We saw the purpose of our work.
We are part of a larger story. A story of American greatness.
The moment of liberation 75 years ago was the culmination of a mission.
And in that moment, we saw the power of America’s friendship.
It was a friendship that gave survivors, like Rabbi Lau, their freedom and a chance to rebuild their lives.
It is a friendship that has incredible meaning and power.
It is a friendship we have a responsibility to protect.
Especially -- now.
There is an emerging threat to America’s friendship with Israel.
The work we have done and continue to do is at risk.
This foundation consists of both parties. Democrats and Republicans. All faiths. All races. All Americans.
We believed, and continue to believe, that when America stands with the Jewish State, Israelis are more secure, and Americans are too.
A growing, highly vocal and energized part of the electorate fundamentally rejects the value of the U.S.-Israel alliance.
Its most radical views are bending the political conversation and commanding attention.
And this movement has national ambitions.
But far too often they reveal their true beliefs.
They say it and they do it because they believe it. And they believe it helps them.
So, let me say this plainly:
Any leader who energizes their political movement by demonizing Israel is not a friend of Israel.
In every moment, throughout its history, Israel has required friends. True friends. Israel cannot afford a single minute where America’s friendship with Israel at the highest levels wavers or skips.
Friendship means many things, and it means most of all that we care about each other.
America’s security support for Israel should never be used as a bargaining chip in the U.S.-Israel relationship.
President Clinton did it.
So did President George W. Bush.
So did President Obama.
Our deepest desire is that Israel reaches an enduring peace with the Palestinians, leading to two states for two peoples.
We know every Israeli desires peace with all willing nations in that region.
And in the Senate, we applaud @senatemajldr and @SenSchumer for being champions for the U.S.-Israel relationship when it has mattered most.
The U.S.-Israel relationship has always had its critics and its detractors.
But today we face something far more corrosive.
If they have their way, they will diminish America’s support for Israel and increase the risks for war in the Middle East.
How could these conditions help the cause of peace?
The political leaders opposed to America’s close relationship with Israel want to force their priorities onto candidates in every election in this nation.
And so they need to defeat our friends in Congress.
For decades, our movement has honored this promise, and we have been loyal to our friends.
But it’s not enough to play defense. The pro-Israel community has to take the fight to the other side.
There will be angry opposition.
And it won’t end in November.
A strong Israel, standing side by side with a strong America. No one could have foreseen this 75 years ago.
And no matter what challenges we face, we start in a position of strength.
But they stood and you saw them.
Those men crossed an ocean and they fought halfway across a continent.
Not to conquer but to liberate.
What America has fought for.
What America still stands for.
You see, my father was in Dachau, one of those camps.
And so I know personally what it means when America fights for you and stands on your side.
We all know.
And we all take pride in America at its best.
I am here to tell you this:
We are part of this story. And we can write its next chapter.
When America works for the security and peace of a distant, small democracy, that is America at its best.
To show our fellow Americans – to show the entire world – what America stands for… and what America always will be.
Thank you."
AIPAC CEO Howard Kohr #AIPAC2020
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But to make a speech about what we have already done, or what we already know, is not responsible given the urgency of this moment.
Once among the best, most authentic expressions of bipartisan support in America, the U.S.-Israel relationship as we know it…is under attack.
But now they are being led by those growing in power and influence.
We need to see this moment for what it is.
We're in a fight.
They’re attacking the bipartisan support that has defined this relationship for over seven decades.
They want us to be intimidated.
They want us to feel isolated.
They want to portray us as the outliers, by distorting this fundamental truth:
We represent the majority of America.
Over the last week, leaders and activists from every corner of this country have stood with us and spoken out in solidarity.
So on behalf of AIPAC’s leadership, I want to say thank you for standing with us.
To the senior members of the administration: thank you for standing with us.
To the tens of thousands of pro-Israel Americans who declare that you are #AIPACProud: thank you for standing with us!
Thanks to all of you…the 18,000 people here in Washington… undaunted and undeterred…thank you for coming to Washington, and for standing tall.
We are all…
My friends, we are ready for this fight.
We will preserve the bipartisan majority we’ve worked so hard to build.
We will maintain the diversity of this movement.
And we will make the already strong ties between America and Israel even stronger.
I pledge that everything I will ask of you while I am AIPAC president, I will ask of myself.
I pledge to increase my support for pro-Israel politics.
And our friends running for office – have the financial support of the pro-Israel community.
Our friends in Congress -- Democrats and Republicans -- must know that members of the pro-Israel community will help them.
Must know the pro-Israel community will work to defeat them.
But that requires resources, real resources, more resources.
Today, I’m asking you to join me.
we will impact this election cycle and this movement in real ways that will fundamentally shape the U.S.-Israel relationship.
So, I'm asking everyone to join me.
Because while the cost of building and preserving our movement is substantial, even more is needed to strengthen it.
And I pledge to help you.
I know how challenging it can be.
And in my first six months as AIPAC president, I will travel to Boston and Miami…to Chicago and Houston…to Dallas and San Francisco and Los Angeles…and throughout the northeast…
But we can’t stop there.
For more than 30 years, I’ve seen the AIPAC family grow into the diverse coalition that it is today.
We are all part of communities that bring a unique and essential voice to the table.
Today, I’m calling on each of us to use it.
But the promise of our support must be predicated on their promise to stand with Israel.
Our critics say that young people aren't interested in Israel.
They say, that you don't care.
The future is here in this hall today.
4,000 students.
300 Gellar Student Government Association Presidents.
Leaders of College Democrats and College Republicans.
You are the future.
Candidates are coming to your campus and looking for your help.
And before you volunteer on their campaign, make sure they know you stand with Israel, and that they must too.
So, I’m here to tell you that this entire movement stands with you and you are not alone.
You have standing in your communities, and the unique ability to mobilize.
I urge you to speak out about why support for Israel is critical in this election.
Amplify your voice on social media.
Host a political leader in your house of worship to talk about this issue.
And lead the charge.
African American leaders…
Hispanic leaders…
And leaders in the LGBTQ community…
You are on the front lines every day fighting for change.
Our issue is an American issue.
Candidates need to hear our case.
Tell them why you care, and why their support for Israel is a critical factor in your vote.
Thank you for your service to this country.
You know firsthand why Israel is our critical ally in America’s fight for freedom.
Elected officials need to hear from you, as well.
Speak with them. And stand with them as they stand with us.
Since then, I’ve been back more times than I can count.
I know Israel. And I love Israel.
So when our detractors spew lies and smear the place I love, I get angry.
The real Israel, the Israel we all love and work so hard to protect is a thriving democracy, a pluralistic society that embraces debate, and the rule of law, and a free press.
And a nation whose people yearn for peace every single day.
This fight will define our movement.
It won’t be easy.
But our best weapon is our common purpose.
It's what makes us AIPAC.
And it's how we will win…together.
Thank you."
AIPAC President Betsy Berns Korn #AIPAC2020