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May 1st 2023
🇺🇸🇪🇺 « Hantés par leur passé, les Européens ont tourné le dos à la logique de la puissance militaire, en la déléguant aux Américains dans l’OTAN et en la neutralisant dans l’UE. » (v/@Grand_Continent)

Interview intéressante de l’ancien du #SGDSN 👇…
🇺🇦 « Parmi tous les pièges que la guerre tend à celui qui cherche dans ses occurrences et sa récurrence historiques à en comprendre les ressorts, le premier qu’il faut éviter est de se laisser fasciner par elle. » #Ukraine
🇫🇷🇪🇺🇺🇸 « Tant qu’il se poursuit, le conflit ukrainien empêche de clarifier le rôle de l’#OTAN en dehors de sa mission centrale et au-delà de son aire continentale. » #Ukraine
Read 18 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
Il sorvolo del #Giappone da parte di un missile balistico della Corea del Nord non è un inedito. Chiedere per capire ai residenti di #Hokkaido, già 5 anni or sono svegliati dagli altoparlanti che lanciavano l'allarme: "Lancio missilistico! Trovate rifugio sottoterra!".
Il pur inquietante suono delle sirene udite in 🇯🇵 è comunque meno allarmante della spregiudicatezza di #KimJongUn, leader alla perenne ricerca di attenzione da parte degli USA, attualmente impegnati su altri fronti e oggi richiamati a preoccuparsi degli umori di #Pyongyang.
D'altronde è una questione di interesse nazionale. Il missile lanciato oggi dalla Corea del Nord, forse un Hwasong-12, ha coperto una distanza di 4500 km, record nella storia del programma balistico 🇰🇵. #Guam, territorio USA nel Mar delle Filippine, dista "appena" 3380 km.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
NEW: Pentagon confirms #Russia trying to buy rockets/artillery from #NorthKorea - "We do have indications that Russia has approached ammunition to request ammunition" per @PentagonPresSec BrigGen Patrick Ryder

"Things are not going well on that [sustainment] front for Russia"
"This information is relevant" per @PentagonPresSec on why info on #Moscow-#Pyongyang is being shared now

"...shows the fact that they [#Russia] are trying to reach out to int'l actors like #Iran & #NorthKorea that don't have the best record"
#Ukraine's counteroffensive -"They continue to make some forward movement" per @PentagonPresSec

"We are aware they have retaken som villages"
Read 9 tweets
May 20th 2022
"We don't have any indication of the use of lasers...weaponized lasers" by #Russia in #Ukraine, per @PentagonPresSec

...this despite Russian claims its used a new generation of lasers to counter drones
US assesses #Russia is behind where it wants to be as far as progress in the #Donbas, w/Russian progress slow, uneven, per @PentagonPresSec

Says every day there are "hamlets towns and villages that are changing hands" between Russia & #Ukraine
US @SecDef Lloyd Austin to virtually host meeting of the #Ukraine Contact Group this coming Monday - more than 40 nations expected to take part, per @PentagonPresSec
Read 10 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Thread: #Putin’s Worldview:

1. He doesn’t accept defeat. Putin has never “lost” a conflict of scale. Sometimes that comes at high cost to #Russia, certainly the present econ sanctions are an example of that, plus high casualties. This leads to…
2. Win at all costs. See video from #Mariupol to see what Russian mass fires look like in 2022. Eastern and central #Ukraine are beginning to resemble #Aleppo Syria. He intends to hollow out Ukrainian state via mass distraction of infrastructure and economy. This achieves his…
3. Core goal: end Ukraine’s modernization. Putin said he wants to “demilitarize” the country, and many analysts thought that meant defeating Ukrainian military/occupation. So did I once. But lately my opinion has been that demilitarisation equates to destroying capacity to live…
Read 15 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
Breaking: House Intel Committee posts @ODNIgov's 2022 Annual Threat Assessment, aka the Worldwide Threat Assessment

"#Beijing, #Moscow, #Tehran, & #Pyongyang have demonstrated the capability & intent to advance their interests at the expense of the #UnitedStates & its allies"
"#China increasingly is a near-peer competitor, challenging the #UnitedStates in multiple arenas—especially economically, militarily & technologically—& is pushing to change global norms & potentially threatening its neighbors" per @ODNIgov report
"#Russia is pushing back against #Washington where it can—locally & globally—employing techniques up to & including the use of force" per @ODNIgov report, compiled w/info available up to January
Read 67 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
BREAKING: @ODNIgov issues assessment on Worldwide Threats a day before intel chiefs testify before lawmakers

"#Beijing, #Moscow, #Tehran, & #Pyongyang have demonstrated the capability & intent to advance their interests at the expense of the UnitedStates...despite the pandemic"
"#China increasingly is a near-peer competitor, challenging the United States in multiple arenas...#Russia is pushing back against #Washington where it can globally, employing techniques up to and including the use of force" per Annual Threat Assessment…
"#Iran will remain a regional menace w/broader malign influence activities" per @ODNIgov report "#NorthKorea will be a disruptive player on the regional & world stages"
Read 37 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #TRADE

Last year, some 13 countries registered trading with North Korea, taking in a total amount of $ 13.09 million, down by one third from $ 35.16 million in 2019,
Voice of America @VOANews reported on Tuesday based on data disclosed by the International Trade Center. #Brazil, #SouthAfrica, #Switzerland, #Bolivia, #Mozambique and #Georgia, among others, are among those countries.
Last year, North Korea's exports to these countries totaled $8.06 million, down marginally from $8.36 million in 2019, while its imports dropped by about 80% from $26.8 million in the previous year to $5.02 million. Imports from #Brazil from North Korea plummeted the most,
Read 6 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #PROPAGANDA

North Korea state controlled KCNA state media realesed following PROPAGANDA report, Titel (Korean/한굴/조선어): "조선로동당 총비서 김정은동지의 지도밑에 조선로동당 중앙위원회 제8기 제1차전원회의 진행"/
English /영어: "1st Plenary Meeting of 8th WPK Central Committee Held under Guidance of General Secretary of WPK Kim Jong Un"


"Attending the meeting were members and alternate members of the Party Central Committee who were elected at the 8th Congress of the Party."(1)
"Elected at the meeting were the Central Military Commission of the Party and there took place an election of the Central Auditing Commission of the Party according to the Party rules that had been amended." (2)
Read 8 tweets
Jan 10th 2021
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #PROPAGANDA

Northkorea realesed following PROPAGANDA state controlled report via KCNA(1,2) directly and Rodong Sinmun (로동신문) (3,4). Note last image of RS is auto translated. ImageImageImageImage
TITLE (Korean/한굴/조선어):
"영광스러운 우리 당의 강화발전을 위한 근본초석을 다진 력사적인 계기
조선로동당 제8차대회 5일회의 진행"

(English/영어): Historical Event Laying Foundation for Developing Glorious Party
Fifth-day Sitting of 8th WPK Congress Held"

"They stressed that the meaningful successes achieved in developing the socialist construction despite unprecedented manifold trials and difficulties are entirely a precious fruition of the wise leadership of the Party Central Committee." (1)
Read 6 tweets
Jan 9th 2021
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #PROPAGANDA

The KCNA state controlled media published following PROPAGANDA to the 4th day of the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). Title (korean): 조선로동당 제8차대회 4일회의 진행/ English:8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) ImageImage
Added Video via there YT with english dub

LENGTH: 4:04Minuts
Read 4 tweets
Jan 7th 2021
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #PROPAGANDA

uriminzokkiri or korean 우리민족키리 previosuly realesrd following PROPAGANDA video to the 8th Congress of the Workers party of Korea. (7th January 2021) NOW THE KCNA TV REPORT IS REALESED WITH ENGLISH SUBS

Length 10:09 Minuts
Part 1
I made a mistake this is why it took longer...I m sorry but here is the full PROPAGANDA report in english

*DUBS nt subs
Read 6 tweets
Jan 7th 2021
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #PROPAGANDA

The state controllled KCNA realesed this report via the Rodong Sinmun (로동신문) with the name "Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Continues Report on Work of 7th Central Committee of WPK

Second-day Sitting of Eighth Congress of WPK Held"
korean headline (한굴/조선어): "경애하는 김정은동지께서 조선로동당 중앙위원회 제7기 사업총화보고를 계속하시였다
조선로동당 제8차대회 2일회의 진행"
Points to note:

The report given at the second-day sitting analyzed the situation of the transport, capital construction and building-materials industry, communications, commerce, land and environment protection, urban management, external economic relations
Read 8 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #PROPAGANDA

Report on one side by the Northkore state media.

"경애하는 김정은동지께서 조선로동당 중앙위원회 제7기 사업총화보고를 시작하시였다"

"Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Starts Report on Work of 7th Central Committee of WPK"
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #PROPAGANDA

Two sided report

"조선로동당 제8차대회에서 한 개회사

Before I was able to translate it this articel got deleted.🤔 weird
Rodong Sinmun (로동신문) news papper today.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2021


North Korean state media says the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea has started in the capital Pyongyang. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has said the economic plan has failed☡



8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea opened in #Pyongyang
As a bit to understand that this is a big supprise so🚨
Read 23 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #PROPAGANDA

I think Northkorea will keep details about the eighth party congress secret which it said would be held in early January longer secret instead this well lets call it "nonsense". They instead praise the leadership...
North Korea declared the opening dates 20 days and 10 days before the day-long event for the sixth Workers' Party congress, held in October 1980 and the seventh in May 2016. But nothing until now...
For the last party congress in 2016, some 3,000 selected party members from around the country had assembled in Pyongyang.
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Jan 5th 2021
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #PROPAGANDA #Coronavirus

Northkorea published a video about "North koreas fight against Corona" with the video named in japanese "北朝鮮 「 非常 防疫 大戦 : 新型 コロナ 防疫 宣伝 煽動 番 組 ( H84H8 NO 早 LE9 08 ) 」 KCTV 2021/01/04 日本語 字幕 付き" or in
english "North Korea "Emergency Epidemic Prevention War: New Corona Epidemic Prevention Promotion Group (H84H8 NO Early LE9 08)" KCTV 2021/01/04". I mean is it just me or is it very weird they often show only one person disinficated a area or unnecesary places were no people are?
The video it self is very likely only from Pyongyang and near by area so dont think that other parts of NK would be like Pyongyang. Between Pyongyang and the rest of NK are world diffrences in infrastructure and constructions and more.
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Dec 31st 2020
#NorthKorea #WHO #Pyongyang #Coronavirus

According to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) report, North Korea says it has screened more than 11,700 individuals for COVID-19 and has zero reported cases of the virus as of Dec. 17.
WHO said this week that 23,140 COVID-19 test samples were registered by the DPRK among 11,707 individuals as of Dec. 17. The latest update indicates that during the week of Dec.11 to Dec.17 alone, North Korea screened 777 individuals for COVID-19.
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Dec 29th 2020
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #Coronavirus #PrisonCamps #DeathCamps

For Covid flouters, North Korean authorities have opened prison camps, naming them "special criminals," with some reportedly dying a day after being placed there.
A new policy has been developed by the North Korean Workers' Party that categorizes as 'special criminals' those who violate quarantine laws, claiming they are guilty of political crimes - despite reports that there has not been one case of the virus in the region.
The camps, which have so far seen 'greatly growing' numbers of quarantine violators, have been approved by Kim Jong-un, the country's chief, reports the Express. A new prison camp was opened in Hwachon, according to a source, that will accommodate the new category of convict.
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Dec 26th 2020
#NorthKorea #China #Pyongyang #Trade

Voice of America notes that last month, owing to border closures in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, North Korean exports to China plummeted to just over two thousand dollars.
According to VOA, Chinese customs data reveals that in November, North Korean exports to China accounted for $2,382.
This excludes just over one million dollars from the export of electricity from the jointly built hydroelectric power plant, which VOA does not consider as an export.
Among the products exported to China by North Korea, cosmetics made up the largest share, at over $1800.
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Nov 18th 2020
#NorthKorea #WHO #Pyongyang #Geneva #Coronavirus

According to a report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the 17th, 6173 people are suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus in North Korea as of October 29, until the 22nd, a week ago.
The number increased by 805 compared to 5368 confirmed in. From October 22nd to 29th, 174 people were newly quarantined, and the estimated total number of quarantined people in North korea is 32,182. A total of 12,072 people have undergone PCR testing,
and no one has been reported as infected by the 5th of this month, WHO reports. North Korea has set the number of people infected with the new coronavirus to "zero," but is tightening its reins to prevent epidemics.
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Nov 12th 2020
#NorthKorea #UN #IAEO #Pyongyang #AtomicBombs

After a recent report said the isolated nation's nuclear weapons arsenal was breaching international law, North Korea has accused the UN agency responsible for controlling atomic energy of being a puppet of hostile countries.
Since abandoning the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003, Pyongyang has steadily developed an atomic arsenal and has tested many nuclear bombs in the years since.
North Korea 's military has made rapid progress in its nuclear arms and ballistic missile programs since Kim Jong Un took over from his father as the country's supreme leader, and has been subjected to increasingly strict international sanctions as a result.
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Nov 11th 2020
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #Starvation #foodwaste #Food #crise


As North Korea faces a new wave of starvation, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has threatened penalties for people found wasting food.
“At the beginning of this month, the Central Committee [of the Korean Workers’ Party] ordered residents to actively participate in solving our food crisis this year as part of a food-saving struggle,”
@RadioFreeAsia was told on condition of anonymity by an official from the country's North Hamgyong province. “The order emphasized that the struggle not only solves the problem of how we will eat, it is a matter of protecting the socialist system,” the source added.
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Nov 9th 2020
#NorthKorea #Pyongyang #ECONOMY

A study found that the rate of increase in total factor productivity of the North Korean economy has been negative since the 1970s.
This means that the capital and labor input to the economy continued to increase, but the efficiency of the economic structure steadily declined. The researchers said, "It clearly shows that long-term growth can only be promoted by (North Korean) system change."
Pyo Hak-gil, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Economics at Seoul National University, Cho Tae-hyung, head of the North Korean Economic Research Department, the Bank of Korea, and Kim Min-jeong,
Read 12 tweets

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