Northkoreas "ChosunCentral News" realesed anoter hate speech articel against Japan and the USA and is talking about the "Abe-Regiem" and the unhappyness of Japanese.The post is only available in korean. translation follows

Not long ago, a civil society group in Okinawa prevailed against the authorities' attempt to force the relocation of Henokero's Fudenmami Air Force Base to the end.
Civil society members demanded that the government withdraw immediately, expressing anger that the government is using unfavorable times to push for unacceptable construction projects.
This is a manifestation of disillusionment against the politicians who are engaged in the pursuit of the United States and are committed to anti-popular acts.
However, the Japanese reactionaries are not reluctant to the misery and suffering suffered by the people,
On the other side, under the ambition to revive the old imperial era even with America,
So far, the Japanese ruling class of the military force has been burdened with the burden of oversighting US troops in defense of crimes committed by US troops in Japan,
In recent years, a large-scale toxic substance outbreak at the Fudenma base has been attempted to cover the US military's lip at the site.
Subjugation and defeat are the fate of Japan.
The future of a poor nation is truly bleak"