There is no meaningful effort without an understanding
There is no understanding without a #meaningful effort
We #achieve meaningful effort only by #failing and #trying again
#Effort is needed to achieve WHAT by doing HOW in accordance with WHY
You will excel in #debate, #logic, #philosophy but not in #life
The #Path is almost forgotten, The #Goal becomes the only #desire
You might have to take many #meaningful steps before you arrive at a certain understanding
You must not do an extra effort outside your understanding unless needed
Don't #identify yourself
If someone who already walked the path is available, Always #seek an #understanding
But never directly adopt the understanding, seek the #method to arrive at it
After realisation, the #action is needed but becomes effortless
Mind can only exist in #extremes, never in the middle. Never appreciates #neutrality
Mind prefer #consistency but the #reality is a #spontaneous phenomenon
Mind always cling to the #known and discards the #unknown