-Day 12 of the #TrumpShutdown
-Vows 2 Keep Government Shutdown
-Went on a String of Unhinged Rants
-Lied About Illegal Immigration Stats
-Claims He "Essentially" Fired Mattis
-Defended Russia's Afghan Invasion
-Displayed Poster of Self During Mtg

Day 668 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 458 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 76 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

For the third straight year, there was a mass shooting on New Year's Day in America.
2017: Miami, FL (gunviolencearchive.org/incident/739766 )
2018: Huntsville, AL (gunviolencearchive.org/incident/10182…)
2019: Columbia, SC & Tallahassee, FL (gunviolencearchive.org/incident/12898… & gunviolencearchive.org/incident/12896…)
“It’s ok to have reasonable gun control without violating your Second Amendment right.” —@LtGRusselHonore
Saving lives should not be a partisan issue. Share if you agree.
Marine From Minnesota Shot, Killed At Barracks In Washington D.C. « WCCO | CBS Minnesota
Trump has still yet to offer public condolences
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
"This is inhuman & it's not precedented," Jerry Nadler said of zero-tolerance policies. "It's a deliberate creation of the Trump admin, which is trying to make things as miserable as possible. If kids die, they're apparently willing to have that." politi.co/2F0YBWa
U.S. authorities fired at least three volleys of tear gas into Mexico to repel about 150 migrants trying to breach the border fence in Tijuana early on New Year's Day, AP reports.
Kim and Trump Back at Square 1: If U.S. Keeps Sanctions, North Will Keep Nuclear Program via @NYTimes by @SangerNYT
Trump says they are still working to set up a second meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un
Trump illegally asked Russia to help him win in 2016. He shouldn't get away with it. usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
Ex-fed prosecutor Dan Goldman said he's beginning to believe conspiracy with Russian interference is not the most serious crime Mueller is investigating.
"There may have been a much larger conspiracy to provide sanctions relief to Russia"
Netflix subscribers in Saudi Arabia will no longer be able to view an episode of Hasan Minhaj's “Patriot Act” after the streaming service pulled the installment that contained references to the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. lat.ms/2F32n1d
The censorship of @Netflix's #PatriotAct with @hasanminhaj is latest proof of crackdown on freedom of expression in Saudi Arabia.
It takes actual courage to call out the company that cuts your checks like this
The irony of banning this Hasan MInhaj episode on Netflix in Saudi Arabia is that its now become international news and is probably now going to be seen by millions of other newly curious people:
Day 12 since Congress & Trump have not agreed on a spending bill.
Government agencies are now shut down.
More than 420,000 government workers to work without pay, including 41,000 federal law enforcement and correctional officers. #TrumpShutdown

As we wind down day 12 of the #TrumpShutdown, let's not forget:
"I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it."
The first two sentences in this are completely false.
"[USMCA] deal has not been approved by Congress, which means the parameters of the pact are not in effect. Even if the trade agreement is approved, it wouldn't in any way create a stream of money designated for the construction of a border wall." washingtonpost.com/business/econo…
Trump’s shutdown has paralyzed immigration courts. Oh, the irony. - The Washington Post
For one tribe of Chippewa Indians in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, the #TrumpShutdown comes with a price tag: about $100,000, every day, of federal money that does not arrive to keep health clinics staffed, food pantry shelves full and employees paid. nytimes.com/2019/01/01/us/…
The Trump administration opted not to shutter national parks during the shutdown.
So instead, people are entering w/o paying fees, and the parks are getting trashed.
Human feces, overflowing garbage, illegal off-roading and other damaging behavior in fragile areas are beginning to overwhelm some of the West’s iconic national parks during the shutdown. apnews.com/e28b313197bb46…
A pic taken near the White House. The National Park can’t empty trash cans next to the Washington Monument because of the #TrumpShutdown

No One Can Get A Marriage License In DC During The #TrumpShutdown buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetil…
The IRS doesn't pay refunds during government shutdowns. That makes little difference now, but by mid-February, this could be messy.
Old Post Office Tower on Trump property to reopen during shutdown with federal funding
Nancy Pelosi: "We can go through the back and forth. No. How many more times can we say no? Nothing for the wall." nbcnews.com/politics/congr…
Trump, in cabinet meeting:
-Lied about illegal immigration stats
-Disparaged/claimed to have fired Mattis
-Dismissed Dow losses as a "glitch"
-Complained about Romney not being a "team player"
-Praised the wheel
Trump, in cabinet meeting:
-Demanded $5.6B in wall funding
-Vowed to keep govt. shutdown "as long as it takes"
-Claimed to have watched PBS and been lonely over his holiday break
Per ace pooler @tackettdc Trump gets reflective during his 1st cabinet meeting of his third yr in office: Said his job would be “a lot easier if I just relaxed & enjoyed the presidency like a lot of other people have done”
Reminder: Of Trump's 712 days in office, Trump has visited a Trump golf club 166 times and visited a Trump property 218 times at our expense.
Trump says, without evidence, there are probably 30-35 million people in the United States illegally
@pewresearch study in November said there were 10.7 million undocumented immigrants in 2016, down 1.5 million from 2007
Trump said European leaders have told him they don't know how they've gotten away with taking advantage of the U.S. so long.
This is one of the many Trump claims that can't be definitively called false but sure is super-false sounding.
TRUMP on his low approval ratings in Europe: "I could be the most popular person in Europe. I could run for any office if I wanted to. I don't want to."
Asked about Mitt Romney's op-ed, Trump claims "I don't think anybody would have been able to do the tax cuts like I did. We got the greatest tax cuts ever."
He then goes on a bizarre rant about Obamacare & criticizes the late John McCain by name.
Trump scoffs at the military contributions of U.S. allies to U.S.-led coalitions, saying that a mere "200 soldiers to Iraq" or "100 soldiers from a big country to Syria or Afghanistan" doesn't make up for how these countries take advantage of the U.S. on trade and such.
Trump mocked Modi for reminding Trump that India built "a library" in Afghanistan: "We're supposed to say thank you for the library. I don't know who's using it, in Afghanistan..."
Trump says he "essentially" fired Jim Mattis. He didn't. Mattis resigned. Trump also says of Mattis: What's he done for me? How has he done in Afghanistan? Not too good. Not too good. I'm not happy with what he's done in Afghanistan."
Trump: "I think I would have been a good general, but who knows?"
Reminder: Trump dodged the draft based on a fabricated bone spurs diagnosis
Following a bizarre rant about the Soviet Union, Trump says this about Afghanistan: "Why isn't Russia there? Why isn't India there? Why isn't Pakistan there? Why are we there? We're 6,000 miles away."
TRUMP can't specify a timetable for Syria withdrawal, then says: "Look, we don't want Syria... we're talking about sand and death. That's what we're talking about. We're not talking about vast wealth. We're talking about sand and death."
Trump frames the border wall: "The $5.6 billion is a small number. It's one month in Afghanistan. We're talking about national security. This isn't just the border. This is national security. This is health and wellness. This is everything."
TRUMP on his lonely holidays at the White House: "I was here on Christmas evening, I was all by myself in the White House. That's a big, big house. Except for all the guys out on the lawn with machine guns..."
TRUMP: "When they say the wall is immoral, then you better do something about the Vatican. The Vatican has the biggest wall of them all...They work 100%. Never going to change. A wall is a wall... I think the people of the country think I'm right."
TRUMP on what he did to singlehandedly lower gas prices: "The reason it's down is because I called up some of the OPEC people, I say 'don't do it.'...I called up certain people and I said 'let that damn oil and gasoline, you let it flow,' the oil."
Trump argues DOD inspector general reports should be kept private: "The enemy reads those reports. They study every line. Those reports should be private reports. Let them to do a report, but they should be private reports & be locked up."
TRUMP: "I had a meeting at the Pentagon with lots of generals. They were like from a movie. Better looking than Tom Cruise, & stronger. And I had more generals than I've ever seen."
Trump: "Russia used to be the Soviet Union. Afghanistan made it Russia because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan. Russia."
Trump then goes on to endorse the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Via Fox.
Trump mouths/embraces *Soviet* disinformation that Moscow invaded Afghanistan to quell terrorism against the USSR.
Fact check: It invaded to protect a client communist government that had seized power in a coup.
TRUMP: "I got a great letter from Kim Jong Un. The few people that I've showed this letter to - they've never written letters like that. This letter is a great letter"
Adds that if he hadn't won in 16, "You'd be having a nice big fat war in Asia"
Kirstjen Nielsen claims, without evidence, that Border Patrol is seeing a "massive spike" of "fake families" showing up at the border.
"They know if they pretend they're together, they're likely to get in for good," she adds.
Trump, fabricating figures out of thin air, claims "I've heard numbers as high as $275 billion we lose on illegal immigration."
(Trump's made-up numbers about the cost of immigration have more than doubled since 2015 and have no basis in reality)
Acting AG Whitaker kisses up to Trump: "Sir, Mr President, I will start by highlighting the fact you stayed in DC over the holidays, giving up Christmas w/your family, New Year's w/your family... you have demonstrated your dedication to delivering"
Romney's attack prompts call to protect Trump from 2020 primary challenger washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns…
2019: Romney's niece, who no longer uses her maiden name now that she is RNC chairwoman, chides her uncle Mitt for criticizing her boss Trump
Russia says US consular officials have been granted access to Paul Whelan, an American detained in Moscow on accusations of spying cnn.it/2SylPGW
"Paul Whelan I believe was taken as a leverage for Vladimir Putin in response to the Maria Butina prosecution in Washington," says @Billbrowder.
Putin "was in a very weak position. He needed to change that... So he looked for a hostage."
Reminder: The NRA, which pumped $30 million into #Trump campaign, says it took money from 23 Russia-linked donors
Attorney general nominee Bill Barr’s confirmation hearing before Senate Judiciary will be Jan 15 and 16, committee announces
Behind closed doors, Trump tells Schumer he won’t accept Dems' offer because he'd 'look foolish,’ w/ @maeganvaz & @JDiamond1
"Trump is an interesting person. He is not immoral but is amoral. Amoral is when you shoot someone in the head, it doesn't make a difference. No conscience," Harry Reid says.
"I think he is without question the worst president we've ever had."
Ret. Adm. William McRaven responds to Trump's attacks on McChrystal: "Stan McChrystal is one of the great generals of this generation and the finest officer I ever served with ... No general I know has given more in the service of this country."
"It is the most anti-republican of sentiments to have Americans reassuring one another, as they have for two years, that all is well because the generals are really in charge." theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/…
CREW: So apparently one of Mike Pence’s new jobs is to make money for businesses that Trump still profits from. citizensforethics.org/pence-is-visit…
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets with incoming Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro
Brazil’s new president removes LGBT concerns from human rights ministry hill.cm/wwUkeoi
U.S. Homelessness Edges Higher Again After Six Years of Declines - WSJ wsj.com/articles/u-s-h…
Apple shares to resume trading at 4:50p ET after cutting Q1 guidance cnbc.com/id/105656264
Apple's new Q1 guidance:
• Revenue guidance of $84B, down from $89B to $93B
• Gross margin guidance lowered to about 38% from between 38% and 38.5%
Full story: cnbc.com/id/105656264
Trump earlier said that the stock market last month, which saw the S&P 500 drop more than 9% to notch its worst December since 1931, was "a little glitch," according to the pool report.
Flip-flops featuring contradictory Trump tweets sold out in less than a month hill.cm/VgoLDdq
McConnell announces that he and Schumer have cut a deal to confirm several of Trump’s nominees in the final day of the 115th Congress.
I always get nervous when I hear Schumer "cut a deal."
Nancy Pelosi: "Tomorrow we will bring to the floor legislation that will open up government. It will be based on actions taken by the Republican Senate … led by Senator Mitch McConnell." Via ABC.
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
As of Thursday, DOD will be run by a former senior Boeing executive. EPA is run by a former coal lobbyist. HHS is run by a former pharmaceutical lobbyist. And Interior will be run by a former oil-industry lobbyist. Welcome to 2019.
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion.