Dr.Idris Akbani attended #TabligiJamaat
He hid this information from officials& RIMS,attended OT where 100s of surgeries r done,attended OPD with 100s of patients per day😥
He infected deliberately to many innocents.
Now dear muslims who r writing so bad comments on my original post.
Plz spread your hatred somewhere else🙏
News is 100% truth.
Final result can be anything,but tweet was 100% correct.
Adilabad govt,police,media every1 know it.

Just bcoz I revealed a doctor's extreme negligence.
He attended #TabligiJamaat,then didn't inform anyone,continued working in hospital till police find him on 1st april,His relatives,fellow #muslims r threatening me. @drharshvardhan

Dr.Idris akbani knew very well after attending #TabligiJamaat,if he is infected by any chance then he can spread it to innocents but he continued. now his relatives & #muslims threatening me😥

#QurantineLife में रहो #SocialDistancing रखो,जो लोग नमाज़ अब भी मस्जिद मे पढ़ रहे है,जिन्होंने #TablighiJamat में भाग लिया उनके खिलाफ खुद रिपोर्ट करो,जिम्मेदार भारतीय बनो,आपका पूरा देश सम्मान करेगा,प्यार देगा