Donald wants to play golf, he wants people to think he's rich, he is lazy, & he wants people to love him & shower him with accolades.
EVERYTHING else is secondary.
He's lazy.
Everyone who has ever worked for him says he has the attention span of a flea, wants to start something for three days, hand it off & run after the next squirrel he sees.
The Grand Hyatt was controlled by Fred, the Hyatt's & HRH Const.
The Trump Tower condo project was totally controlled by the land owner @AXA
He could have ridden the wave with minimal change, played golf, gotten huge accolades for basically doing nothing & not causing harm, played golf, be welcomed by world leaders ...
So why is Trump working so hard to sabotage the US & world economy?
Why is he ignoring the advice of everyone he has hired, except the white nationalists?
Why not just do nice things, get huge praise, try to please centrist voters & try to hand off the Presidency to Ivanka?
The only time Donald does not take the easiest route, the only time Donald does not seek praise & accolades, is when he is in deep debt.
Vladmir Putin owns Trump.
The only person truly benefiting from Trump's reckless & irattic behavior is Putin.
Russia is in trouble financially, they benefit most from a weakened world economy.
Causing damage to confidence, creating uncertainty, but then reversing course just before a major crash might occur.……
There is no reason to believe that Trump is not capable of doing this.
There is every reason to believe that Trump is intentionally sabotaging the US economy for profit.…
Russia, mobsters, Saudi Arabia ...…
Baja Mexico, Tampa and many other schemes ended up holes in the ground followed by lawsuits.…
Trump loves golf & he wants to be adored by world leaders, especially dictators.
There is only one explanation for most of his radical & irrational behavior.
Putin & MBS are pulling the strings via Kushner & profiting at average Americans expense
Yes, Trump is stupid.
What is most important is that Trump is deeply in debt to Putin & to foreigners.