Because the Trumps never actually add value.
Their "fortune" comes from cheating and taking advantage of situations. It's all they know how to do.
You all know the story, right?
All errors are the fault of keyboard gremlins.
After earning a small fortune, he got married, and settled in Queens, NY.
There was thus a need for single family homes. The FHA offered building loans.
The FHA allowed builders to recoup part of their expenses, so Fred set up shell equipment companies.
When he submitted costs, he added a 5% architect’s fee even though there was no architect.
When he was hauled before the Senate probe into public corruption, he escaped punishment because there were no specific laws against what he did (now there are).
He partnered with ‘Willie” Tomasello, who in turn partnered with some of NY’s most powerful crime families, the Genovese and Gambino families.
Through his mob connections, Fred secured masonry and other supplies at bargain prices.
He had access to city bureaucrats and the most lucrative contracts.
By the time DJT took over the family business, Fred’s tactics had been outlawed.
You see, the Trumps had never actually added value; they took advantage of situations. That's what they're good at. Seeing ways to exploit weaknesses and loopholes for advantage.
That story begins with Semion Mogilevich, who got his start as a young man in the Soviet Union (SU) scamming his fellow countrymen who wanted to emigrate.…
His victims had left the country so they couldn’t do anything. By the mid 1980s, he had millions and needed to launder it.
Mogilevich knew it made no sense for a young man in the SU to have millions. In 1986, he sent his operative to buy 6 condos in Trump Tower.
@just_security did a great piece on this.…
It should also have occurred to Trump that a man in the SU hadn’t come by $6 million in cash legally.
He permitted anonymous buyers to purchase his condos, so he was a magnet for dirty money.
Trump personally attended the closing of Mogilevich’s condos.
Does anyone else wonder where he got the "large sum" that he was offering as a bribe?

This article also quotes the "$1 billion" figure that Trump purportedly offered.