2nd installment of #dermtwitter #DistanceMedEd. Today's #tweetorial will be a brief one on...
#MedEd #FOAMEd #dermatology #medtwitter
PC: @dermnetnz
First things first - some definitions:
Vesicle: fluid filled <1 cm
Bulla: fluid filled >1 cm
Pustule - Filled with pus
- Ahem, the word you're looking for describe something with a lot of pus is "purulent," not what you're thinking....🤨
The knee-jerk response when you hear vesicobullous I think is to think it's a blistering disorder right away. FWIW, here's my old #tweetorial on that group of diseases on a high level:
But, just because something is vesicobullous, it doesn't mean there's some autoimmunity going on. Things can be infectious (like bullous impetigo seen above), or it can be inflammatory (like pustular psoriasis).
What other reaction pattern often overlaps with vesicobullous?
Yes! Eczematous dermatitis can also be vesicobullous when acute. So think contact dermatitis - when someone gets an acute poison ivy dermatitis, it's also blistering.
Here's a part of my #tweetorial on "eczema" as a group of diseases if it helps!
Any vesicle or bulla can become purulent over time.
All tense bulla will become flaccid over time.
Everything can be "The Herp" (HSV) especially in inpatients (here's looking at you @MishaRosenbach).
Helpful question: Is it follicular?
These are helpful, but,👇
Hope this helps a little. Ultimately, it's about looking at the overall picture and putting it together with other possible overlap reaction patterns to help you whittle down your ddx.
Thanks for joining! Leave any suggestions/requests! Stay safe out there with #COVID19!