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May 30th 2023
Following the weekend's IPEF Supply Chain Agreement announcement, we published a new report focused on #semiconductors and supply chain resiliency. We identify IPEF as the best vehicle for enacting the friendshoring agenda and provide 8 recommendations.…
1⃣ Establish trusted trading partner standards for future cooperation.

IPEF’s diverse membership makes it challenging to develop trusted partner models for chips cooperation, but laying the foundation for greater export control coordination is a key step.
2⃣ Accept that trusted partnership relationships are *reciprocal.*

Developing secure, resilient supply chains in the semiconductor sector is not simply a matter of reshoring. Partnerships rely on all the parties to support and reinforce mutually agreed-upon outcomes.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
1/ Had a great time writing this @EPLabDigest article with @DrCJBradley

2️⃣ different perspectives (IC And EP) using different devices (watchman/ amulet) for LAAC in the community center.

Let’s take a dive into two different LAAC programs #Tweetorial
2/ #LAAC has come a long way over the past few years and now we have two main players in the space

🔸 @bostonsci #watchman
🔸 @AbbottNews #Amulet

Both are very effective and each has pros/cons

My center focuses on Watchman FLX while @DrCJBradley center focuses on Amulet……
3/ Historically #EPeeps has taken the driver seat in this space (rightfully so) due to experience with the LA/transeptal. HOWEVER the new gen #IC/structuralist have become a vital part of the team.

#LAAC programs require:
🧑🏼‍⚕️Anesthesiologist/Cath lab team……
Read 24 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
Before And After.. Image
Read 24 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
New Video Out

Project Highland is much more than a Model 3 upgrade. It's the start of a manufacturing revolution that includes the Model Tau!
In this two video series I explore what Project Highland is about. The first video, "Cracking the Easter Eggs" dives into history to provide a peek into the future.

The second video, out soon, will provide an engineering analysis of highland's breakthrough production methods
In the first video, I look at MINDBLOWING innovations and working methods which
Ford introduced in the Model T era,
and Elon now revisited
but OEMs completely forgot as they grew fat and led by MBAs

I state Project Highland's GOALS

And how they apply to M3 and a new Model Tau
Read 8 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
November 1970: Detroit Mafia members start to push retirement age and, as such, seek warmer climates for the golden years. Close to 40 members of #Detroit la cosa nostra flee the Pointes. First up we have Black Bill Tocco, as he takes off for Miami. (1/7)
Next, Peter Licavoli, who played a key role during prohibition, has already been calling Tucson home, unloads his abode on Balfor (2/7)
Anthony Zerelli's dad gave him this house on Middlesex. He's not old enough yet to yearn for the tropics, so he's eyeing the vast commuter belt of Sterling Heights. (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
#Blog @BestSuperWoman shares her hilarious date from hell with Jamal. #thread #Detroit #storytime
Read 11 tweets
May 8th 2022
A thread of Catholic churches that have been vandalized, attacked, and their members harassed by pro-abortion extremists:
Sacred Heart of Mary in #Boulder, Colorado (Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022). The church was also vandalized last September, with similar pro-abortion slogans, along with slashed tires and smashed windows. ImageImageImage
St. Joseph's Priory in Armada, Michigan (just north of #Detroit), a chapel of the SSPX (Wednesday, May 4th). ImageImageImage
Read 21 tweets
Jan 15th 2022
Two years before the pandemic, ⁦@Ford⁩ made a billion-dollar bet that tech talent wants to work in hip urban centers close to dining, etc…

An economist at Ford’s rival @GM sees a new trend in where people want to work snd eat lunch.

My column:…
ICYMI: 'Behind-the-scenes work is done' as Ford puts Michigan Central Station back together…

#Detroit #DetroitCRE #Corktown #Ford
ICYMI: @Ford plans 3rd building at train station complex in #Corktown; renovated Book Depository to open by June… #Detroit #DetroitCRE #Ford #Mobility #Automotive
Read 4 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
He may Rest In Peace, but the things he fought for are still a problem eight years later and there is only one man too blame for those problems.

#GOTV Nov 2.
#Detroit ImageImageImageImage
In 2013 Duggan’s experience is less than Adams in 2021. Did this affect the lack of progress by the Duggan administration?
If you review Duggan’s record, as he stated, he failed everywhere. Image
Then the next election
Duggan’s slogan was ‘promises made , promises kept’ which was a lie by his own measure. The same goes for what he has stated for 2021. Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 16th 2021
Tomorrow I’m opening my first grocery store in a Title One school. I doubt I sleep tonight - imagine a parent between checks who can order dinner and breakfast for their family thru our app and their child bring it home. I’m changing lives man, no one does it like me. Just wait!
Before Picture!
FYI this is in #Atlanta my hope is that we bring this to rural communities. Also I hope to bring one to #Memphis #Birmingham #LittleRock #JacksonMS #Nashville #Jacksonville #Tampa #Houston #CharlotteNC #Dallas #Newark #Camden #LasVegas #Chicago #StLouis #Detroit and so many more!
Read 7 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
It is fire season in Canada, Russia, Spain, Cyprus, various parts of the US, various parts of Brazil... From Siberia to the Amazon, this is the fire thread:

See where fires are raging in July 2021 🧵#ClimateCrisis #extremeweather ⬇️…

This is the fire thread: See where fires are raging in July 2021 🧵#ClimateCrisis #extremeweather #Siberia +…

This is the fire thread: See where fires are raging in July 2021 🧵#ClimateCrisis #extremeweather #californiawildfires +
Read 13 tweets
Apr 10th 2021
Just got assaulted attempting to cover an anti-eviction march in Detroit this afternoon. A member of the protest ‘security’ ran up, grabbed my camera and forced me against a building #Detroit #DetroitProtests
A man wearing an Antifa pin committed the first assault during the march. Camera stopped a few times while he attempted to steal it. Eventually, others in the group urged him aside to release me from against the building. #Detroit #Antifa #DetroitProtests
“You’re not f***ing welcome here.” A man wearing a Press patch then accosts me and tries to force me to leave, as the crowd marched through Greektown in Detroit #Detroit #DetroitProtests
Read 6 tweets
Apr 8th 2021
🚨💉🧵Michigan VACCINES - 4/8:

Nearly 38% of residents have received at least one dose. Let's do better. More clinics and appointments are coming, so keep a close eye! Here's what we have today: 👇👇👇👇👇
CVS has some scattered openings, including a bunch in SOUTHFIELD for Pfizer (48075). CVS dropped appointments during the day on Wednesday, so keep an eye on it…
Port Huron (48060) has some J&J appointments at CVS…
Read 51 tweets
Apr 4th 2021
📝💉🧵Michigan VACCINES - Planning for next week 4/4:

There aren't many vaccination options today, because it's Sunday and Easter. But there are opportunities coming next week. Here's a look at a few, to help you plan. Take advantage of the walk-ins. 👇👇👇
MONDAY, 4/5: @ACCESS1971 has a walk-in Pfizer clinic in Sterling Heights for anyone 16+ in Michigan. You just have to show up. This clinic is also open 4/6 and 4/7.

9:30-4, 4301 E 14 Mile Road. Call 586-722-6036 for help.
MONDAY, 4/5: 2) @wayne_health in Detroit at St. Stephen AME Church from 11a-5:30p, 6000 John E Hunter St.

Moderna. Drive-thru and walk-up. No residency requirement.
Read 23 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
The Disregard of Informed Consent and Echoes of Nuremberg - Most disturbing is how a general public concerned over GMOs are demonstrably complacent about injecting experimental mRNA technology by @TraderStef for #CrushTheStreet #InformedConsent… Image
Read 66 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
Detroit @MayorMikeDuggan is turning away 6,200 doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccines because it's not as effective as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and preventing #COVID19 illnesses… via @annalise_frank & @crainsdetroit
My column in @crainsdetroit: Why Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan's rejection of J&J vaccine is dangerous in Michigan's fight to end the pandemic… #COVID #covid19 #CovidVaccine #COVIDVaccination
ICYMI: Michigan Catholic bishops say Pfizer, Moderna #COVIDvaccines should be preferred over Johnson & Johnson…

#CovidVaccine #COVID19 #COVID #Michigan #Detroit
Read 7 tweets
Feb 9th 2021
🔎 'Corporate concentration in the US #food system makes food more expensive and less accessible for many Americans' 💵🌽🇺🇸

🗞️ Excellent new piece in the @ConversationUS by @hendricksonm & IPES-Food's own Phil Howard 👇🏾

Quick thread! 🧵/1…
"We’ve closely followed #corporate consolidation of food production, processing and distribution in the U.S. over the past 40 years. In our view, this process is making #food less available or affordable for many Americans," say Hendrickson & Howard. /2
"Consolidation has placed key decisions about our nation’s #foodsystem in the hands of a few large companies, giving them outsized influence to #lobby policymakers, direct food and industry #research and influence #media coverage." /3
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Feb 6th 2021
did you know that #Detroit once had a #Chinatown? it was raized twice due to urban renewal. these same racist policies also displaced Black Bottom/Paradise Valley and Latinx community along Bagley/96 intersection. MGM Casino is where the first Chinatown was located.
while metro #Detroit likes to present itself as racially, culturally and ethnically diverse, it is not racially, culturally or ethnically integrated. we're all concentrated into separate communities bc urban planning is inherently racist, anti Black and anti Indigenous.
until we address racial covenants like urban renewal, block busting, redlining, predatory lending and housing practices, neo-colonial practices like mass foreclosures, school closures, water shutoffs, land grabbing and gentrification will perpetuate displacement of BIPOC folx.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/26/2020…
How Cities Lost Control of Police Discipline…

#unions #police #Detroit
In Search of a New Reserve Currency - World Game…

#reserve #currency #world
Read 8 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
In #Michigan war das #TCFCenter in #Detroit der Punkt wo die Demokraten zuschlugen. Es gibt mehrere Zeugen deren Aussagen Zusammen das Bild liefern wie es ablief. Dieser beschrieb wie die Kisten hineingebracht wurden, Aussagen wie sie ankamen und gezählt wurden angehängt.
Alle Stimmen scheinbar für Biden.
Wahlzettel die Nachts in der Garage abgeliefert wurden.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
TODAY: The Senate Oversight Committee will hear testimony related to #absentee counting in #Detroit. The two previous #ElectionIntegrity hearings were joint with House members. Today’s is only on the Senate calendar.
Here’s a portion of a motion filed Sunday by Sidney Powell related to one of the remaining election suits in Michigan.

It will be interesting to see how testimony goes today — and who delivers it — given this requests certain affidavits be sealed.
You can stream the hearing here:…
Read 36 tweets
Nov 27th 2020
There is a clarion call now to embrace the @GOP so the nation can "heal" and unify. Resist that. Resist erasing the history of the past 4yrs and what has transpired and how dangerous and damaging it has been to the fabric of this nation as well as to individual lives.
You may think #resistance is over because #BidenHarris were elected. But the same @GOP who elected and supported Trump at the expense of American lives remains in power. They still ensconced a judiciary that values a small group of religious extremists over public health.
Absolving criminals who tried to subvert democracy, erase the will of the people and invalidate Black votes in #Philadelphia and #Detroit cannot be sanctioned under guise of "unity." There can be no unity with people who are opposed to our core democratic values.
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Nov 17th 2020
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨Right now: The Michigan Republicans are trying to steal the election in Detroit, MI for Trump:
Public Comment is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
You should stop what you are doing and watch @NedStaebler rip apart the Republicans in #WayneCounty on the Board of Canvassers for being racists who tried to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Black voters in #Detroit .
Read 27 tweets

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