It’s a damn shame we find ourselves at a point
when an old standby phrase that always gets the point across in a plethora of situations has become meaningless. Due to either mysterious manifestations of one’s chosen reality..
... or the bombastic ego and brashness of the lovers of self in these times, “You can’t make this $hit up”, really has lost the punch and satisfaction it once had. Such a damn shame, hell I did not give the phrase it’s due until a year or so ago.
.. while simultaneously signaling run 4 your lives, this is a work of art. Of course ending it with nod to ☠️& projecting 666 with a date marker, so tricky Bill.
Standing MF'ing Ovation! I wont unpack it all, but lets look @ March 5th. ( 3/5 ) . .
While there are 100’s more events listed on the page, my answer is not here. But being reminded of CRISPUS ATTUCKS MADE IT ALL WORTHWHILE. Please teach your children about him. I am sure 75% of our schools will not. Do they even teach the Revolutionary War anymore? I digress.
We will come to back to 3/5.
This tweet has gotta be a prank, right? Is BDB a genuinely evil person? Is Bill de Blasio even his real name? Let’s take a look. . via…

Damn, maybe I should get my introductory tweet notarized & copies sent out to multiple attorneys, and my life insurance agent.
Levity balloon is leaking nitrous oxide at an outstanding rate now.
Don't forget you can't make this $hit up.
Let's get real now!
March 5th huh? I quickly discovered this article about a poor young girl from Italy, published 3/5/19. Not just Italy, but she was a resident of Vatican City.…

"The teenager was the daughter of a Vatican employee and lived inside the city state, the world’s smallest sovereign nation. She was also a Vatican citizen."…

Let me state, in no way am I accusing BDB of knowing anything remotely related to the missing girl.
Timing of the tweet is almost a full year after this article.
Could this be what BDB was signaling? So a traitor has turned & is talking?
If so, who is the traitor?
Even deeper in the article, we learn some very interesting items.…

Pope Francis is unique for way too many reasons for this thread.
3/4/19 - Nick Squires publishes this article:…