno sperando di fare cosa gradita qua sotto trovate una lista con un po' di film di Natale o sul Natale o in tema Natale che magari potete (ri)guardare sotto le feste sentitevi liberi di aggiungerne altri insomma buon Natale!

THREAD 🧵🎄🎅🏼 Image
"Incontriamoci a Saint Louis" (1944)

assurdo riuscire a fare qualcosa di tanto stupendo come questo film. La scena in cui Judy Garland canta Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas per la prima volta nella storia per me sarà sempre il momento in cui nasce la magia del Natale!
“Tangerine” (2015)

il viaggio di Sin-Dee, prostituta a Los Angeles, attraverso una vigilia di Natale ruvida e senza amore. (un film che può avvicinarvi al culto di Sean Baker, imho il migliore oggi a catturare le ferite profonde degli USA) Image
Read 18 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
Last night someone delivered a car to my house.

Was supposed to be there at 7:30 and ended up being 10p due to “traffic” in Nashville.

At first I was kind of annoyed but when the guy pulled up he said “is this your house?”

I said yea it is.
He goes, “What do you need and how can I work for you?” 😂

Turns out this young dude actually owns the car transportation company. Bought a truck 5 years ago and now has trucks and semis that transport cars all over the country.
I said “how about we blow your transport business up instead that industry is ripe for disruption.”

We ended up talking for almost an hour at 10pm cause #YOLO and now he wants to buy real estate with me and take over his industry lol

But it got me thinking…
Read 8 tweets
May 25th 2022
Quelques réflexions en vrac. Nombre de commentateurs ont tendance à se focaliser sur les aspects tactiques de la bataille du Donbass, avec l'encerclement des poches de Severodonesk et Lyman, la percée de Popasna, etc.

J'aimerais prendre un peu de hauteur.
Ces évolutions ont indéniablement une influence opérative essentiellement en fonction de leurs conséquences sur la structure de force UKR : qu'est-ce qui sera encerclé et qu'est-ce que ça représente pour l'organique UKR.

Néanmoins, ouvrons le champ. Que constate-t'on?
L'UKR a vaincu au nord & Kharkiv est hors de portée du gros de l'artillerie RU. Un facteur de coercition en moins.

La RU n'a cessé de revoir ses ambitions à la baisse: de l'UKR on est passé au saillant du Donbass + le sud. Et pour l'heure, du Donbass à des poches + le sud.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
I was able to fit an entire functional mainnet archive into < 900 GB using Erigon + ZFS + compression (with some tradeoffs)


A short 🧵👇
Context: I've been running Erigon for a long time in my laptop using a portable 2TB Samsung T5 SSD.

Everything works fine, except last week I noticed current mainnet archive is taking +1.8TB, so it is time to migrate, you've done a good job Samsung ser, respect. Image
I already got a new 4TB drive, but wanted to experiment with something new that could give some extra life to the 2TB one.

I've seen some people talking about ZFS on Erigon discord, but it looks like they target Linux installations on cloud or home NUCs.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
My friend @AnthonyCrudele says, “trading is a journey of oneself” One of the ways I interpret that is that along this journey, you have to arrive at the approach to markets that fits you. This means if you are developing you will need…...
to be exposed to a number of ways to approach markets. This means learning from different practitioners. I understand this is a challenge. However, let’s say you want to gain skill expressing skill in intraday directional trades in the #ES_F….
I can certainly get you started w/a solid foundation, but let's say you want to hone focus on the open. Then, you should spend some time w/@paxtrader777.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 23rd 2022
1/9: So, here is a quick glance of SOME of the $GME shit showing how all this shit is related. Aight. Buckle up. Get your #GME tittehs jacked. This is only the beginning. First we got to separate this shit into 2 distinct sections: the parabolic shit and the linear shit as shown.
2/9: First the parabolic. I did mathz to determine the best dates to most accurately represent that shit. For easier math, I replaced dates to relative days so math is easier. Anyways, focusing on the high volume days, we get this fun graphs from 11/5/2004 to 01/10/2008.
3/9: To figure out the limits, we set those regression equations to 0 to determine essentially what day a limit occurred. From those dates, we can then figure out more important numbers, specifically c_1, along with more important dates.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
🛳 If you would like to take a trip down memory lane:…
Norwegian Breakaway up to 17 cases. Omicron confirmed in one person so far.
@CruiseNorwegian is just posting through this Omicron outbreak like it’s not even happening

#YOLO, right guys? #cruiseNorwegian ImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
Coupure fibre a la maison,
La chance d'être ingénieur sys et réseaux, c'est que j'ai les outils.

Pas de signal reçu

Coupure a 680 mètres avec mon réflectomètre de poche, celui permettant de shooter en 1625nm étant au bureau.

Ça pue le D3 qui m'a débranché au PM cette histoire Image
(On passera d'ailleurs sur les soudures dégeu du lien)

Bon, mon problème c'est que je ne sais toujours pas sur quel PM je suis raccordé.

L'avantage, c'est que je dois pouvoir trouver où ils sont et que j'ai les clés pour les ouvrir.
Est ce qu'on se ferait pas une excursion?
Moi qui suis de support toute la semaine, je vais pouvoir me venger et ouvrir un signalement.
Read 121 tweets
Sep 13th 2021
I believe @michaeljburry is referencing how for #GME 2021 has similar volatile dates as 2019. I've included a previous DD, 2019 vs 2021 share price data (that has been planarized, and other related stuff indicating this as well. #GameStop #math…
Some more data dump:

Here is a close up of that oscillating behavior beginnign in 2019. The volume data on the bottom has shows this signiature swing. You can also see how there are max volume outliers that seem to have an even displacement between each other.
Melvin entered the scene in 2016Q1. One could see how the oscillation become more defines around the same time . There also is a (highly improbable) linear decrease in the share price at this time.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
61.01/ Week sixty-one, Sept. 11-17, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 60 below
61.02/ I am a fan of the professional sport of American Football and, as a child of Pittsburgh, a particular avid supporter of the #Steelers. I apologize ahead of time for some intemperate comments that may be made during the season which could be non-sequitur for non-NFLers.
61.03/ From last night at the #Mets-Yankees game, a scandal that Fox's cameras lingered on that hateful flag. Ironically it symbolizes the way 9-11 was perverted by corrupt bad-actors from day one.

Read 38 tweets
Sep 11th 2021
Given how so many of my twitter spaces have been about looking at the #data as well how to prepare yourself for #MOASS with the focused audience on the #n00bie #investor much like myself, I'm wanting to write down my suggestions on how to prepare.
If anyone knows of any related #DD, will you please send it my way so I can use it as a source and give shout outs? I plan on writing this up to be SUPER beginner friendly. Thank you in advance.
$GME #GameStop #n00btube #InvestingShouldNotBeIntimidating #yolo #rage
This is not #financial #advice. It is mere #suggestions that come from how I'm going about this. I'm an engineer not a wall street asshat.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
Early tech career advice:

1. Intern or work 6-12 mo at a big name company (can be private)

2. Join a Seed-Series B startup. Email VCs asking for their top portfolio companies - they have insider knowledge.

3. Repeat (2) or start your own company.
#1 is important because unfortunately, colleges and companies are used as a first filter.

If you have a good friend, you can bypass this with a referral. But it’s the difference between companies approaching you vs you approaching them.
#2 — VCs want to help their winners. Win-win situation for everyone.

Take a look at their track records to see how well they’re picking.

Ask multiple VCs. There will be common overlap.

Cold emailing works well if #1 was established.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
Lorsqu'il s'installe aux commandes de son F-8E « Crusader », un beau jour de 1963, Cliff Judkins ne sait pas qu'il va entrer dans les annales. Il a 26 ans et malgré un sérieux accident qui lui a valu une ablation de la rate quelques années auparavant, il a rejoint les Marines.
Il fait partie de la WMF(AW)-323, basée à El Torro, Californie, et c’est avec le grade de 1er lieutenant qu’il s’apprête à rejoindre sa nouvelle affectation : Atsugi, Japon. Un petit périple avec étape à Hawai, Midway et Wake.
Ce type de vol, dit « TransPac », n’a rien de bien exceptionnel et Judkins est serein, son unité a d’excellents états de service ; le déplacement s’effectue en trois groupes de six appareils, la traversée devrait se dérouler sans histoire.
Read 57 tweets
Jul 13th 2021
Optimally Reliable & Cheap Payment Flows on the Lightning Network

the joint work with @stefanwouldgo is now (as promised) in the #open:

This method should allow us to
⚡️ send large #Bitcoin amounts over the #LightningNetwork ⚡️

Thread: 1 / 15
Because of my illness there was a delay and the source code of the min cost solver implementations that @stefanwouldgo and I created will be delayed by a few more days but it should be conceptually straight forward anyway.

That being said I want to thank some people...
Read 15 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
🍻 #bierviltje

Kans opname na (vastgestelde) infectie.


Vanmiddag negatief getest. Dus maar hopen dat het goed gaat 🙈

Read 13 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
1/ There’s a lot of chatter on the #grandattrition, where companies are seeing unprecedented rates of employee turnover right now. You are not alone. A lot of drivers for this and thoughts on mitigation... @lightspeedvp
2/ 15mos of covid (and counting) have made people rethink what they want - life, priorities, values, where to live etc. Many have experienced financial hardships but some have amassed unprecedented savings that’s given them real optionality.
3/ Combined with most (tech) companies going hybrid work (for now) means people can apply to jobs anywhere while living anywhere. Plus mega rounds of financing = OPTIONALITY. Tech employees have unprecedented leverage right now.
Read 8 tweets
May 11th 2021
1) Memeification- The process to create a #meme-driven culture and organization. “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.“-Steve Jobs

I still remember there was so much emphasis during my post-grad classes on storytelling, particularly the consulting ones!
2) Consultants often need to deal with many complex real-world cases that involve numbers, analysis, interview recordings, presentations as part of the finding process in order to form the final strategic recommendations to solve a particular business problem.
3) Different people communicate differently on a specific matter, thus miscommunication often arises when there is a misalignment of explicit and implicit meaning between the sender and receiver.
Read 25 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
🧵Draadje 108e OMT advies (en andere stukken)🧵

Waarin het OMT het krankzinnig vindt om nu te versoepelen en de zorg nóg verder te overbelasten én nog geen Fieldlab-fan is.

Presentatie Van Dissel daar-->…
Stukken 2e Kamer daar -->…
Gedrag en verspreiding liggen dicht bij elkaar. Dus eerst het beroemde uitstapje. Ditmaal naar het advies van de RIVM gedragsunit.

Ze zeggen: maak duidelijk wélke "criteria" je gebruikt om te versoepelen en noem vooral géén "datums".

Kabinet: "Hier zijn datums!"
Ook Putters van het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau schrijft in zijn brief naar het kabinet dat het noemen van datums "helderheid en perspectief" geeft. Máár als op die datums niet word versoepeld, dit kan leiden tot "teleurstellingen".
Read 20 tweets
Feb 15th 2021


My look at the bureau’s evolving strategy to identify suspects in the U.S. Capitol attack.

#CapitolRiots #SeditionHunters #BOLO #YOLO…
You Won’t Believe What The FBI Is Doing To Get Their Capitol Insurrectionists Photos On Your Timeline…
The FBI’s Capitol Attack “Seeking Information” Page Doesn’t Look Like THIS Anymore.…
Read 11 tweets
Jan 24th 2021
The biggest #bubble of our lives:
- Retail makes prices at the margin by buying OTM calls on sh1t #stonks
- #Tether prints USD backed with #bitcoin and loans & it’s fine
- “It’s a software co” EV maker is larger than almost all #software companies
- Digital images sell for >$300k
- People now make videos explaining they don’t need to work jobs because they buy stonks when they go up
- $ETH is undervalued on basis of cashflows for transactions that token holders have zero claim on
- #Ripple dumping on you is fine because they have $XRP fans in Japan
- #Restaurants & Small #businesses go bankrupt because of #lockdown and slow gov’t help but it’s fine
- $HTZ tries to do a cap increase out of chapter 11 because #robinhood
- A Company does reverse stock split and people brag about gains on per stock price basis on social media
Read 6 tweets
Jan 1st 2021
Na, Bitches? Gut gerutscht? Wie läuft es bei euch? Heute zeige ich euch mal mein natürlich perfektes Leben.
Nachdem ich entspannt um 9 aufgestanden bin, habe ich direkt Sport gemacht.
#Bodychallenge Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 28th 2020
Galera, vamos lá, na boa!!!

Diversas festas de bacana rolando em toda parte e todo mundo revoltado, dada a situação pandêmica.

Ok, Ok, é compreensível tal revolta, pois principalmente parte destes bacanas são da galerinha iluminada do 'fica em casa'.

Só que, sinceramente...
Vocês acham que isso é anormal?

Hipocrisias à parte daqueles que pregam pelo isolamento TOTAL, esse fica em casa, além de algo mega elitista, não está rolando em PARTE NENHUMA.

É simples, fala pro cara que precisa fazer o dia a dia (realidade da MAIORIA dos brasileiros) que...
...ele precisa ficar em casa, com 600, 300, 200 ou mesmo 1000 por mês.

Em rincões afastados do Brasil, OkDok, dá até pra se virar com isso, mas nos centros urbanos?

A galera tá muito centrada nas Suíças brasileiras em que mora e esquece q o Brasil tá no Ratinho, no Datena...
Read 13 tweets

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