@MedDermSoc & @DermHospitalist Mini-Symposium on #COVID19 & #dermatology!!
I will be attempting to #livetweet the Zoom meeting!
Join along if you'd like. I will be using the h/t #COVIDDerm!
@RoxanaDaneshjou @dschless
Your cohosts are super excited to have you join. To give a little background, this meeting was planned in ~1 week, and we have over 500 RSVPs!
@MishaRosenbach now kicking us off with #COVIDDerm!

Reminder to do so here:
Powerhouse of #dermatologists!
Vesicular rash
Livedo reticularis
and more!
Once the disease hit Italy, we saw our first report because #dermatologists were redeployed to the front lines which allowed for better characterization.
18/88 patients (~20%) had a skin manifestation.
Here's the paper: joidairouso.com/bb/img/207_2.p…
Later on, a case series from Wuhan showed 7 critically ill COVID19 patients with distal ischemia (much more severe than just the toes, with frank necrosis).
1 - virally mediated
2 - consequence of drug or other systemic disease
A Spanish paper with prospective data!
47% "maculopapules"
19% covid toes
9% vesicular (small monomorphic)
6% livedo or necrosis
19% urticarial
also - sickest patients had livedo, & most mild cases were pseudochilblains. maculopapules in btw.
Could this be thrombotic? vasculitic? inflammatory? some mixed picture?
This paper from @JAADjournals is referenced, with mean duration of rash to be 8.7 days.
Notably, #COVID19 PCR was negative in the majority of those tested (very few tested). This was the case in 3 case series being presented.
Seems to look like regular pernio, per @lindyfox1.
#covidtoes seem to be:
- in young healthy patients
- CAN have respiratory/other sxs
- Seems to be a later finding. Can have +PCR, but usually not. Should we worry about infectious poss?
- Most Ab testing has been negative
My personal take: I might avoid sending the entire work up if it's not going to change management.
HOWEVER - if it affects a patient's ability to return to work, or potentially donate plasma etc, I might send more.

Some patients seem to have disease course that is much longer than the published ~9-13 days.
Instead, acral livedo racemosa has been the most frequent finding!
Skin bx was performed in 6 pts. all 6 had a pauci-inflammatory thrombogenic vasculopathy.
4/6 had arterial thrombosis!
3 of 4 died from thrombosis! (Stroke, PE)
Perhaps this skin finding can help warn about soon to come coagulopathy!
#medtwitter #dermtwitter #COVIDDerm
This fits with the many thrombotic complications seen on autopsy, and all the clotting seen by the intensivists and #hospitalists!
Notably, these aren't patients going into DIC.
- ?complement activation and deposition
- ?endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis
- ?antiphospholipid?
- livedoid pattern may likely be a manifestation of systemic coagulopathy, especially if high d-dimer
- partner with #hematology, especially re: anticoagulation
Need to have ongoing dialogue with primary teams to make sure they understand our changed workflows
Important to recognize that in-person evaluation is the gold standard.
#telemedicine has made in person eval much more efficient, making it easier to plan.
Also need to think about billing! Unclear if time spent on the consult (even not face to face) is the only factor for billing. Good to keep track.
Most importantly - lack of data! So a lot of judgement is required!
Important to have shared decision making process.
- severity of underlying condition
- potential need for emergency care increasing risk of exposure if stopping immunosuppression.
- job exposures
- need for lab monitoring
- relative level of immunosuppression
Many biologics for #psoriasis show that biologic URI risk is similar to placebo. Based on paper from lebwohl in the @JAADjournals
Paper from @JosephMerolaMD's group in @JAADjournals showed that azathioprine, prednisone, and mycophenolate are higher risk than methotrexate!
BUT, new paper showed higher rate of ventilation with kidney transplant pts who get #covid19
Check it out yourself, with encouragment from @JosephMerolaMD to check out the supplement!
Lots more to study! Here's a slide regarding risk hierarchy edited by @JosephMerolaMD
#COVID19 #COVIDDerm #medtwitter #dermtwitter