USS Theodore Roosevelt arrives in Vietnam, becoming second US carrier to visit since the 1970s……………
& Trump is oblivious that it was part of a significant strategic mission involving Vietnam, Japan & countering China in the South China Sea ...
Transcript of the Telephonic Briefing with U.S. Navy Admiral and Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet John C. Aquilino And U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Daniel J. Kritenbrink
"This ship visit offers the opportunity for Americans & Vietnamese to share skills related to, for example, the control of infectious disease, & lang capabilities, to enjoy concerts & sporting events together, & to engage in community activities throughout Danang"
"I was privileged to be able to come to Danang in conjunction with the visit of the U.S. Aircraft Carrier Strike Group Theodore Roosevelt to recognize the 25th anniversary of our relations w the Vietnamese."…
Admiral Aquilino: "I’d like to thank my Vietnamese partners for allowing our ships to come in. I want to thank them for the amazing hospitality, for sharing their culture with my sailors, & we look forward to more events like this in the future."
That being said, some Vietnam media outlets still get to visit the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier."
US Pacific fleet commander John C. Aquilino &
US Consul General Marie Damour
will represent the American delegation at a welcome ceremony on Thursday, where Vietnamese dignitaries will also be in attendance
Pompeo, Esper or Trump?
Vietnamese news is showing breaking news of COVID-19 survivors during broadcast of USS Roosevelt presence.
tip: @NarcTranslator……
Adm. Aquilino has directed all vessels visiting nations in the 7th Fleet area of operations “to remain at sea for at least 14 days before pulling into another port in order to monitor sailors for any symptoms" of COVID-19.…
"Even Coronavirus Couldn’t Stop the 2nd US Carrier Visit to Vietnam"…………
Those sailors tested negative.…
Do not be distracted by ...