Day 3 of #DistanceMedEd for #dermtwitter and #medtwitter! We've done 2 of the 5 reaction patterns so far, so let's focus in on the....
DERMAL reaction pattern!
#MedEd #FOAMEd #tweetorial #medthread PC: @dermnetnz
As opposed to the papulosquamous reaction pattern, the dermal pattern implies the action is DEEP in the DERMIS. This means that without epidermal alteration, you shouldn't see scale!
There is of course an exception with overlying xerosis or if you have another process on top!
Ultimately, a lot of these diseases are recognizable on clinical exam alone without a need for a biopsy. A biopsy of course can be done if there's confusion, but remember that a good sample including the SQ fat needs to happen if we really want to look at that layer!
If indurated/atrophic without scale --> consider this reaction pattern as you know it's not a primarily epidermal process.
If you need a biopsy, make sure you get to the layer you're looking for.
I'd add that the presence/absence of inflammation and distribution helps!
Thus far we've covered 3 out of the 5 reaction patterns! I'm hoping that with all of these together, you can get an idea of how we approach certain skin eruptions/lesions!
Drop a note below with suggestions. Thanks!