Clearly you have a limited understanding of what the concerns about promoting use of masks is. So I shall explain in simple language to ensure you understand.
1. COVid-19 is a novel virus. No one has the inside information about the characteristics this virus displays. Because it’s never existed before. So, in a manner of speaking, every global doctor is flying by the seat of their pants in the dark.
The average person does not require a mask. And that has been communicated since the beginning of the pandemic.
That is a lie and dangerous propaganda. Criminally negligent.
But there is no real protection that is 100%. So venturing out of your home is a risk. Wearing a mask protects others, not the wearer.
The best protection from infection is to stay home.
If you have to venture out for work, groceries or medication, a mask protects others from your coughs and sneezes.
I’ve been listening to news broadcasts and that is the information I’ve gleaned. Why haven’t you?
Or are you just part of the disinformation machine?
Be a journalist, not a troublemaker.
Here is science at work. But it’s one study, so many more studies that produce similar results are required to trust it as true information.
Masks marginally reduced transmittal of droplets from infected masked patients.