That's one of the key trends that characterizes #TruthDecay—defined as the diminishing role of facts and analysis in American public life.
We'll have live updates on this thread.
🔹@michaeldrich, RAND president and CEO
🔹@jekavanagh, leader of our Countering #TruthDecay initiative
🔹@WendyMcMahon7, president, ABC Owned Television Stations
🔹@NPearlstine, executive editor, @latimes
and moderator @Willow_Bay, dean of @USCAnnenberg
1️⃣ growing disagreement about facts
2️⃣ blurring of the line between opinion and fact
3️⃣ rising volume of opinion and personal experience over fact
4️⃣ declining trust in respected sources
🔸erosion of civil discourse
🔸political paralysis at the federal & state level
🔸individual disengagement from political & civic life
🔸uncertainty in national policy
🔹cognitive bias
🔹changes in the information system (24-hour news, social media)
🔹demands on the education system that make it hard to keep up with these changes
🔹polarization in politics, society, and the economy
You can also read about this phenomenon in more depth in the full report:

Unless this trend is reversed, it will be difficult or impossible tackle society's wider problems.
RAND research suggests that it's a two-way street, she says. There's a way in which media exacerbates the problem, and there are demands audiences make on the media.
In response to that rapid and expansive change, and in the quest to drive traffic and drive referrals, newsrooms were reactive.
That has impacted the media's ability to do the types of journalism that audiences appreciate the most.
➡️44% said the news is as reliable now as it was in the past.
⬇️41% said the news has become *less* reliable.
⬆️15% said the news is now *more* reliable.…
One way to interpret that is that these groups now see themselves reflected in the news. While the fractured media environment can be difficult, there are benefits, too.
"When stories are coming out of a newsroom, not a neighborhood, then we are not relevant. And that's when trust and brand is sacrificed."
But some of the forces working in the other direction are still very strong.…
Want to learn more about the connection between #TruthDecay and the changing media landscape? You can find all the reports that are part of our Countering Truth Decay initiative here:…