It then proceeds to "if they don't do what you tell them to do, the NPCs automatically find them and kill them".
It's not an auspicious beginning.
But then you're supposed to make the PCs wait an arbitrary and unspecified amount of time for the cut scene to happen in a location where there's basically nothing for them to do except say, "We wait."
What is happening?!
You create your characters and then maybe 20 minutes later you pause the narrative so that they can level them up.
Just create 2nd level characters!
She seems sort of interesting. But what the hell is she doing here?
East: Bane
North: Bhaal
South: Myrkul
Am I crazy? Or should the door to the north actually be to the West so that all the themed doors match the themed content behind them?
Instead, there's just a random choice stripped of meaning.
"Bringing a lit torch or other open flame into the gas-filled room triggers an explosion..."
"Followers of the Dead Three carry torches..."
Again: Meaningful choice and problem-solving.
If the cultists have to go through this flammable gas, then their light sources would reflect that: Safety lamps or light spells.
PCs, seeing this, could realize the danger of an open flame.
Again: This would give the PCs a chance to gather information and then use that information.
Fun: Check out the information on the traditional "damps" miners used to describe mine gases:…
- The risk of an explosion in D15. (Looking at the map, it seems logical that gas flowing down to D18 could also flow down to D15.)
- Have the cultists USING the gas for something. Experiments in the Morgue (D13) seem cool.
Oh! Bloated zombies filled with corpsedamp that explode when killed!
This is something I've talked about before, but you've created a chokepoint here which makes your scenario very fragile.…
So a secret door is a bad choice.
But they've also sort of tripled down on this bad choice.
This stonewalling isn't great in any case, but here it's basically perverse.