#publichealth #healthequity #covid19

washingtonpost.com/politics/covid… #mke

yalereview.yale.edu/sirenland #covid19

In STL County, available data shows African Americans have been hit by the virus at a rate of about 4X that of white county residents.
stltoday.com/lifestyles/hea… #healthequityweek

"Meanwhile, funeral directors have buried at least 14 African-American New Haveners who died from Covid-19" @PaulJBass
newhavenindependent.org/index.php/arch… #NHV #healthequity
#COVID19 #healthequity #nnip
Chelsea 1,890
Brockton 1,223
Randolph 1,073
Wellesley, the wealthiest major town, has a rate of 252
% white:
Chelsea 21%
Randolph & Brockton each 34%
Wellesley 78%
@MassDPH mass.gov/info-details/c… #healthequity

Hot off press @JAMA_current by @NMHheartdoc: #COVID19 & African Americans
jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/… #healthequity
Which groups will be impacted most?
[Context: Cost of #CARESAct tax cuts for people making >$1,000,000 exceed relief funds for all state+local govts combined]