And quotes with page numbers
Consistent formatting makes for happy tutors
You’ve read all the set texts, wrote clear prose that zings
These are your lecturers’ favourite things
And no plagiarism
Checking the rubric’s a v good decision
Proofread and fix any poor spelling
Can write an essay but I can’t sing a thing!
With new ideas, your tutor is hopping
You like my work?
Gee thanks, acknowledge it
I see it, I like it, I want it, I cite it
Look at the length of that ref list!
My knowledge base is looking ace
You can tell that I’ve read it
I don’t mean to brag
But I be like, HD’s in the bag, yeah
When you see my work
You be like ooh, the concept’s clear, yeah
Quotation marks close the loop, gimme the scoop
Harvard, Chicago are good; long as it looks like it should
Look at my ref x2
Without it the scholar don’t get no respect
Ain’t no budget to purchase my test
Don’t want a degree that’s fraudulent!